Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 09, 2008
kagi nochi tobira

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Stuck already! Rooms 8 and 11.....
This is fun and original! I'll try some more levels now :-)
Completed! (Mainly by sheer luck, though...!!)
how did you do 8?
can't do six or nine, 8 didn't show up...how come?
sorry, not 9, I meant 11
room 11 click right button on mouse 2x
Conny Netherlands
room 8: click the left door many times
room 10: Click and hold the lichtswitch a few times. When all the line intersect in one place remember it and then click there
Room 13: shoot and dont forget to click the key and door when bullit is passing.
room 14: Move the vertical knob up until all the numbers line up. Then move the horizontal knob to the left and a key will appear. It’ll also unlock the numbers box on the right
You have to arrange the numbers in the right box front to back as they appear when you move the vertical and horizontal knobs
It's like mastermind, 1 right place right color etc.
I did it with (1,2,3,0,4,5,6)
room 16: keep clicking in the rithem of the falling bricks
Dont click to fast you'll have to start over again
Key: ca. click numner 45
then start over again for the door. When you get to 60 the souds stops and if you get to 100 it stops and you see the door
Conny Netherlands
Room 15: slide the horizontal thing away, = key
lift the brick as far as you can till you hear a click, push button
room 16: type the words you see as fast as you can
Room 17: right roll up = key
put long roll in yellow field and place short roll at his top. it changes into a hamer hit the yellow field in the middle and door will come
Room 19:
click and hold on the yellow thing and move your mouse too the left with a strong/fast motion, the click just underneath the bottom drawer = key
click the upper right corner at the dot, it's a door
Room 20: set the time as it is at your computer, you get the key
Yes yes I did it
There is another room : Room E
It's the closing credits
Conny Netherlands
hey conny
i cant follow your comment to level 10....
can you describe in more detail?
I feel stupid - I can't get No.5 - any help? Please?
Also No. 10 - I saw the hint and saw the screen where everything intersects to one spot - but it disappears - can't click on that spot 2x (tried to do from memory and it didn't work)
at level 5 you don´t have to think a lot....just click as fast as you can to the key ;)
patrax - thanks!
I can't get past level 6 :(
i don't get level 13:-(
Level 13:
You have to shoot at the key and klick the mouse when your shot passes the key. Same for door.
You only have 3 shots every time round.
On Level 19, I cannot find the dot. Can you be more specific?
can't do 6 or 9 HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a side note, if anyone cared to know...
"kagi nochi tobira" means "key, then door".
Room 6: Use your keyboard to follow the instructions.
Room 9: Drag your mouse and follow the arrows.
For Level 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To find the door: if you were looking at the door head on, so that you could only see the drawers, top right of that view point would be where you click.
So where the top of the drawer meets the front of the drawer on the right-hand side is where the dot is.
Hey Conny can you explain 14 again.....i dont get the second part........
If any one can help it would be nice..... :) Thaanks
United States
hey dudes whats wit number 14 i cant get pass it...... HELP ME DUDES
Any suggestions for room 12?
Conny doesn't seem to be here, so I'll answer for her:
#10: Hold the mouse button down when you click. Keep holding and clicking. At some point, when your button is down, all the lines will intersect. Let go and click on the exact spot where they did.
#14: First part, do as Conny said. Second part, arrange the numbers on the right the way the numbers on the left are stacked when you move them one on top of the other (F for front, R for rear). When you click two numbers on the right, they switch places.
I have got Rm 14 , the 2nd set of numbers to be (0,0) but there seems to be no door coming out for my key to go. what is wrong?
Awesome music for the endgame credits :D
Pleeeese help me with 12, thanks
My level 16 has no falling bricks or words. Just two boxes with 0s in them (or a 0 and 1 if I click the circle in the middle) and some lines at the bottom. I'm at a complete loss. What do I do with this?
The magic of posting! On level 16, click the "domino" on the bottom left, and they will start falling. The goal is to click on the center circle exactly in rhythm with the falling dominos for 100 dominos.
Can anyone help me with room 4?
Hey i'll help you on 4 you have to move the mouse so the numbers above the key are zero.....you do the same thing for the numbers underneath the door
ok i beat 11 but by pure luck i was workin on that 4 like 3 hours!!!! i hate that one!!!
I beet it lol its a fun game but i couldn't of beat it without yall's help!!!!
Alright! I can't figure out what your suppose to do on 18?
Really nice game. Very challenging and showed a lot of skill, imo. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the cheat sheets!
18 you type the words
can somone help me with #12????!!!!! Thanks!
I NEED HELP! #14! thanks!!
i can't do number 10 its really really buggin me !
nice game
*just like my style*
u know what i mean right bart? :D (ok i know i began to be annoying *giggle*)
i always like bart's suggestions even :)
if you help me i will give you my home in january
Help with 12? Real simple.....slide the bottom bar all the way to the left, it doesn't just slide, you have to walk it along, then put the cursor on the bottom of the flat yellow and and move it all the way up until it clicks.....there's the door. let me know if it works....
how to do no. 14
i got the but canot find the door
how to do no. 14
i got the but canot find the door
haha, best ending ever! it made me go like: "hmm...what do i have to do here?" XD when i realised that, i also realised i was becoming a kagi nochi tobira nerd 8D
i finished it to room E thanks for your comments it really helped me, it is really avery fun &smart game iwill miss it
ich schaffe nummer 10 nicht..... hilfeeeeeeee
vielleicht in deutsch......
I am a spanner.. I can't even start the bloomin game
someone help???!!!
Anyone been able to do number 5 without a mouse? (Touchpad or thumbstick on laptop)
I'm using a touchpad on a laptop, and I couldn't beat number 5.
I've used toughpad, no problems.. but I cant seem to figure out 11 though :/ Any help?
i really can't do level 11 can anyone help me out??
On 11 you right click twice.
omfg still don't get the second part of no. 14... help plz?
nevermind. figured it out ;P
I am so sad, because I am so slow!
I cannot go to rooms 13-20 because I'm unable to beat room 5 :((((
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