Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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May 17, 2012
offspring fling

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Oy vey!
So, the design seems blatently stolen from the Pokemon world (which is fine but difficult to ignore) and the "Toss and Go" Level seems unpassable. Other than those issues it was fun. Thanks for this one, Bart :)
@ -k, I'm glad it wasn't just me that noticed that the game looked like a Pokemon ripoff!
This game is okay, but I tire of the recent trend to tirelessly instigate the player to reach certain "time goals". I understand it's in the developer's interest to keep players playing so they will view ads longer and thus create revenue, but it is annoying. With the exception of doggnation, I love how Bart doesn't code his games to shame you into playing levels over and over and over again to try and get on some leaderboard somewhere that no one truly cares about except for the other addicts who will replay things until they are blind just to skim 0.04 seconds off of their most recent attempt.
Toss and Go. How?
I was struggling with the same level. The time limits are ridiculously low.
How to do "Toss and Go":
Jump on the red button
Take the chick with you.
Throw it on the highest point on the very right side
Climb up there as well, pick it up jump down the rock, while simultaneously throwing the chick.. run very fast to the red barrier thing.
The chick will land on the button and open the gate
If you want to see a ridiculously difficult (if not nearly impossible) level, then "Play Catch".
Yay! A new game! See I am a 7 year old girl and tomorrow my class and me get to eat cotton candy!
so before we did that I wanted to relax and play a game on your web blog. And then, at the perfect time, you posted another one! YAY!!!
@ Anonymous 17 May 2012 21:57,
You really shouldn't put "I am a 7 year old girl" out there for the world to see. You also seem very hyper. Take it easy on that cotton candy.
@ anonymous may 22:06 : i brought the cotton candy and each bag is very small. Also did you know next our class gets cracker jacks and coke? I got those too!
oops typo! @ anonymous may 17 22:06 is what i meant to write.
another typo! meant to write next week
Yeesh..... Go away you annoying little 7 year old spammer!
@ anonymous may 18 00:20: All right. I am done shielding myself from trouble. I am kingofcamolot, the one who you told to go away! Go ahead, laugh and yell all you want. But i tricked you! you thought i went away. but i did not!
kingofcamolot(the person who tricked you! HA HA HA!)
I remember the good old days when we talked about the games on this blog...
This game is a lot of fun! Very simple mechanics, pretty good puzzles for the demo, and stylish. I'm not really sure why people are in a tizzy about it resembling Pokemon. You'd be hard-pressed to find any cute anime-ish creatures that don't resemble each other.
Anyways, will be buying this to support the developer soon.
Odd name, because my school had their Spring Fling last week...
Anyways, great game Bart! Too bad its limited...
Very fun, but plz dont make game like that where u can only play little.
Tizzy? That's a little strong, especially since what I wrote in reference to the, uh, "resemblance" was:
"(which is fine but difficult to ignore)"
And, though many anime-ish creatures resemble each other, it is because they are "anime-ish". That style carries with it certain expectations from character look.
It is, however, not uncommon to see creative characters who have those standard features without looking exactly like well established characters from an extremely well-known syndication. It is not overly difficult to either make your own character design or bring on a team member to do so when creating an original game. When you fail to do that is is disappointing and tends to make me think the game creators are either lazy or attempting to capitalize upon another person/group 's popularity and, as such, is very distracting for me.
so cute! but on level three theres a jump thats so high i dont know how anyone cd do it. and i also noticed the fact of how pokemon it was.
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