By popular demand I made a sequel to that sugary puzzler. So here it is, enjoy sugar, sugar 2 !
Draw and get enough sugar in the cups and complete the 30 brand new levels to unlock a brand new freeplay mode.
If you like the game, please take a moment to share the game on facebook, twitter or wherever you want, thanks!
Hooray??? THXS :)
This brightened my evening ^_^ .
Excellent - thank you Bart!!
ARGH! LEVEL 9!!!!!!! Still this is a good game! I LOVE SUGAR!!!!
Hey bart this has cool music!
yay! my favorite bonte game!
There's a slight... music problem. You can't shut it down.
I'm not fond of this one. I'm already stuck at level 4. I'll just wait for the next Factory Balls game.
Sure you can shut the music down, have a look in the main menu or the level select screen in the upper right :)
@Anonymous stuck on level 4: there's a hole in the ground ...
Thanks Bart. Your games are always a favourite around our house.
OMG I can't believe it is finally out! I absolutely love this game! Thanks Bart!
Love it Bart, I'm on level 24 for the moment, brilliant game as always
Thank you Bart, thank you Bart, thank you Bart, this is my favorite game!
love it :-) so good :-)
Yesssssssssssss I know what to do the rest of the day :-)
Zucker,Zucker Zwei !!! Es ist genial!!! Wie Sie sehen konnen Ich spreche Deutsch!
Such a lovely game Bart!
Trying to sleep but cannot until i finish game and have school tomoz but need to finish game. Level 24 at the moment. How many levels are there??? 30, same as last time???
Thx for the new game, bart, great!
Does it save as you go???
30 levels, and yes level progress is saved
thx bart
wohoooo at last a Bontegame :D
i love sugar sugar and thank u Bart :)
Well there goes my productivity for the rest of the day. Whoohooo!!! Thanks Bart!
Last level yey...
I see someone else is also stuck on level 9. And Bart what is with the new picture? Is that an eye patch?
Brilliant end
Great game thx bart
It is shadow...
I love the sequel! Sugar, Sugar is one of those games I would never have thought would be so enjoyable, but turned out to be of my favorites.
Thank you for sharing, Bart!
Level 9;
.....................sugar, sugar2
Not very good image thing but i hope u get the jist...
.....................sugar, sugar2
Bit better
29 and 30 were killers, but wonderful!
YAY! Awesome! I love it I love it I love it I love it!!!
Thank you, Bart!!!
A new Bonte game, AWESOME!!!
Stuck on Level 8. Saw my mom play and Level 14 had white diamonds. Didn't see THAT coming!
Sugar Sugar, oh Honey Honey! I love it!
Fantastic new game Bart! I love the Sugar, Sugar series and am very glad you decided to make another! Thanks!
TOP Great Game Bart
love sugar games
thank you! thank you! i love sugar sugar. and i think i love you, too for doing sugar sugar 2!
Thank you Bart!
Loved every single level
(^^) thank you Bart!!
I have been waiting for sugar,sugar game.
i don't like this kind of games you make..
I am in the 20's and every time a new level comes up I go " are you kidding me?!" then i get through it and am happy, then i see the next one... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?
This is so good! I've played it through twice now!
I was hoping you would release a sequeal! This really made my day! Thank you so much!
Bonte, love your games, as always. I'm very picky with my games, and you pass the test. Hopefully this is some constructive criticism, but I noticed the line carrying sugar is a little fuzzy. :)
Great game, Bart! Sugar sugar is like a little friend!
I got stuck on level 28, it's impossible to finish it!
But I really enjoyed this game :)
Hi Bart, have you done any changes in this game recently? I got to level 28 - first the sugar didn't start falling, then only four pieces of sugar fell down and now the sugar doesn't start falling again.
@Anonymous Thanks for letting me know, you just found a small bug. This could happen when the very first level you played was 28, when you play any other level before it would not happen.
But I have fixed the bug now. Cheers!
I'm glad I could help :) And I'm also glad I can finish the game now ;)
Thanks, love these games
Yey! Amazingly I got right to the end, lthough I had a few 'thats impossible moments'. Excellent game Bart.
Need more suuuuuugaaaaaar! Nice game Bart :-)
Yujuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^ Por fin!!! Sweet!!!
that is very VERY very very awesome
sugar sugar so sweet
Anonymous alliterative
Yay! I've been waiting for this! :D
i hate this game soo much! >:(
This was great!
I always love the sugar, sugar games most, they're so relaxing! :D
The teleporters you added were fun, too! Maybe you could add one to the freeplay mode next time? =)
All in all, very good job and one of your best creations so far, I think! <3
I hate you. I had a nightmare last night that I was drowning in sugar. I will not recover.
Anonymous 19:49 is A HATER!!!!!! BRING YOUR CRAZY HATEFULNESS ELSEWHERE!! NO HATEFULNESS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!! BUT......I had that dream too.........STILL.........I CAN RECOVER FROM IT!
Bart, can you remove the adds? While I was waiting for Sugar Sugar 2 to load, there was a quit smoking commercial, and another time they showed this surgery... ...Can you please remove the adds?
suger 1 was goed ik ga nu spelen maar lukt goed van:lieven uit 1iw vti-aalst
hoi bart ik ben een student in vti aalst 1iw ik vind al je games zeer goed maar deze is de best
suger suger 1 is supper
en nu suger suger 2 is nog leuker
rik uit 1iw vti aalst
Hup 1iw vti Aalst hup! :)
Ik vind het een super leuke game en alle andere ook quinten 1iw vti aalst
De leerlingen vinden het vooral 'graaf' ;-) Super sugar!
hey bart jij bent echt een toffe gast jij bent zeer goed in die spelletjes maken jij krijgt zeer veel groeten van en sugar sugar 2 is zeer goed danku voor de site he hihihih
nicolas gilliet 1iw aalst vti de puytenput
hey bart jij bent echt een toffe gast jij bent zeer goed in die spelletjes maken jij krijgt zeer veel groeten mij ................... en sugar sugar 2 is zeer goed danku voor de site he hihihih
nicolas gilliet 1iw aalst vti de puytenput
Het is echt een super leuk spel.
ik zou het iedereen aanraden om dit spel te spelen.
scholier van VTI-Aalst
good job :)
thijs, 1iw vti-aalst
Zalig spel :)
Echt wel aan te raden!
Lisa, 1IW, VTI Aalst
I love all of your games but especially the sugar games - so amazing!!
YAY!! Love it, love it, love it! Thanks Bart we love you - but I'm STUCK! for the first time ever in a sugar game! level 21. . . . pfft, just can't do it GRRRRR
More! I want to be diabetic (Just kidding to those who are) More sugar sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes ! My favourite Bonte's game ! Thank you, Bart.
hey bart, i love this game! i think an "undo" button would have been great, for example in case you accidentally put a bump into your line, which could force you to start over again.
Dear Bart, can I get the music theme of the game apart? I`d like to listen it all the time with my Walkman.
Really, really cool!!
I love your Sugar games Bart but, oh my! I am SO stuck on level 30... I haven't managed to get a single red grain into the red cup yet and I've been trying since day two! Oh well, back to it. Thanks Bart - for driving me craaaazzy!! lol
I loved part 1, and I'm so happy that you made a part 2!
Very nice game and idea, cool new levels, and the best thing is that the gameplay is just like the first one - just plain and perfect.
Thank you very much, keep on going!
I love sugar, sugar...sweet simple calm long game. Always so sad when there is just a few grains though.
these Sugar, sugar games are FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
Thank you for making them. Much success!!!!
Please, please, make'em available for ipads....
When will you be making another game? I've played all the Sugar, Sugar games a dozen times. So great!
More levels, MORE LEVELS!!! PLEASE!
I love the Sugar Sugar games - hope you will consider making more
Love the games!!! Gah! STUCK ON LEVEL 17 HELP PLEASE!!!!
I tried achieving lvl 17 without using the gravity button until the very last second. It's possible but very slow. I did it but it wasn't very funny after all...
Oldie but goodie #2 :))
100th comment!!!
I found a way to beat level 9 without ever switching gravity. That was very satisfying. Thank you Bart!
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