Subject of this flashback post is the bonte room 2, which went online back in June 2006. Of course this was a follow up to the bonte room 1, with the same simple room layout and the introduction of the notoriously squeaking parrot. Let's move on to the walkthrough, so you'll definitely have to stop reading here if you haven't played the game before and don't want me to spoil the fun. Squeak!
Take a left turn and grab the coin that's on top of the second parrot painting. Take another left turn and grab the ruler from the blackboard. Take another left turn and notice there's something inside the fan. Unscrew the four screws of the fan using the coin, remove the grid from the fan and block the fan using the ruler so you can grab the chipcard without cutting your fingers. Insert the chipcard into the slot of the peanuts machine and push the flashing button to get some peanuts. You could feed these to the parrot, but the parrot will just eat them ...
Take a look at the code on the blackboard: 1,2,3underlined,2,1underlined. Notice there are 3 white and 1 red button on the fireplace. With the blackboard code you can light the fireplace, oh yes you can: the 1,2,3 digits refer to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd white button on the fireplace, the underlining refers to the fact that you have to combine the white button with the red button (with the red button you can make the white buttons stay lit). So, to light the fireplace: press first white button (1), second white button (2), red button and third white button (3underlined), red button again otherwise the next button will stay lit, second white button (2), red button and first white button (1underlined). The fireplace should be full of flames!
Now put the grid of the fan on top of the fire in the fireplace. Makes a nice grill, not? You could grill the peanuts on the fireplace now and feed them to the bird, but the parrot will again just eat them, we're still missing something to make the peanuts really tasty :)
Grab the ruler that's still blocking the fan and use it to reach the niche under the fireplace: you'll find a piece of metal wire. Try to stab the cactus with the wire: it's too blunt. Put the wire into the fan, it'll slice the wire sharp. Stab the cactus with it to produce some delicious cactus milk :) Put the peanuts in the cactus milk for that extra flavour :) now roast them on the fireplace and feed them to the parrot. He'll so love his cactus flavoured roasted peanuts, that he'll throw you a key out of his cage! Of course the key opens the door!
As a bonus you can go and watch the parrot squeaking at you as you click it :)
I hope you enjoy these bonte games flashbacks and please feel free to leave your comments! I'll keep on flashing back in the next weeks but of course there'll be new bonte games as well!
Thnx Bart :D
I love Your Games!
Make more Room Escape games ;D
Mr. Bart,
i can not figure out for the life of me the silly grain thing. I know there is a video on how to solve it...but i still can't figure it out...i swear during the first fuzz there is a step missing...any info would be great!!
I think you are talking about the Chicken Grow game, right? Well I still need to a flashback on that one, but to help you with the grains, why don't you have a look over here:
how are you serpose to get the grill on the fire place
wt was really a pain in da ass, was da fire place, da combination was like wow, or am jus too stupid :D
very good indeed.. i had a good 33 minutes with this
when i was playing the game i was stuck on the fire place i tried the code but it did'nt work it said 1,2and3 underlined and 2and1 were underline but when i played it only 3 and the 1 on the end were underlined so i played antother game.
Hope this is clear:
To light the fire place:
- press first white button
- press second white button
- press red button
- press third white button
- press red button
- press second white button
- press red button
- press first white button
I got everything right, but I'm stuck with trying to stop the fan. The ruler doesn't work, and neither does the wire...=/
i cant put the roasted peanuts in the cactus milk!!
the fireplace cheat on the parrot game doesnt work 4 me :-( LOL
I cant turn to left or right, stuck in first 'room' though I can interact with other things in the screen. Flash player 10 ;/
It works for me in flash player 10.
You can turn around in the room by clicking the very left and very right...
i cant find the hole to put the card in
im bored =]
how do get the grill on the fire place
i dont get the code for the fireplace im so confused
I have chicken growing issues. :(
How do you get the grill on the fireplace??
Awesome game. The fireplace was tricky, but I love your room escape games! Make more!
Dear Bart,
I really love playing the game doggnation. But now I don't kwow how to play level 44.Maybe you can help me?
the ansver at the BONTE room 2 game when you have to leave a code at the grill but i dosent work
Hello, Bart! I need with the fireplace! The code doesn't work! I have tried everything!
i need help on youre fire place game my peanuts wont go in cactuse milk please leave step by step instructins
answer do not roast nuts till after you put in cactuse milk
im not sure if its only on mah computer but, if you highlight from where it says 'So, to light the fireplace:' to the first perenthesisand right before the second one, and keep holding the left button on your mouse, the letters move!! >.>
If you feed the parrot cactus flavor roasted peanuts when you already have a key... he gives you another!
And another and another and another...
It's just that you only see one in your inventory. :)
Edit: You can only use the above tactic once. :( If you try it after you have two keys, the peanut machine says you already have a peanut.
I paricularly liked the doghop game and the clue to opening the safe.The part with the vending machine seemed highly unintuitive to me.
online mahjong
Mr. Bonte, please help me with getting the wire out! I have tried everything! I am using the ruler but it still won't come out. What exactly do I have to do? Please advise.
Hey Bart! My boyfriend just got me addicted to flash games, or so he thinks...It was Factory Balls that got me addicted and then I found "sugar, sugar", found out it was by you and looked up your website. :D
I figured out how to escape from Room 2, but no matter where I click, the fire will not accept my peanuts, even when they are highlighted. :'( Maybe there is a way to fix that?
Can't wait to play more games!!!!
This game sounds fun, I'll be sure to try this out. Thanks.
that game was so cool i want you to make more
How do you get the fan blocked by the ruler?
my parrot just sits there after eating the cactus peanuts. isnt it supposed to throw keys at me?
The fireplace code doesn't work,HELP!!!
For anyone who scrolled to the bottom of the comment list in 2013 here is a walkthrough on how to solve the game: When you get on the game go to your left. Get the coin that is located on the second picture of the parrot. Make another left. Note the code on the chalk board. 1 2 3underlined 2 1underlined. Grab the ruler which is located on the chalkboard. Make a left. You see that there is something stuck in the fan. The fan is screwed on. What do you have with you that might unscrew the fan? A coin! Equip your coin and make sure that you are clicking on the screws. If you do it should have a message that says: Nice one! I can unscrew this screw with a coin. After you get all of the screws taken off, click on the fan and you will get a grate. You see what looks like a card. What do you have that might be able to stop the fan? A ruler! Stick the ruler in the fan. You just click anywhere on the fan and it will go in. But if click on the card with the ruler a message will pop up. Grab the card. And take the ruler back. Make a right. If you have tried putting a coin in the slot by the blinking light on the peanut machine then you know a chip card goes there. Take your card and click on the slot. Now press the blinking light. I will give you peanuts! make a right. Now remember the code for the fireplace? 1 2 3 underlined 2 1 underlined You use it on the fireplace to light it up. Note that the fireplace has a red button and 3 white buttons. Those are the buttons you will use to enter the code. Now enter the code like this:
-click 1st white button
-click 2nd white button
-click red button
-click 3rd white button
-click red button
-click 2nd white button
-click red button
-click 1st white button
Now you should have a fire. Take your metal grate and put it in the fire place where you see little slots sticking out. Now take your ruler. Find the gray are under neath the fire place. See the black line? With your ruler equiped click the black line, you should get a wire. Make a right twice. If you equip the wire and poke the cactus it says the wire is to dull. What do you think could sharpen it? The fan! Click the wire, then the fan. Now the wire is sharp. Now you can poke the cactus. It should squirt out milk. If you haven't roasted the nuts yet then click on them then the milk. If you have roasted them then follow these steps:
-make a left
-click the nuts
- click the bird
-make a right twice
-click the blinking light on the peanut machine
-make a left
-put the peanuts in the milk
Now you have peanuts in cactus milk. Make a right twice. Click the peanuts, then the grate. Click the grate again to get the peanuts. Make a right. Feed the parrot the nuts. It will drop a key to the door. Viola! You escaped!
i cant put the roasted peanuts in the milk, it just says "it's a puddle of cactus milk!"
AshT: maybe you're clicking on the wrong area.
Can you make a solution for Loose The Moose??
can u make a solution for Loose The Moose
Yes I should still make a Loose the moose walkthrough. Here's already a text walkthrough:
Go to the coatrack, take the hat, shake the coat multiple times to get the key and the coin.
Examine the painting, you must make the safe box resemble the colored sections of the painting, this will get you the CD.
Use the glove to take out the lightbulb from the lamp and put it in the desk lamp.
Click on the cord above the keyboard to drop it down and plug it in: you need a disk.
Use the coin to buy a gumball and place it in front of the mouse hole.
When the mouse comes out to get it, trap it under the hat and block his mousehole with the cd before lifting up the hat.
The mouse will go under the couch, click the pillows to get him to move and play with the computer cord to get him up on the desk.
Move the lamp so it is the lowest position.
Move the antlers so they're open and the little parts of it are all open (pointed away from his head). This will open the moose's eyes.
Then do the exact opposite (everything moved in) and the moose will give you the disk.
Put the disk in the computer, the mouse will jump to the lamp. Fling the mouse with the lamp.
Get the bulb out of the desklamp and put it back in the hanging fixture.
The mouse will jump on the moose, leaving a crack in the wall.
Repeat the procedures to get the mouse back up and jump into the crack in the wall.
Get another coin and gumball, trade the gumball for the key with the mouse...
Hi mr bart, i love your games but i just can't do the fireplace sequence. I did it right but it didn't work. Can u help?=)
hi bart ,I actually solved it. I'd just like to know could u possibly make a factory balls 5? I love those a LOT. thanks.=)
Cheers! Well maybe I'll make FB5 one day, but first I have some other games to make on my list :)
Hi mr bart I'd like to know what game systems do u use to make your games
Thanks =)
hi mr bart just to let u know i'm the same person who asked u about fb5 and also with the game system (btw please reply)
just a random thing i thought u might want to know =)
I'm using Adobe Flash, cheers!
Hi mr bart it's me again. I decided to play one of your other games :fields of logic and i can't seem to pass a level. Do u have a solution or walkthrough ?
:)(FYI I changed my smiley faces):)
No there's no solution online.
What level are you having problems with? Cheers!
Hi Mr bart. I'm stuck on level 4 (fields of logic just in case).
:)P.S. I'm really dumb :) Please reply
Anonymous P.S.s. I'm the same person!!!!:)
Hi mr Bart turns out ifigured it out. Sorry:)
But just in case please write back with the whole solution.:) Sorry to waste your time:)
P.S.I'm the same person!!!!!
P.S.S. never would have guessed that would u?
I am confused over the fireplace. Are the lights supposed to stay lit?
No: press white button 1, white button 2, red button, white button 3, red button, white button 2, red button, white button 1
Mr Bart,I've been waiting for the solution for ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss. Can u plz type it up? P.S U haven't commented back yet. :(
Oops sorry, but here it is, the Fields of Logic walktrough!
1: Just click all of the screens
2: Just click all the screens again
3: Click the screens that don't have cows
4: Click all the dark green screens, then the light green screens
5: Make an x with all the screens
6: Bring all the screens upfront and click on them again.
7: If you have the cow showing turn the screen that's one closer to you, flip it, and repeat until the cow is at the front
8: You have to click the screens in order. (x equals turned)
9: Make a chess board crisscross by turning the screens
10: Complete the puzzle
11: Click furthest center screen, then furthest right and furthest left screens, click on center screen, lastly click on the nearest center screen
12: Turn all screen to blue
13: Click the center screen, click the nearest right screen, click the screen located on the left side of the center screen, click the most left screen, click on the furthest center screen, click on the furthest right screen (in front of the nearest one). Now left with 2 screens, click on the further one then the nearer one.
14: Click on the nearest screen, click all the screens twice on the left and right sides, lastly click the furthest screen three times
15: Have all the screens with same color: pink
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Click screen 9, 12, 3, 1, 6, 15, 11, 16
Hey, Bart, I'm stuck on the oven on The Bonte Room 2, even though I did what you said! :(
P.S I LOVE your games!!! I'm always playing logic games and coming on this website. I hope you can make more games (if you have time) ;)
Please answer me back soon
Thanks for the compliments Julianna :)
Ok, let me try to explain how to operate the oven a bit more clearly:
To turn on the fireplace:
Look at the 3 rectangular buttons on the right (#1 to #3 from left to right) and the red one on the left.
Click on #1 and then click on #2.
Click on the red button (turn on).
Click on #3.
Click on the red button again (turn off).
Click on #2.
Click on the red button (turn on).
Click on #1.
I hope this is clear now, or are you having problems with another part?
Let's face it: most of us don't use our dining rooms on a daily basis and to relegate such prime real estate to only the occasional dalliance seems like a waste of beautiful space.kansas city granite and quartz
Thank you so much for the fields of logic solution. i completed some of the levels though.
P.S I hope i didn't waste your time
the darn bird will not drop a key, even though i fed it roasted and catus-flavored peanuts D:<
I cannot put the ruler into the fan for some reason
Are you sure you unscrewed the 4 screws with the coin and removed the grid first? After that you can put the ruler.
Wow! I completed Fields of logic in less than 5 minutes!!!
Hey Bart, I was wondering what game engine you use to make your games. Thanks! ~Anonymous
I'm using Adobe Flash or Adobe Animate as it is called now :) cheers!
couldn't roast the peanuts...?
Did you light the fireplace? A walkthrough is in the post text, cheers!
how do you get the meatl grate on the fire place help with that please bart?
Use the coin that's on top of the second parrot painting to unscrew the screws of the metal grate before the fan.
For anyone who wants to know how to solve Fields Of Logic, I am giving a solution of how to solve the game. Level 1- Click on the four computers. Level 2- Click on the 8 computers. Level 3- Don't click on the cow screens. Level 4- Find the correct sequence. Level 5- Don't click on the middle and corners. Level 6- Get all computers to the front of the screen, then click them all. Level 7- Click on the first 3 computers twice until the cow screen is on the first computer. Level 8- Complete the sequence. Level 9- Make a screen chess board. Level 10- Click the blocks to make a cow. Level 11- Each computer will turn around itself and it's neighbours. Do this until all of them are turned around. Level 12- Make all screens have blue grass. Level 13- Same as level 8 but with more computers. Level 14- For example, if it is in the third row then click it three times. Level 15- Same as level 12 but with more computers and to make the screens light pink. Level 16- Same as level 11 but instead more computers. Then you are done.
Hi Bart. I am getting stuck on the game A Bark In The Dark. I can go in the garden but I just cannot pass the third light thing in the garden. Please help.
A solution for The Bonte Room 2.
Grab the coin that is on the top of the second parrot painting.
Take another left and grab the ruler from the blackboard. Take another left
and notice there's something inside the fan.
Use the coin to unscrew the fan and grab the metal grid from the fan.
Use the ruler to block the sharp blades from cutting your fingers.
Now you can grab the chipcard.
You could feed the parrot some peanuts but the parrot will just eat them.
Get the chipcard and put it in the slot and press the flashing button for some peanuts.
Grab the ruler that's still blocking the fan.
Use the ruler to find a piece of metal wire. You can find the metal wire from the niche under the fireplace.
Take a look at the blackboard code. It has 123underlined21underlined.
The red button makes it stay lit. The underlined numbers are the white blocks that stay lit.
So click:
-first white button
-second white button
-red button
-third white button
-red button
-second white button
-red button
-first white button
Makes a nice grill, not?
Put the metal grid on the fireplace.
The metal wire is too blunt to jab the cactus.
Put the metal wire in the fan and it shows that the metal wire has a sharp point.
Now you can jab the cactus.
The cactus may squirt out cactusmilk that is really delicious.
Put the peanuts into the milk for that extra flavour.
Now you can roast the peanuts.
The parrot will so love his cactus flavoured roasted peanuts that he will throw a key at you.
Hi, Bart. I just wanted to know how to get past Level 4 in Doggnation.
Hi, Bart. You should make a walkthrough of A Bark In The Dark.
You should just make more games.
I have a solution for Me and The Key
Level 1- Click the penguin and click his key.
Level 2- Click all of the balls. The last one you click will have the key.
Level 3- Click on all of the penguins. The last one you click will have the key.
Level 4- Hold the screen for a while and the tree will grow oranges. When all of them stop bouncing, the last orange you double click will have the key.
Level 5- Click the wood pieces to find the key.
Level 6- Ping pong.
Level 7- Drag the penguins away from the line to click the key.
Level 8- Make all spots on the bouncing stay lit by clicking on the spots.
Level 9- The last penguin seen on screen will have the key.
Level 10- Pull the rope down all the way.
Level 11- Type the word 'key'
Level 12- Drag the penguins around. The third one will have the key.
Level 13- Same as level 6 but twice hit.
Level 14- Keep on swiping to drop the key.
Level 15- Don't swipe just follow the orange line until you reach the second penguin.
Level 16- Just drag the ball to the top of the screen and drop.
Level 17- Make all balls white but when they bump they go back to grey.
Level 18- Get the globe to the bottom.
Level 19- Click the right click on your mouse. Select key in the menu.
Level 20- The key is trapped in a globe. Smash the globe on the ground.
Level 21- Smash all white objects with the balls.
Level 22- Same as level 9 but if you miss one, you start again.
Level 23- Same as level 5 but with more.
Level 24- Same as level 15 but with four penguins.
Level 25- Hit the bricks but 99 times.
The colour series are really good.
I have a solution to the browser version of Yellow
Level 1- Click the button 8 times.
Level 2- Drag and end.
Level 3- Rub the three out.
Level 4- Match the lines to the number parts. The controls are reversed.
Level 5- Fill the triangles with yellow by dragging the yellow triangles.
Level 6- Only press bars when the button is yellow.
Level 7- Spin the wheel clockwise.
Level 8- Pull the yellow rope down further and further so yellow comes up.
Level 9- This is a yellow balloon about to pop. Hold the balloon until it fills the whole place in yellow.
Level 10- Press letters in the order: YELLOW.
Level 11- Click the square that blinked.
Level 12- The yellow ball will smash down the yellow floor.
Level 13- The triangles will fill the triangle.
Level 14- Hold the yellow to make the black button yellow. Then you can press the bars.
Level 15- Arrows show you where to press next.
Level 16- You should make yellow by dragging the first bar up and the second bar up.
Level 17- Don't move the mouse.
Level 18- Drag the land to go to day.
Level 19- Drag the first bar or else it wouldn't be yellow. Find the next bar.
Level 20- Press the new triangle.
Level 21- Drag to make all arrows in it's top.
Level 22- A button will light it's neighbours.
Level 23- A box should be in a hole.
Level 24- Click the cursor then click the corner buttons to move the cursor in that area.
Level 25- Click YELL then click OW
I have a solution for Me And The Key 2.
Level 1- Drag the penguin up and click its key.
Level 2- Type all the letters on your keyboard.
Level 3- Click all white blocks to form a key. Do this until they are all purple.
Level 4- Find the key by clicking anywhere to make the snake go in a square.
Level 5- Click the penguins in the order: M E A N D T H E K E Y 2.
Level 6- Drag the ball to get to the bottom without touching the claws.
Level 7- Drag one of the background bars.
Level 8- Always click the new ball that is added.
Level 9- Don't move the mouse so the penguin will think of a key. Make sure your mouse is placed over the key to click the key without moving.
Level 10- Get the ball to the claws. The mouse must be over the ball if you want the ball to rise.
Level 11- Get the ball to the other penguin without touching the darkness.
Level 12- Type all the letters on your keyboard except for K E Y.
Level 13- Click the penguins in order to spell the word 'key'
Level 14- Same as level 4 but with more.
Level 15- Click the delete button on your key 3 times or hold it down.
Level 16- Find the five differences on the top TV.
Level 17- Same as level 11 but the lightness rotates.
Level 18- Click all the blocks until they are white.
Level 19- Click the penguins in the order: B A R T B O N T E ( or for example, if your playing this on abcya then click them in the order: A B C Y A)
Level 20- Snake but you have to click blocks.
Level 21- Click the penguins in the order: T W E N T Y O N E.
Level 22- Drag the three layers to find a key.
Level 23- Click the penguins and the televisions until the penguins are down and orange background.
Level 24- Click the new ball that is added.
Level 25- You will see the key after you wreck every brick and the bricks are purple.
Now enjoy the end.
Lynx good. I was wondering how to make mobile games. They're just like a lynx blazer. I love games well because I'm a gamer trying trying to learn new games and never give up. I'm trying out mobile games a second and making more gadgets if I don't know how to. It's good you never give up and try it for any mobile situation.
Hey everybody.
To move the blocks of the grain in chicken grow if you drag them in the direction you want the blocks to go, then it won't work. It will work if you drag and drop them in the opposite direction you want the blocks to go.
And also in Chicken Grow, some blocks can't move into the platforms.
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