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January 30, 2008
submachine5: the root

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it was a fun game.It took me 30 min.it was esayer then the other submachine.Sorry me english is not so good.
Yes easier than the other submachines, but still great fun
Am I the only one who's stuck....?
Another great game. Nice to be able to use the secrets, even if it wasnt actually part of the game. Lookingforward to Submachine 6.
Here's the submachine 5 the root walkthrough I found:
-Click on each set of valves to begin game.
-You see a small alcove and notepad with pencil on the floor.
-Click on the notepad to pick it up; only crucial notes will automatically be jotted down.
-Go left, click on each side lever and middle lever to open hatch.
-Go down the hatch and to the left. Click button on hard drive to bring up screen. Click on each picture to jot down some vital info.
-Go right x2, open portal door, right again and down the hatch. Go right and enter 5-5-2 into portal (as seen in Sub 4).
The Root (5,5,2) – Cipher Plate 1:
-Click on bottom left side of portal, down the cliff and to the right for secret 1/5.
-Go back up and to the right x3, through the crevice and right again. Click on the small orange lead casting (as seen in Sub 0) and go right once more.
-Click on electrical panel to remove cover-plate. Click the latches on both sides of plug to unlock. Click on plug twice to remove from “power supply” and plug into electrical
box to turn lights on.
-Go right, down, right x3, up and left x2 to “observation room.” Enter room and click on wrench under chair, exit room.
-Go right x2, down, left, down and right once more to rusted panel. Use wrench on all 4 bolts to remove cover-plate and click on rusted key.
-Go left, up, right, up and left once more to first room. Enter room and you’ll see 3 panels, one of which is locked. Use rusted key to unlock panel and click on cipher plate 1,
exit room.
-Go right, down, left x2 to “transfer switch” (panel with push button). Insert cipher plate 1 into right slot located at top of panel and click button. You will hear a power surge,
you’re now at coordinate 0, 1 (hence the “empty” slot followed by cipher plate “1”).
Note: cp or cps = cipher plate(s).
Coordinate 0,1 – Cipher Plate 2:
-Go down and left to room with chair. Click on cipher plate 2.
-Go back out, down x3 and left once. Click on single plate against wall to reveal secret compartment. Using the wrench, remove both bolts to find secret 2/5.
-Go back right and up x4 to transfer switch. Remove cp 1 from right slot and place in left slot. Place cp 2 in right slot and click button. You’re now at coordinate 1, 2.
Coordinate 1,2 – Revolving Rooms:
-Click in doorway, go right (ignore valve) and through 2 more doorways. You’re now in the central room.
-On every wall is a hole with a dial inside each one. The object of the dials is to make each pointer match up to the ornament on the outer rim by using the valves, exit room.
-Go right and through doorway to the first valve and turn twice. Go right and through the doorway to the second valve (with the chair) and turn twice. Go right and through the
doorway to the third valve and turn 3 times. Go right and click on the lit bulb (only one not covered) in the socket. Go through doorway back to central room. The center box
should now be open exposing a smaller box. Click the metal box.
-Exit room and go left x3 back to transfer switch. Remove both cps and place cp 2 back in left slot, leaving right slot empty and click button. You’re now at coordinate 2, 0.
Coordinate 2,0 – High Pressure:
-Click on the first hatch to open and go down (reminiscent of Sub 1 with the horizontal, vertical valves). Press the top button to reverse the needle to high pressure. Click out
and left to next hatch, where needle is already set to high and click on empty coil. Repeat on the last hatch and return to transfer switch. Remove cp 2 from left slot, place cp 1
in right slot and click button. You’re now at coordinate 0, 1.
Coordinate 0,1 – Charger Room:
-Go down x4 and right once to charger room. Place empty coil in charger and crank wheel x3 to fully charge coil. Go back out and up x4 back to transfer switch. Remove cp
1 from right slot, place in left slot and click button. You’re back at coordinate 1, 0.
Coordinate 1,0 – 1st Electrical Socket:
-Go down and right once to the electrical socket. Insert coil into socket, you will see the coil flash and charge up. Leave coil in place and return to transfer switch. Remove cp
1, place cp 2 in right slot and press button. You’re now at coordinate 0, 2.
Coordinate 0,2 – Signs:
-Go down and left x4 (symbols will be jotted down as you pass by) to the valve. Click on bottom left of pipe to find secret 3/5. Turn valve and you will hear an explosion
(reminiscent of Sub 1 where the pipe burst). Return to transfer switch, remove cp 2 from right slot, place cp 1 in left slot and click button. You’re back at coordinate 1, 0.
Coordinate 1,0 – Retrieve Coil:
-Go down, right once and click on coil. Return to transfer switch, remove cp 1 from left slot and click button. You’re back at the root again.
The Root – 2nd Electrical Socket:
-Go right x2 and place coil into socket. Return to transfer switch, place cp 2 in left slot and click button. You’re back at coordinate 2, 0.
Coordinate 2,0 – Sub 2 Brick Wall:
-Go left x2 and click the panel button to reveal secret 4/5. Go left x2 to Sub 2 screen and click on wisdom gem 2.
-Go left, up the stairs and click on secret 5/5.
-Return to transfer switch. Place cp 1 in right slot and click button. You’re now at coordinate 2, 1.
Coordinate 2,1 – Missing Bulb:
-Go right, up and right once more to LED panel. Click the button to switch led to right side. Go left x2 and repeat on left side (you will hear bars drop). Go back down and the
bars should now be on the left.
-Go right x2 and down once, the room will be pitch black. Place bulb in empty light socket. Go through crawlspace to adjacent room. Using notes, match the symbols up with
there location (right, left, center) for each column of symbols and click on switch below. The floor will slide back and drop the ladder down into open section.
-Go down ladder to ancient Anubis (as seen in Sub 0 & Sub 4) and place the lead casting into first stone to raise the Anubis. Repeat on other 2 stones to reveal hidden
-Go down and click on wisdom gem 3. Go back up, through crawlspace, up, left and up again. Click on both switches again to reverse led’s and move the bars back to the
-Go down and to the left to transfer switch. Remove both cps, place cp 1 in left slot and press button. You’re now at coordinate 1, 0.
Coordinate 1,0 – The Solidifier:
-Go down and right x2 to what appears to be a holding tank filled with liquid. Click on small copper plate to reveal a scientific formula for citric acid mixed with water. I’m
assuming, since the box is metal that it is drenched in citric acid and the tank is filled with water (or some other variation). Click for a close up inside tank and drop in metal box.
The box will solidify revealing wisdom gem 1. Click out of tank and to the right side where relief valve is located. Now that the water is acidic, you’ll need to empty the tank.
Using the wrench, turn the relief valve to release the liquid and drain into the floor. Click back into the tank and click on wisdom gem 1. Back out and return to transfer switch,
remove cp 1 (0, 0) from left slot and click button. You’re back at the root.
The Root (0,0):
-Go left, up, left again and back through crevice to the portal. Enter the numbers 7-4-7 and click button. You’re now at the corridor.
Corridor (7,4,7) – Mover:
-Go right x3 into the mover room. Insert the 3 wisdom gems into the corresponding templates and press the ignition button by the control panel. (Feel free to look into the
viewer, not required) The room will begin to move forward along the beams of light cast by the wisdom gems.
Secret Location: from the mind of Mateusz Skutnik
-Click on screen for secret location to view some of Mur’s own thoughts and ideas for The Root and the future Sub6, hopefully this year.
Great as always! :D
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