Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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July 04, 2008
escape bathroom
You are in a bathroom, you should know what to do: escape bathroom.
If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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nice one
very easy. it took me 5 minutes to get out (with the normal end)...but still it's good to have an easy one sometimes to feel you're good.
Perfect end for me!
Cute little game. Thanks for sharing Bart.
Not too bad, played again to get the perfect end. Finishing without hints is about 50/50 for me.
where do you find the green ball?
use the screwdriver and type in 802, there's the green ball.
im awesome because im a boy
wat do u do with green ball
How did you find the 802?
I managed to get out but with the help of the 802
Yeah, I also managed to get out only with the help of "802".
help me were is the yellow ball ?/?
I hate random combinations! Are there hints to find colours one or it needs brute force?
802 is typed near the hole, clicking on vertical line
Click bottom right of bathtub to get red ball
Go to the left and click under the right corner of carpet to get long stick
Open the top and bottom drawer to get the stuffs
Go right and use the long stick wit the bathtub, the chain and get the key
Go right and click the left side of the box, push the switch and get yellow ball
Go right twice and open the drawer with the key.
Click the left side of the drawer to get blue ball.
Click the drawing many times til the battery fell out
the magnifying glass is just to see the hint for arrangement of balls which is BGYR
Insert the batteries into the torch and shine it into the hole next to the cat to get the screw
turn right and unscrew it and insert 802(Click near the top of the crack to get it) to get the green ball
Insert the ball blue, green, yellow red, in this order and click the CAT FIRST den u are out to get perfect end. Never click cat= normal end
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