A winner will be chosen out of the new level ideas. Make sure there is a way to contact you in case you win in the comment (leave an email address, homepage, blogger profile, facebook profile, etc). Good luck, kwek!
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
First hihi :) ok but now I better start thinking of a duck level :)
ok cool, thinking thinking ...
I know one: 5 ducks in a circle plus one empty space. When you click on a duck it will swim to another space. When this space is open the duck will be removed and an extra space is open. Every duck has its own swimming route so you have to find the right order to remove all the ducks. Simple.
cheers Sanne ennas_z@hotmail.com
Here's my level: there is 1 ball of color1, 2 balls of color2 and 3 balls of color3. The duck has to take first the color1 ball, then the color2 balls, then the color3 balls, otherwise the balls will popup again.
Palat: palat21@yahoo.co.uk
A baby duck locked in a cage, bigger duck has to pick the different size and colour balls off in a random order (not necessarily small to big or visa versa) to release the little one.
Ok, just forgot to add my addy
how about just a first thought- you have about 20 ducks and its like a big game of pairs-only as u click a duck it bobs underwater and comes up with a wig on. you have to find the other duck with the matching wig.-could be some funny wigs like elvis or mullet ect.laura x= (wacky_walker@msn.com)
HA HA...ducks with wigs...too funny..but I like it!
The game with the chessboard!
You need the same amount of places as a chessboard. You need to place 8 ducks on the 'board'. And in every diagonal, horizontal AND vertical line, there only may swim 1 duck.
If you don't understand it, contact me at http://nl.netlog.com/BoogieWoogieKid
or thijs.morlion@gmail.com
You're in a room with a duck, a bag of peanuts, some cactus milk and a fire. First you have to put the peanuts in the fire, then put some cactus milk on them, then feed them to the duck. The duck will then throw you a key which will take you to the next level (or open a door).
Great nostalgia for bonte fans...
since I liked the idea of throwing simple games at the user (tic tac toe) without telling them what they are playing. I'd like a connect 4 game with ducks.
A simple idea for earlier in the game:
put 2 ducks and a goose on the screen... duck, duck, goose
3rd idea: duck sudoku
I think there should be a game similar to musical chairs. One yellow duck (the player's) and a bunch of purple ducks face backwards, slowly moving in a circle. When they stop moving, you have to click the yellow duck (which would make him face forward) before the purple ducks turn around. The slowest duck would be out (if it is the yellow one the level restarts), and the rest would start again.
If this is confusing, go to my blog.
first idea- have a small duck in the water with fish, but they have to eat the smaller fishes (to get bigger in order to eat the bigger fishes), all while avoiding the bigger fishes.
second idea- click folds on a sheet of paper to fold an origami duck (and have a folded duck for reference in the corner of the screen).
third idea- ducky hangman!
How about a level where the ducks have different pitched quacks, that form a simple song- for example, "all the ducks are swimming in the water" , you have to press them in order to play the song right, even better still "there once was an ugly duckling" - when you get it right all the ducks on screen turn into swans and fly off screen!
You definitely made it tough with having to use the mouse that way Bart...I applaud you...and all of you who have put in such great ideas..it is Bart and you who make it nice to come back to Bart's site for a challenge..good luck to the winner! I await your level game!
the above comment was not from "Y" it was from smokeydokee...sheesh!
Thanks for all these great level ideas! Keep them coming :)
A winner will be picked during next week, so there's plenty more time to enter the competition.
I might as well do a Duck 2 sometime with all these ideas, all the idea submitters will be credited of course!
That would be nice, just make a duck 2 with all those ideas, because they look all good!
I'd like to have a level where 25 ducks(5*5) swim out on to screen. If you click on a duck, it makes a particular quack. Two ducks share the same type of quack. You have to match each duck with it's pair by the sound of it's quack. The quacks could range from a short little squeak to a little long drawn out moan. Or maybe by several small quacks. Maybe you could have the quacks vary in numbers of small little quacks. When I say that, I mean that if you click on a duck, it'll quack several times. It's a duck match with quacks!!
Sorry not allowed to leave information. !_!
I think there should be a level where it's a mix of the flipping ducks to face you/getting the right coloured ducks to thei respective coloured squares. For example (if you want it REALLY hard)a 10*10 square of ducks are facing away from you, and there are blocks of yellow and purple circles beneath them. when you click a duck, it flips to face you in a yellow colour, as well as all of the ducks around it, when you click it again it flips away from you, and when you click it once more, it flips back towards you but this time it is purple (as well as all the others next to it). The objective is you have to get all the ducks facing you but ALSO on their respectively coloured squares. I just cooked this up, i dont even know if it will be too easy to solve or impossible to make. I think it's quite original ;).
About my previous comment, the one withe the coloured duck flipping level, i didnt mean a 10*10 square, i meant a 5*5 (10*10, what?!?!), and i apologize for the other spelling mistakes as well, when i said coloured squares, i meant coloured circles. That's it from me, bye.
i think the next level should be suDUCKku. Use different sized ducks and different color balls. tchershelly@hotmail.com
1. hit the duck (when the duck pops up, you have to click it with your mouse)
2. repeat the ducks (3 ducks will turn around in random order and you have to repeat it, like the dog-barking-compu game)
3. Lotto - ducks with numbers will apear and you have to fill in your form untill all numbers are completed (or different sized ducks)
4. 4 ducks and 4 cirkels in the water. Place each duck in a cirkel
5. A duck is turning around and you have to stop it (by clicking) excactly when it's faced foreward.
6. A few ducks are turning around and you have to stop them one-by-one when they're faced foreward
Hi Bart,
how are you planning to evaluate the winner by the way? Should it be up to us, as readers to decide the best level idea? Or are you doing it all by yourself? I liked some of them very much. But the most fun is probably the apple one. ;) greetings linda
To give every participant the same chance, the winner will be picked at random. That should happen later today ...
eagerly awaits.......
the winner is announced in a new post, thanks all!
i am gonna lose mah mind over 14!
Greetings :)
What was the number one and most terrible film of 2010 in your oppinion? In my view it would have to be:
Finest: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Worst: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Cheers :) <3
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