
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 28, 2008

matt sandorf - journey to endless entertainment

You're Matt Sandorf and you're on an isometric point and click journey to endless entertainment.


Anonymous said...

anybody figured out how to get the battery ?

Anonymous said...

anybody figured out how to get the battery ?

Anonymous said...

the battery is in the karaoke machine.. but i don't know how to get it

Anonymous said...

did u manage to get the laptop??

Anonymous said...

yeah.. you need to get a chocolate bar and give it to the girl

Anonymous said...

but there's no power!! how do i get the chocolate?

Anonymous said...

go and find a frog and a hamster.. then go tothe guy that cuts the pictures and let him make a mixture from the froh and the hamster.. then go to the karaoke girl (you find her, if you cut a hole in the second tree from the left side) and give it to her. she is going to scream and you'll get the battery. then you have power and you are able to get the bar

Anonymous said...

LOL :D that was funny
thank you :D

Anonymous said...

do you know where i can get some more money? i need to print the elvis picture

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm first ;D took me a while but that game is really fun

Anonymous said...

Enter room with camera man and talk. Get gold coin.

Enter game room and talk to guy playing psp and get coin. Get playing card and whoopee cushion. Get ball from vending machine.

Anonymous said...

to print the pic, give the man at the gift shop the naked hamster.
anybody knows wt i can do with the screwdriver ?

Anonymous said...

you have to use them at the speakers

Anonymous said...

wheres the frog ?

Anonymous said...

Where is the frog???????????
I need it

Anonymous said...

The frog is in da old mans beard

Anonymous said...

ok so i ave da Naked rabbit frog wha do i do next because the girl aint screamin

Anonymous said...

ok never mind

Anonymous said...

how do I get the chocolate????????????????????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you get the frog?? Someone said it's in the old man's beard but when I click on him all it says is "I don't want to talk to you"

Anonymous said...

You have to get a pic of the perpetual motion device first. It's on the rock to the right.

Anonymous said...

Got a coin from the lady with computer, and kid playing PSP. The camera guy never gave me one. I used on coin for the toy vending machine and now I don't have enough for the chocolate bar. Where can I get more money? Also, any idea how to get a band behind Elvis? I'm thinking it has something to do with the Video with the two guys.

Anonymous said...

How do you get the jam jar for the firefly???????????
I need it desperately

Anonymous said...

Another way to get a coin for chocolate bar: talk to the guy w/ the popcorn in the tv room. You can sell him your bag of popcorn, but first you have to sabotage the popcorn machine.

Maybe you can add something that will make the popcorn inedible?

Anonymous said...

How do you get the jam jar for the firefly???????????
I need it desperately

Anonymous said...

The jar is in one of the bushes in the 2nd forest scene.

How do you play the song after David takes the frog back? I can't get the computer or the PSP.

Anonymous said...

Never mind. I figured it out.

Fun game!

Anonymous said...

difficult but funny.
congrats for the brazucas!

Anonymous said...

you have to convince the singer to go to the guy with the PSP. SHE asks him to give you the PSP. You give the PSP and the memory stick to David. he gives you the frog back.

Unknown said...

How do you get the singer to talk to you agian after she yells?

Anonymous said...

just finished best game in a long time -really enjoyed that

Anonymous said...

How do you get the singer to talk to you after she yells?????????

Unknown said...

Where is the screw driver and how do you get it? is that how you get the antenna that everyone is talking about? i'm really stuck. is anyone still playing?

Unknown said...

Still can't get the singer to talk to me but I did get the screw driver. Put the paper frog on the table in the music room piant it "green" and then click on it. David will get up and then you go to his tools.

Anonymous said...

How do you get the singer to talk to you again? I think I have everthing else

Anonymous said...

where do i get the plutonium?

Anonymous said...

plutonium is in the data room, you get acess by using the computer

Anonymous said...

when i try to go into the data room it tells me there is no power to open the door

Anonymous said...

never mind, wrong door

Anonymous said...

where are the antenas? i have everything else

Anonymous said...

nm power of the post

Anonymous said...

antennas are on the intercoms, you use the screwedriver

Anonymous said...

how to get the frog from the old man? He is just saying : I dont wanna talk to u right now....

Anonymous said...

Never mind i figured... But i dont get the singer to speak to me

Anonymous said...

weres the green paint

Anonymous said...

I am out !!!

Dino Zore

Anonymous said...

Grrr... so close! How do you get the singer to talk to you again?

Anonymous said...

same here. how do you get that singer to talk????????

Anonymous said...

could someone put a walkthrough on here??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do I get the frog???
I click on the man's beard but he keeps saying 'I don't want to talk right now!'.
Walkthrough please?
I am about to scream!!!

Anonymous said...

Soz! Done it

Anonymous said...

NOOOO!!!I accedently clicked on something else before saving so I have lost all of the game!!!I give up!!!

Anonymous said...

The singer wont talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That's weird... when I click on the link, it's another fake domain name that makes you keep clicking on other links that never get you anywhere except sites that make you buy stuff you don't want. That's weird.

Bart said...

The original game is down, so I changed the link to an alternative version. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

anybody know how to print the elvis picture i havent got any money because i spent it for the chocolate...


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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