[UPDATE: now there's a walkthrough/solution available]
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
1 – 200 of 250 Newer› Newest»GOD I AM FIRST AHAHA I TOLD YOU!
Lets play the game nao!
haha lol now that was really fast :)
catchy music hahah
thanks, I wrote the music myself
wow dude level 25 is way too cheap.
you want a 999 counter then? :)
enjoyed it. Not insanely difficult, but fun.
I cant do 14 D;
my eyes burn after 99 boings X_x
but i'm out
cool game !
Ball locked in going up and down on 25. Didn't have to do anything!!
Probably your easiest game but still lots of fun. Thanks.
Nice game. The last one was evil though, poor eyes.. must not blink!
ok first of all,
yes i was fast.because facebook toolbar works fine. if you have your browser open, and your friends cause some notifications, you see it like msn notification.
bc of it, i have seen you launch the game so fast!
*growing up a tree, never became that easy ^_^
*ok, i passed but, now i have a vision of bunch of red bricks turn into white, and a bouncy red ball when i have my eyes closed lol
*pingus playing hide and seek have just made my hand hurts alot because of my geeky crap, carpal tunnel. so i quit at 22. imma try it soon, but seriously bart, thank you!
i had lots of fun, and you know, i've been waiting for that ^_^
p.s: yes, i am greedy! new gamesss new gaaamess!!
how can play No 19 ???
Bart, I can't play it (I have browser information - link is broken). Have try on FF and on IE - what can I do with it?
Greeting from Poland :)
Way cool game, very different from your others but just as enjoyable.Keep up the good work and please come out with more very soon!
19 had me stuck for a while.
Think impossible quiz #40
It was fun until level 14, I have to give up on that one :(
Phew, done! Fun game, but some levels are tough :P
i cant get past 15....hint anyone?
very good game, I liked it very much. My only concern is that it's very easy, some of the parts were very tidious, but still easy. great job though.
level 13 makes me want to kill myself ive spent 3 hours on it
whats up with 19??
Love your games. I don't have to cheat and search for a walkthrough. Lots of fun, that last level was very skill building, I haven't played pong in quite some time.
Bart, normally I don't give up on games, but I'm quitting this one. I'm sorry but this is way more annoying than it's worth. I've spent a half hour on level 25. I love your other games, but this one's driving me crazy, and not in a good way. Also, it's nearly impossible on a track pad. I had to borrow my brother's mouse to finish level 22 (that was the 2nd round of TVs, right?).
Bart, I'm looking forward to it as always but only see a black screen. My Flash is current to my knowledge. I'm on an older version of Explorer fwiw.. IE7.
[Rockie74] Nice game. but with playing your game from day one, its easy. But fun any ways. :)
i'm also stuck on 15 ><
i love these kind of games, reminds me of hoshi saga~~
nice one, Bart! Thanks =)
bart you brought back ole memories with the pong. it's a very fun game :D
well, i have to stop playing at level 15 for now, i just want to thank you for the game. it is very entertaining. the music is good, too!
looking forward to having more time to play.
thanks again!!!
15 requires patience.....follow the orange line carefully without going outside the line and the penguins pop up, and then go back along the line to each bird until one gives you a key
The secret to level 25 is to get a straight bounce up and down then just letting it go!
okay will someone please tell us how to do level 19??? for the love of god...please help.
AHHHHHHHHHH right click on the mouse for level 19. took me forever to figure that out since i have don't have a right mouse button (i have a macbook pro)
okay level 25 sucks...welllllll....it does at 12:30am. I think i'll try it again in the morning.
i loved the game, my eyes hurt a bit from the last level but i loved playing it, i can't wait for more.
how do you do twenty i click but it doesent do anything to the ice bubble or whatever it is
level 25 is the worst thing i have ever seen in gaming. just because of the utter frustration i had with this game i will never play another game on he web again.
well think about it. the last rope one you had to drag the rope to get the key. the key is in a glass bubble and glass is fragile. how high do you think it needs to be to smash glass?
am i silly? i can't get through level 11...help!
the last one took FOREVER! i had 2 get the right angle so it would just go up down up down
lvl 11. which one's that?
the bird has a thought bubble which says "key"..you know what i mean?!?!?!
oh damn! i got it^^...sorry!!..but thanks
Nice game but WAAAY too easy! :/ finished it in 10 minutes... It would be nice with some more lvls or something :) Cheers from Denmark
that was a great game Bart, thanks! I really loved playing with the penguins and some levels were challenging enough even though it seemed all easy in the end :)
but oh god, i'll probably be seeing orange balls and white bricks for a while now. I kept having troubles with the orange wall and the last level stressed me out :D
Done :D
At the last level I got the ball to go up and down up and down, so not so challenging for me, hahah
Your games are the best !
lvl 13 is cruel.
the ball has jerky movements, which make it really hard to catch the ball before the level restarts. it would be really nice if you could fix that!
I can't play, cry cry cry - yesterday I thought the game is besieged with your fans but today all I got is still "page load error".
a bit like hashima kagi or whatever
but cuter.
i like penguins.great game.
quite easy but realy fun.and if a games to hard it gets boring.
I always enjoy the bonte games!
Thanks, Bart.
Nat Dawn B x
that was a great game! Fun and tough at the same time. Keep it up!
my sister wanted to kill me on the level with the 4 blobs that couldnt touch each other!
made all the 25 levels..
Thanx for the nixe game, Bart!
I always look forward to your games. Thanks, Bart!
last level is 25
nice game
How does level 11 work?
type what he says
also this weeks minoto is out
I like all the minigames that you make yourself, I just wish you had only self made minis, not stuff from the beginning of games. I liked the music as well. Well that's what i'd like in future games, since you ask so nicely. More new stuff.
A big thumbs down to level 25. Otherwise, a great game.
I like the music-great for this kind of challenge. not difficult, 25 seems to be a nightmare and probably is for those who can't find perfect vertical;)
thanks Bart for a few minutes of entertainment:)
Leuk, zoals alle Bonte games, maar deze keer wel een beetje te makkenlijk!?
I, too was very frustrated by level 25. However, after reading the comments here, I realized that level 25 is not a game to be beaten, but a puzzle to be solved. I don't think Bart intended anyone to successfully play "pong" for 99 hits. Rather, the trick is to realize that the direction of the ball is entirely determined by where on the paddle it hits, NOT on the direction it was going before it hit the paddle. Therefore, if you get the ball to hit the middle of a paddle and DON'T MOVE the paddles, it will just bounce between the two 99 more times.
That said, I think the side paddles are distracting and should not have been included, since they are irrelevant to the "solution" to this "puzzle".
wow .. Bart i should say that u r really fun ..
u must make some more of these soon
keep up buddy :)
hey can someone plz help me with level 19 it iz so hard wat do u do?
hey guyz i found out that if you click 'Right click' you can skip it by pressing 'Key!'
Hope that helps
Hi Bart
Loved this game, but twas way too short! ;) Loved teh cute penguins though :)
Games are supposed to be challenging but fun and Level 25 is simply all challenge and no fun. I would suggest not making the timer reset itself and just throw other obstacles in the level.
Otherwise good game.
thanks, redroobar! =)
Yeah, level 25 gave me a lot of problems too.. but after a good night's rest, I got it in 1 shot today =)
But aww, i think lvl 25 was a good idea, even with the side bars.. It gives good memories to some people and give a different pace to the game. Just not really what the "point and click" audience is expecting. Don't know about you, but I gravitate towards the "point and click" genre because I'm bad at arcade type games. At the same time though, one thing I like about Bart's games are the mixture of genres... So I think he's justified in putting lvl 25 in there =P As some people pointed out, if you're no good at pong, work on setting up the paddles so that ball just bounce up and down =)
are you kidding me??? could you have make us make 50 instead of 99 on lvl 25??? or maybe 25!! i hate it!! i can' make 99!!!!!!
great game! loved it. and the penguins are so cute!!
It's cute. It took me minutes to know what the level 15 wants from me. :)
what do you do for #24?
Video Walkthrough
Ah the pong is driving me insane!! :| (level 25...) Like someone said earlier -some of the levels are sooo hard on a track pad (instead of a real mouse)!! Good job though, but some of the levels are a little annoying... Like the music :)
I did it!! For 25, I managed to somehow get the ball to bounce off the side one and then bounce vertically (total fluke!). Anyone who can hit 99 in a row is a hero :D (without leaving it bouncing vertically that is).
Nice game but level 13 is too hard.
level 20 pleaseç_ç
Nice game ;)
Can I just tell you that I hate you right now for level 13?
No? Okay, well it was worth a try.
Grrrrrrr, it's killing my eyes! LOL
After reading the comments I must say I hope I get farther in the game. I am enjoying it.
Thanks Bart
great game !! very fun, just as i like ^^ bravo !!
i only had 5 to go and my mouse went off screen so when i moved it the paddle didn't move! and i can't find the "perfect vertical"
Yah! completed it at last, it just needed a lot of concentration on level 25. Good game. thanks
12 minutes start to finish on my second go! messed up on the last level with 8 left! so frustrating! great game bart!!!
I like some much!!! I like more!
How do you do level 19?!? I typed what he thought, nothing happend. Please help.
I love the character, the music...I want more levels!!!!!!!!!
Level 25 is very anoying!!!!!!!!! It is very hard to do because of the use of both moving horizontally and vertecally!!
I feel like a dork because my record on lv. 25 is an unimpressive 77.
NVMD!!! I got to 64 now.
how the heck do u do lvl 19?
Someone Please Help!!!!!
level 24 is driving me NUTS!!
Thanks for all the compliments!!
For everyone having trouble with level19: I have one word for you: mouse!
Not too difficult, but very entertaining. You did it again Bart.
I have really enoyed this game. My 6 year old is remarkably good at this
Nice game Bart! I only stuck on level 19, until you give the golden hint ^^! Really never though you hid it there!
As for level 25, the trick is to control where the ball hit, if it hit most left or most right of the pad, it will move to the furthest degree so you want to avoid it. I don't even need the left and right pad. Though I think 100 points is way too long, maybe reduce to 50?
on a notepad, i'm struggling lvl 25. nearly impossible :P
every earlier lvl went ok, but kind of easy though Bonte! :)
but keep it up, i enjoy it ^^
The trick on level 25 is to watch the ball physics on the paddle: bouncing the ball on the right side of the paddle will send the ball to the right, bouncing it on the left side will send it to the left. Now you should be able to use only the top and bottom paddle and just use the side paddles in case of emergencies. If you're lucky you can also try and send to ball in a straight line up and then don't touch the paddles anymore, just watch the counter hitting zero :)
The game is awesome! you make amazing games... i know its asking a lot since you just gave us this... but how about another bonte room!?!?!?!
After 3 days and trying three different mice (Plural mouse). I've finally made the ball go straight up and down and made it to the end!
How do you do level 20? It's just not clicking. Do i need to be more patient, or is there a way to pop that bubble?
You bring the glass ball to the top of the screen, then let it fall to the bottom, where it smashes. Then pull the ropes and get the key
lvl 14...!?
aww that was fun! I freaked when I saw #25 though. But like the seventh time I tried it, It got stuck going perfectly vertical with about 70 hits to go. All I had to do was watch it go up and down :)
can someone help me on lvl 15 plz?
i typed the word mouse but nothing happened and i also right clicked and left clicked and nothing happened is it because i have a laptop? someone help
lvl19: right click, popup menu should have 'key!' item, select it!
great game - to short though - I want more!!! Hope to see more soon. Great job. Love your games.
Love it!!!! Smart and easy,nice and sweet, beautiful!!
nice! really nice! I love it! thanks bart...
level 10 ??? i am just pullin the smaller rope....
nothing i cann do more dan dat or wat ??
finished the game. It's awesome !! love it. gonna send it to some of my friends :)
nice, half hour and done
great game was :)
Level 22 is a pain with no mouse and only a trackpad
A really fun puzzle game, calm relaxing and easy to understand, fun and cleverly designed puzzles.
My favourite was "right".
Took a while to get that one as right clicking in flash games is quite an unseen thing.
Well done. 9/10
argh. I can't pass 18. it is so anoying.
neva mind i got 18. oops.
how do u do 21???
Its ok, but i think im going to need counselling or something cos im going mad. I cannot do level 23 with the tv's.
Yes ! a new game :)
very hard on laptop with no mouse though :P
I love the room-games best though :)
hey..so unconventional game. I so love it. + very good music. love your games. and cheers.
sssssssssssoooooooooooooo fun! it took me a fricken 30 minutes to pass lvl 25 without the verticl bounce.
but ffffffuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn! :-0
Hey Bart. Super game, net als je vorige games. Ik ben er nu al mijn tweede avond mee zoet en zit op level 22 ... morgen probeer ik verder te geraken!
Very, very easy game. But that's nice, for a change. If you ever played Hoshi saga, then this isn't too hard. Same ideas. Anyway, I liked it very much.
Can someone please give me a hint with level 11?
I'm totally stuck :/!
okay, i know i'm late and everything, but just gotta say: Bart, i love your games! :D your way of solving levels is different and i like it, like it very much! makes you think outside the flock, so to speak ;) this one is so cute and, like most of the other ppl already said, lvl 25 is a real pain in the ass (in a good way, of course^^).
Keep it up, Bart! 'til your next game comes, i sure have somthing to do ...play me and the key! :D
We are sat at school in a business communications systems lesson (double), everyone decent in our school year has gone on D.o.E, as our from tutor didnt give us sing up deadline *sigh* :@
Our teacher allowed us to do whatver we want, so we went on your gameee...:O
Kelynn got stuck on 24 (gutted)
Steady handed liz stuck on 15 (shem)
OH yusss Destiny finishdooo ;)
However had rage :D
Awesome game we are now playing Ducks, think outside the flock...as we have 5 minutosss before break
the second bouncing ball thing (level 13?)is tedious!!!!
my hand hurts....
can I skip the 2nd bouncing ball please?!?
please get rid of level 13!
I hate that bouncing ball!
you hurt my wrist!
level 13 is extremely painful!
Lvl. 25 was easy! You just have to make the ball go up and down somehow... and then wait until they count to 0. My pads were in the top right corner sort of. They started going up and down at the second hit. Just let the ball bounce three times and then see if they go horizontally. This is a much faster way and easy way than doing it by moving the mouse ^^
AHHH! I spent like 4 hours on lvl 25! but i finally finished it! All the lvls were pretty easy until i got to lvl 25! It made me wanna strangle the computor! but other than the evil impossible lvl, great game! needs more lvls tho. (p.s. for ppl stuck on the tv screen ones, its easier to just keep ur mouse on one screen and wait until the penguin pops up on that one to click it!)
omg num 19 wont work for me!!!!!! there is no key option!!!!!!
Nice game!
Level 24?????
omjeeez!!! i finally beat it!!!!! wooo hooo!!!
- sabrina
lvl15 is really hard
mb i'm stupid, BUT!
Level 12.
Pls, tell me how! =))
level 12 hint: drag a pinguin left or right and see what happens ...
well... Maybe I'm the stupid one here... But what's with 20 level with that rope and key in the ball? How should I make it?
ON lvl 14
The moving tree one
toooooo short!!!
but was really fun
Man!! thatz crazy cool. GG
lv.11: the penguin says "key"
what can I do??help please!!
type in the 'key' 4 level 11 but any guys out there pleeeasee help me with level 20. am real stuck
There isnt even a key on level 26, its actually impossible. PLZ heLP!!!
how many people have stumbled on this site???
I CANT BEAT 27!!!! :D
Very fun. I nearly got stuck a couple times.
I hate level 171 This game is addictive! Love it!
How do you get past lvl 14?
how do u do level 22? its realy confusing
pl help how do you get past 14??
am i really stupid?
p.s. how many levels are there?
Level14: shake the tree all the way to the left and right (a couple of times)
Level22:click the pinguins! Don't miss one!
What do I have to do with the level where the thought bubble says read? I've typed the word, I've even typed left...help, anyone!!
how do you get past lvl 15 its tickin me off! i went past the maze thing, now what?
22 is H-A-R-D!!!
level 10 is sad. I can't pull the rope far enough to get to even see the key on the other end. :[
For number 15 you have to go one way to get both the ppenguins up and then you go back again and the key appears around the penguins neck.
Hope this helps.
For number ten you have to grab the rope and then let go but catch it a bit higher and keep pulling down, its really hard i suck at it. I HATE NUMBER 17 ARGH!
Believe it or not, I got Level 25 my first time in one shot. Not bragging, just saying. But it took tremendous focus.
WHAT A BLAST! Totally helped me pass the time at work.
Bart, you probably aren't still reading this, but I thought I'd letcha know that I particularly enjoyed the level where you have to right click to find the key. Hilarious!
1:Click the penguin then click the key
2: click all the oranges
3: Click all the penguins, one of them will have the key around its neck
4: Click and hold on the plant bud till it grows all the way, then click all the oranges
5: Click 3rd square, then 2nd twice, then 3rd twice, then 4th twice
6: hit all the squares and the key with the orange making sure it doesnt drop
7: Move all the penguins to reach the key
8: click all the lighter purple circles on the spinning sphere (hint: if you need one last one or having trouble with one, find the spot it crosses over and leave your mouse there)
9: Click all penguins as they appear on television screen
10: pull right rope till key is visible
11: Type in "key" on your keyboard
12: Click and hold on the penguin and drag right to rotate till key is visible
13: similiar to #6
14: swing tree all the way left and right multiple times till key drops
15: hover over one penguin then follow the tube and go to next penguin (make sure [in my case] tip of finger for cursor is in the tube, rest doesn't matter)
16: pull orange all the way to top of screen then let drop to cause ground to fall until key is visible
17: click to highlight all circles before they hit eachother
18: take cursor in the center of orange and keep going right till hole is over arrow and click
19: right click and under the context menu click "Key!"
20: pull rope all the way until key encased in glass sphere is at the top then release making it "break" on the ground, pull up again to click key
21: use orange spheres to hit into eachother and cause panels on side to break, you don't have to worry about one falling or using a specific one
22: click penguins as they appear on t.v., but you are not allowed to let one dissapear after you first click it (hint: try hovering in the middle)
23: 3rd square, 2nd twice, 3rd three times, 2nd three times, 1st three times
24: same as #15, just make sure you get all the penguins
25: make sure orange does not go out of the square by using platforms which are moved by where your mouse is, left or right= top and bottom ones to move left or right; up or down = left and right platforms move up or down
(hint: try to only use the top and bottom platforms, because sometimes you'll get lucky enough where they bounce perfectly in a line between eachother and you just sit it out)
@Bobette: sure I'm still reading this :) I get alerts for every comment. Cheeeers and thanks!
Hey Bart! Good job on this one! Only 25 levels haha, I had expected more ;) But keep going! ^^
I HATE 22, I HATE 22, I HATE 22, I HATE 22, I HATE 22
i just keep trying with the mousepad of my notebook
or should i buy a classic one tomorrow?
Bart, would you please develop a "19.2" version for notebook users?
Beautiful. Just like all of your others. I love this abstract route gaming is taking, in which the rules change and part of the play is in figuring them out.
stuck on 14
actually 19
please tell me 25 is the last level
lol only kidding this is a REALLY good game :)
coooool game ;)
Level 22 with a d-pad ain't fun!
how do you pass level 11 but still a great game
IM SOOO ANNOYED WITH LEVEL 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me how to beat it someone please
Level 25 was easy. I did it without the orange going perfectly vertical because I was trying to make the pongs line up the whole time. It then came as a surprise when I won. :P
doing level 25 at 2am is NOT fun ... but the rest of the game is !!! :D
Yep, level 25 is easy!
i lost level 25 with only 6 seconds left >.<
what to do on 14??? what do u do
ok i keep right clicking on level 19 but nothin ih happening!!
Scroll a bit up in the comments for the complete walkthrough! Cheers!
This game just made me late for work. Damn you for making it so enjoyable and addictive.
how the hell to complete level 10?!!!!!
How do you beat level 15!?
Good game though.
I did just as you said for level 15, but it's not working at ALL. I followed the orange line like 10 times, and no key. :/
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