
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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May 11, 2009

escapers #07 ML

Escapers #07 ML is a new addition to the fine escapers series by 58works.


Anonymous said...

Strange, it's not loading... wait it's thinking now... almost there... ... ... ... there we go never mind.

Anonymous said...

Out at last...took me many little breaks before finally find out my way...the music at the end is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Need help please. (I'm french so don't pay attention to my mistakes ;-) ). Got orange ball, strange green half-ball, ancient copper key, blue/green key, pair of batteries, robot's legs. The seat is broken and I've just ptaken the picture of cubes off the wall. What shall I do now?

Anonymous said...

Oh just got the green ball.

Anonymous said...

Just wonder what i'm gonna do with it..

Simon said...

link seems to be broken :( not reachable...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

help!! anyone got a walkthrough?

Anonymous said...

help! I have an orange ball, a green ball, half of a bright blue ball, screwdriver, an ancient key, two screws, two batteries, and a robot without a head... I don't know what to do next...please help..

Anonymous said...

Where did u get a green ball, second battery and second screw??? heeeelp)))

Anonymous said...

I the battery from the tree upstears, the screws I've got when I've opened the box in the wall with the screwdriver (the box on the down-left side of one of the doors) and the green ball I've got after soloving the pazel behind the picture (the picture will help you solove it)

Anonymous said...

second battery is under sofa and there is 1/2 a ball in base of chair if you twist it enough it breaks

Anonymous said...

dont understand the sign under the cushion of the sofa...any clues?? Also where is the robots head?

Anonymous said...

I did it! still dont understand sign under cushion of sofa! part of key inside clock, opens another room, then use screws to secure box handle and find 2 objects inside. Use key to open right hand wall cupboard upstairs. Use codes on picture on wall in second room on the green flashing picture puzzle to find other coloured balls.

Anonymous said...

I rellally DON'T understand, how to use the picture to open the puzzle.

Anonymous said...

I still can't get the green ball. All the pictures are simple, but the picture with cubes...

Anonymous said...

For the picture of cubes, try to begin with the one with less line.
If you still don't get it, here's the


The order corresponds to the telephone keyboard:


marycathereen said...

I need help with the clock puzzle!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For the clock puzzle, you have to count seconds by pushing the buttom above so that the sound produced by the buttom will replace the tick-tuck sound of the clock. Try hard since the sound appears a little bit later after pushing the buttom...Good luck!

marycathereen said...

Yay out finally!! that was pretty tricky but still a pretty good game

Anonymous said...

Where's the screwdriver?!


Anonymous said...


Missing one ball. I get the rainbow order thing so I guess I am missing a blue or indigo ball. All that's left is the headless robot and the shelf with the slots. Looks like his feet should fit in the slots but it doesn't go.

Help! Where's the last ball??!!??

Drum Animal said...

SPOILER follows:

For the 3 x 3 panel:
There's a code in the first picture - less complicated to more complicated, or, what order would you draw it in?
There's a code in the picture in the second room - outside to inside.
There's a code in the TV - use the remote.
I do not know of any more.

I am looking for the other half of the light blue ball.

Susan said...

Seriously, how do you get the screwdriver?

Susan said...

The second half of the blue ball is under the table in the second room.

Drum Animal said...

Susan -- Did you look into the drawers of the white chest? Do you have a blue-ish, key sort of thing? Take a closer look at it, then see if it works as a screwdriver.

After a while, it's hard to remember where things come from.

Anonymous said...

where's the remote?

Anonymous said...

what's the code to the picture in the second room?

Drum Animal said...

Remote is one of the things in the box in the second room.

To get the robot head, solve the rainbow.

Put the complete robot in the leftmost box upstairs and the middle box will open and you have a maze to solve, which is where I bailed.

I hate mazes.

Drum Animal said...

If the green squares behind the cube picture are numbered top left to bottom right
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
then follow the path in the picture of the second room from the outside in - 426842684


Anonymous said...

Finally out.

58 Works makes incredible games.

I love to finish them without help but this one had me seriously turned around.

Kept thinking that the two things on the table and the boxes on the shelves that moved HAD to be part of the solution.

midge said...

Where's the second half to the blue ball, and is there a yellow ball somewhere? It is the colors of the rainbow, right?
Trying to solve rainbow.

Anonymous said...

how do i open the door to the other room? i have the objects in the first 7 squares, in the 10th and the 12, and the robot with arms and legs

Anonymous said...

i don't get the maze...

Chou said...

The drawing under the cushion is the clock. It indicated at what moment you can open it by clicking fastly on the black button on top of it.

Anonymous said...

I can't get thru that freaking maze!

Anonymous said...

OK, on the maze... you go til you find the dead end that has a line in it, like two doors coming together. Push the long black bar (controler, which operates the robots arm. Push it several times so that it pushes the doors open. Push it again to get the pink stoned wand.

The pink stoned wand is the key to the door to escape. :)

Michaela said...

To Anonymous: Wow, how did you find it? It seems to me that I'm just walking in circles... :o(

Emilie said...

i can't do the clock-thing :S can't understand.... anyone? :)

Michaela said...

To Emilie: push the black "button" on the top of the clock - 1 click per 1 second, so that the sound of the clicking replaces the sound of the clock (sorry for my Englis, I hope you will understand it).

Emilie said...

i'm out :D took me an hour, with a break ;)

Anonymous said...

Michaela, always pick the the same direction, and stick with it. I always pick going right. If I get to a dead end, I go back out to the intersection and go right again. That way you always come back to where you started in the original intersection. Does this make sense to you?

jen said...

I can't find the other half of the blue ball under the table...

as a matter of fact i can't even find where to click to get under the table at all

is it maybe a mozilla unfriendly and a ie friendly kind of thing?

Anonymous said...

For how many seconds i have to press the button on the clock?

Anonymous said...

this one was so cute!

Anonymous said...

how do i get into the second room?

Rémi said...

Someone to help me!!
I can't pass the 2nd room painting...
I've tried a lot of, but not the good one...

Rémi said...

Anonymous, there is a key in the box under the clock.
You've to take off the screws before.

NotMarian said...

Ultimately, very fun. I had trouble with the picture puzzles. I had to go to a walkthrough for those, but ended up being almost right on my own. If I had kept going, without looking at the hints, I would have solved them.
Oh well. fun.

Confuzzled said...

Sorry, i feel stupid for asking, but how do you find the robots legs


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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