Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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May 04, 2009


Escape a distant planet after crashing into it's surface: morningstar.


  1. What is the purpose of saying first? Either add some type of hint or help in the conversation. Otherwise you sound like a doof.

  2. Now that's a great game.

  3. Re: Firsters;
    Some people's lives are just weak. Maybe they're losers, and they feel like they've won in life somehow by being the first moron to chime in.

    Anyway, cool game so far. Stuck for the moment.

  4. Done cool game, also why you need us to type hints for? if you stuck theres a walkthro ingame. had to use it to find the 4th camp.

  5. Loved it!

    Had to get help, but only twice.

    Worth playing. Great graffics and storyline. More!

  6. Nothing wrong with saying first if you are first, but if you don't put your name then its a meaningless victory. I enjoy the competition to see who's first to play/post, although I've never won. I do agree though, you should say something more like good so far, not worth the time, doesn't load, etc.

  7. My god what a long game

  8. wow, tat's the only thing i have to say. WOW!

  9. first! first! FIRST!!!!

  10. Not first! BU-HU-HU

  11. Where is the last part for the gluegun? anyone?

  12. The game was absolutly fantastic!
    I'm impressed!

  13. Cool game but too long...
    Needed some help to make it....

  14. Great game.1 step above your basic point and click.

  15. For the whole first thing, some people just get a weird thrill out of it, me included. I dont actually do it anymore, but i can see why people do. Its vaugely annoying, but complaining really just makes it worse, since quite alot of trolls do it too.

  16. Wow, nice graphics, nice story, long story. Best game I've ever played...
    Thumbs up from me ;)

  17. Very good game!!

  18. I love the graphic and the story of the game. The puzzles also quiet make sense. I envy it soo much, feels like back in time when adventure games (read: point and click)were at its peak.

  19. Well that was briiliant, I hope that the open end means there might be a sequel because it was very enjoyable to play, good recommendation Bart!
    Nat Dawn B x

  20. Anonymous the last part of the gluegun, is in the drain of the hibernation chamber, you need to pour something down it to make it float to the top!
    Nat Dawn B.

  21. saying first is stupid and meaningless. period.

  22. ...and yes, great game wish i could find more like it.
