Getting excited yet? Would you like to win a set? Well here's your chance: GetBuckyBalls.com was kind enough to give away 3 sets to the BonteGames visitors, each worth $24.95! All you have to do is answer the following question:
How many levels are there in my game Factory Balls 2?
Mail your answer to bontegamesaction@yahoo.com (one person, one mail). The contest closes next Tuesday July 7 and the 3 winners will be picked at random. Good luck!
FIRST! o yeah. This is the second time so far ive been first, the other time was with that game "who am i?" earlier this month... you know, the one with the option to play in Japanese and the catchy music. :)
oh by the way... for those of you who are too lazy to actually play the game, you can either find a walkthrough or count the balls in the tumbler. (thats what I did)
nice one :) those bucky balls look nice! mail sent!
no spoilers please Jake :)
Warning (not to rain on anyone's parade): if you have small kids you probably don't want these magnets. When kids swallow magnets they can stick to each other in the digestive system, which is very unsafe. (There's a warning about this on the Buckyball website, not for children under 12.)
But this is a very nice offer, Bart, and thanks again for a wonderful website!
Not for children under 12? You think kids that are in an age like 8 to twelve are so stupid they will eat it. My brother on six wouldnt even do it. Anyways, this is really awesome Bart, thank you.
Mail sent! :)
I don't think my kids would eat them, I think they would throw them.
10 minutes and those things would be all over my house.
Mail sent!
Thanks for the idea!
This is just a generic neocube.
"216 powerful rare earth magnets"
216 and rare. Isn't that an oxymoron?
Bart, this is valid for people from other countries??? i'm from brazil...
Not for children under 12? You think kids that are in an age like 8 to twelve are so stupid they will eat it.
That's what the company's website says, not necessarily what I would've said.
Oooh! That's just so very cool. I'm just lucky Factory Balls 2 is one of my favorites and I play it all the time. Very relaxing.
Mail sent. *crosses fingers*
And they're called rare-earth because not many elements make these magnets and they are difficult to mine and process.
wow... looks like fun. And people, don't be too lazy to play Factory Balls 2... it's a really challenging game (for some). Let your minds grow.
Thanks to everyone who already participated!
To answer some questions I got:
- you don't need to add any contact info in your email yet
- shipping is all over the world
- shipping is free in the US
Correction: shipping will be free all over the world for this contest, so don't let that hold you back to participate! Cheeeers!
They are so cool! I have liked magnets since i was very young.
what's the price's kind of money? (I mean dollar, euro...)
Because I'm Argentinian and here we manage with pesos...
I did the math Saevitia... in pesos they cost 327.38.
-Jake (!)
Thank you Jake!
(So...it is in dollars, isn't it?)
yay! I played it again, and it still feels fresh as the first time. Now for the mail.. tatatatatan :P
Excited? Yes, of course! So much so that I sent off a mail before reading the comments. Had I done so, I would have known -
1. not for kids
2. shipping free global
Not that point one makes much difference save stripping me of an excuse! But the second makes me more eager!
And uh, it is such a cute game: do play it to the full!
I am very sorry that in my second comment I told you a way to cheat. I didn't realize how wrong that was until Annananana...etc... and Swati said that you should actually play it instead of finding a walkthrough. Now I agree with them. I apologize to anyone who took my advice and feels guilty about cheating.
-Jake (if you haven't guessed by now, that isn't my real name)
Thnks Bart for letting me know about this amazing toy! even if i don't win i think i'll buy it :D
I think its awsome only I want to know if I can get it at the store like at walmart or at target so that my mom can look at it and see if i can have it. And if it does say children 12 and up well my mom probobly will not get it because i have a 3 year old at my house.
i sent u my answer and i forgot to include my name. my email address is chrystiantruszkowski@gmail.com
You mean you sent me an email? if you did how do you know it!
i was not talking to you i was talking to Bart for the contest
omg omg omg omg OMG, that was so freakkin' cool!
Oh sry I was a younger then. I didnt have a good brain. LOL literally.
Oh and this one and one above is PrincessHemeckoEmma. Forgot my acount. I havnt been on this website for a long time.
At 1:08 the thing he makes looks cool. I wish I had some but it's too late- also what's with the last soundtrack with a guy screaming?
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