Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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July 22, 2009
alkirian 2, the seven scepters

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how do i kill the scorpion??
nevermind, got rid of scorpion
what do i do with rock?
is anyone else playing???
can't find the last scepter. Must be somthing with the rock, but what?
Found it!
And out!
where is the las scepter
Hint for the last scepter go back to the first room. Look right side of the door and use brush. Have you seen the sign somewhere else?
okay did it easy one
how can i open the tomb??
found it!!
kk, i'm stuck on the very first bit!!!! plz help!!!
ok, i've gotten into the first room, i've got the 2 scepter on the right but how do u get the ones on the left, the combination won't work!
I'm out. Thanks for the hints people!
And thank you Bart, I love this site! =D
anybody wanna help me?
Brownie: you've got to take each of the scepters seperately (yay for alliteration!), and check the buttons in the first room as well.
Hope that helps.
Video Walkthrough:
1. Move the Pile Of Rocks on Left & Right side of the screen to get a Stone & A Brush!
2. Use The Brush On These Areas:
- Right-Side Of The Screen on Wall: The Scepter The Human Is Holding
- Right-Side Of The Gate
- Left-Side Of The Screen on Wall: The Eye [Not The Chicken-Humans Eye]
- Top Of The Screen: The Spider
3. Take the scepter from The Human! Scepters 1 Of 7
4. The Gate Holds 2 Symbols: Spider & The Eye! In order to open it, you have to active blocks with the same symbol on. Click on the 2 Blocks, The Eye & The Spider ones to open the gate. The Eye - On The Right Side Of The Chicken-Human. Spider - Top of The Screen! Proceed to the next room!
5. Use Brush On Right-Side SandDust to get a piece of paper. Use The Paper On The Torch to Fire it! Use Fire-Paper on Scorpion to scare him away! Take The Stone Cube. Put The Stone-Cube on the missing piece of the stone-something right-side for the coffin! Get a Scepter. Scepters 2 Of 7!
6. Each Glass has a Scepter in it. The 4th One is open, so take the Scepter. Scepters 3 Of 7!
7. On The Right-Side of the screen, there are 4 symbols. Use Brush to get the blocks! Each of the glass has symbols on the left or right side on the wall of it. UnActive all of the blocks with symbols on, and only Active those shown on the glass! Hint: There are also 2 Blocks on the other room! Do it like this:
Remember to UnActive the 2 Symbols on the 1st Room!
1st: Crow, ?Stone? - Active the blocks with the symbols, Crow & ?Stone?. Once the glass opens, take the Scepter! Scepters 4 Of 7!
UnActive All The Symbols!
2nd: The Eye, Wave, ?Stone? - Active the blocks with the symbols, Wave & ?Stone? on this Room. Go back to the first room and active The Eye! Go back to the 2nd room and take scepter. Scepters 5 Of 7!
UnActive Blocks On Both Rooms!
3rd: Snake, Crow, Wave, Spider - Active the blocks with the symbols, Snake, Crow & Wave on the first room. Go Back to the other room and active The Spider block. Go back and take the Scepter! Scepters 6 Of 7!
8. Use The Stone on The Coffin's Golden Cross! Go Back To The First Room And put it on the right-side of the gate. When you go back, you'll relize that the coffin is open. Click inside it and get the last Scepter. Scepters 7 Of 7!
9. Go Back to the first room and click the Arrow Pointing Down!
10. Congratulations! You Found All Of The Seven Scepters & Finished The Game!
thank you prid
Sweet web site, I had not come across www.bontegames.com earlier in my searches!
Carry on the fantastic work!
Awesome blog, I had not come across www.bontegames.com before during my searches!
Continue the superb work!
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
Awesome site! I am loving it!! Will be adding to rss - Thks.
nice post. thanks.
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