
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 29, 2009


You're in a room, unfortunately the door is locked, can you escape sep.?


Anonymous said...

first again!

Unknown said...

Second ^^
Don't really get the game though.. try again later!

Lady said...

This is a really dumb game. Great graphics, but dumb.

Anonymous said...

Not one of the best, I'm sorry to say. Really could not figure out the code to open the bar door, just went through the number combinations one by one. Not much logic or reason to each action ...or it's probably just me not being clever enough!

Nevermore said...

I just went through every number combo on the bar door and couldn't get it to open.
I am stuck.

Thijs said...

Can't get past the bardoor either.

Anonymous said...

Try 5 heart 2

Thijs said...

Tried that one before and didn't work for me.

Nevermore said...

Does not work for me either. Maybe it is different for each time played. I assume the answer involves the scrap of paper with the numbers and symbles on it. Just can't figure it out. Even on one side, odd on the other; still though, I'm stumped.

Thijs said...

Oke you cant just click on the door to the bar, you need to click on the thin metal thingy to the right. Silly.

Nevermore said...

Mine ended up as 5 star 2.
OK. Back to it!

Contralto said...

Mine was 5 Star 2 too. Not sure what to do now I have the lime cut in half

loin said...

Squeeze it into the jigger.

Nevermore said...

I am stuck again :(
I have all items. Atomizer is ready (for what I'm not sure).
I feel dumb.

loin said...

spritz pic

Anonymous said...

cut lemon. squeeze juice into something you should have then look at sketch on side of tv cabinet. the lime juice needs to be added to water.

Nevermore said...

Thanks, ...and stuck again.
Oh well, I'll work on it somemore.

Anonymous said...

lime juice is apparently the same as lemon as far as showing up invisible ink goes..... that painting has alot of blank space.......

Anonymous said...

The press is behind the sofa, I clicked on a hidden spot accidentally. :(

Nevermore said...

What "press"?

Anonymous said...

The lemon press, sorry.

Contralto said...

The "press" is on the window sill. It's a spirit measure for you to squeeze the lime into. No idea what to do next

Nevermore said...

Oh, that's a jigger! It's used for measuring alcohol shots; usually one ounce on one side and one and a half ounces on the other (two sided cup).
I have all items. Just can't get out.
Have also used atomizer on pic and gotten info from back.
Stuck, stuck, stuck!

Contralto said...

Click on the Door handle nine times.

Not sure why though...

Nevermore said...

Thanks, Contralto. I can't believe that is it! I do not understand the logic here. I guess I'm just too dumb.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WTF? I know my escape games, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out (I guess I should say SPOILER ALERT!!!)

the code on the side of the entertainment center that corresponds to the sticks that are strewn about on the bar. I have turned my head almost upside-down trying to figure it out and still no luck. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I give up I found a 1000kg thingy on the left leg of the glass coffee table. have NO clue what it is for. I will have to agree the I don't find the logic in this game. and How 5*2 is the code for opening the bar door.

Anonymous said...

For the sticks bit colored balls, take the length of the sticks.

Tandeeguy4137 said...

they mark next to the plant (in the corner) corresponds to how you fold the paper you have. the answer is 5 star 2 it might be different though

Shrimp said...

After you got everthing and paint the picture with lemon, the little grey thing opens at the back of the pic. A word also appears in the calendar and a smth else on the main door.

Nevermore said...

This is strange. I've gone back and restarted the game to see what I'd missed about it before. The game is different. The word "crossword" is on the calender. There is a box with four letters that you can change on the door. None of which was there when I played the game the first time. I also can't find the key.

Nevermore said...

Found the key, same place as before; duh. Still don't see the logic in this last part. It is at least better then hitting the handle nine times like last time, I guess.
I give up until someone can chime in and give me a clue.
Oh, I've tried "CLUE" as the word for the door, no luck.

qwerty said...

I think the red numbers on the calendar crossword puzzle is what needs to be spelled out to open the door. I can't figure it out!!
8 down: 1000kg= kilo?
11 down: rainboots, rainbow= rain?
envelope/letter= ??
horseshoe, ladybug, clover= ??

qwerty said...

Oh, and
30 across, sunglasses, flower, visor ??

qwerty said...

the little grey compartment on the painting has a code:

red 22
black 25
red "heart"
black 7

qwerty said...

red 22= L
black 25= I
red "heart"= N

I think..

qwerty said...

Is anyone else stuck where I am? Supposedly clicking the door handle 9x opens the door, but it won't.

qwerty said...

yay!! finally out!!
I had red 8 down wrong
its not kilo, its TON.

and yes, click the handle 9 times after you spell out the 4 letter answer on the door.

Nevermore said...

When I played yesterday, there was no box on the door. All you had to do was press the door handle (it would move) nine times. Today it is different.
I am stuck at the door as well.
Weird for a game to be different...

Anonymous said...

8 down is ton, 11 down is rain, 30 across is sun, and the last letter is E.

qwerty said...

So if we play tomorrow will it be different again?

Nevermore said...

I'm out.

Thanks qwerty.

Nevermore said...

Who knows. Try it again today.
I think that this is the way for the game to be. Cause it was really dumb the other way.

Nevermore said...

And, could someone please tell me what "horseshoe, ladybug & four leaf clover pic" has to do with anything.

Nevermore said...

And for that matter, the pic with the envelope and letters. Wow.

Lichen Fairy said...

I think the horseshoe etc is "luck"

Contralto said...

I think the envelope picture is "letters"

At least I now know why I had to click nine times. All that's left is to work out whether you have to guess the e in the exit code.

Thanks all.

Nevermore said...

Who knows about the E? I had to guess, of course.

matt w said...

The gray thing isn't opening. Pffft.

Anyway, I think the painting clue tells you that the Saturday column spells out "never." But I quit.

Anonymous said...

never on saturday means that the crossword is written only on the sun-fri colloms, and so the word "letter" can only fit on the 6-11 row, because the 11-heart collom is "rain". so 7 is E.

Anonymous said...

The code for the door is "NINE".

Anonymous said...

¨what is the word!? i am going crazy soon :S someone said nine, but thats wrong.. its not working here... :( HELP!


get orange note from left glass table leg

get jigger from window sill near left curtain

get key at base of coat rack

get blue note from right side of tv shelf

look at blue decorator plate

in box above calendar, arrange pieces like plate design and click center dot to get spray bottle

pour water bottle from M&M bag into spray bottle

dump stir sticks at bar

at left side of tv cabinet, arrange colors to length of stir sticks to get corkscrew

get folded paper under blue vase

the diagram on wall behind plant shows how to fold paper for bar door code: 5 star 2

enter bar door code and click latch

get yellow note from bottle with corkscrew

get knife, battery, and lime from drawers and mini-fridge

close bar door and get green note

at tv shelf, put bulb from cactus on spray bottle

put battery in remote from tv cabinet and use for tv red button

cut lime; fill jigger with lime juice; pour jigger into spray bottle; spray wall picture

reveal door code on lower-right back side of wall picture: 22 25 heart 7

code numbers represent crossword letters on calendar:
8 down is TON from orange note
11 down is RAIN from yellow note
30 across is SUN from tv
6 across(where is the clue for this?) is LETTER from green note

door code is NINE

end of horrible game

Carly said...

I agree, horrible game.

cega said...

Looks aren't everything, this game shows. THe graphics are wonderful, but the riddles impossible or simple dumb, god what a horrible game. Don't play it, simply put.


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