
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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October 04, 2009

two racoons

Minoto's point and click exercise for this week is here: two racoons.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get anywhere, but monitos cute drawings and fun concept make it worth trying again and again, I have a bottle opener, a unloaded toy gun, a code bar reader and a special ticket. What to do?

Anonymous said...

Wait, I mean minoto. Sorry.

Robert Bell said...

The Asian racoon returned to the riverside.
The collected walnuts were lost. It was surprised.
It was testified that the racoon was not me.
Who on earth is the criminal?

Use the barcode reader to scan the guy with the comb-over than press the keypad on the reader

Anonymous said...

No walnut end!

This time ist wasnt that easy.

Anonymous said...

i mean "it" instead of "ist"

Unknown said...

This one was quite easy, just a matter of trial and error really. Also a little bit of logical thinking, although minoto games can be very random and confusing, they quite often don't make sense! I love it though :) can't wait til next week!

Lichen Fairy said...

funny ending, I wonder if next week will also continue the story.

Brownie said...

yay! nt that hard

OriettaRose said...

What was the "shining bacteria" for? I'm feeling confuzzeled...I never used it/them for anything.

j-dogg said...

help! wat do i do? i have the bar code reader,toy gun,and bottle opener.wat do i do?

Bobette said...

you can use them to make the solar panel light up, which, as far as I could tell, accomplishes nothing. This was a more difficult Minoto game, but I loved the ending!!! Also, did anyone notice that instead of saying "no walnut end, one method of one" it said "no walnut end, only one method". Ooh, Minoto is getting better at using English. LUV IT!!!!

Lichen Fairy said...

lighting up the solar panel unlocks the drawer.

j-dogg: try using the bar-code reader on the guy in the restaurant's head.

Anonymous said...

Ce l'ho fatta!!! Non è stato facile come le altre volte,ma grazie ai vostri suggerimenti sono arrivata in fondo.

Grazie a tutti!!


Anonymous said...

I get it, because of the last game (Squirrel in river) The walnuts are eaten

Nevermore said...

Who is the criminal? Who could it be?
Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...


BooHooBilly said...

you have a can that is hard to open; you have a can opener.
Bacteria like heat to grow.
not sure of anything else, but click on everything and look closely at everything you pick up.

J said...

I like how this one sort of follows on from the last! It was the squirrel who stole the walnut :D Cute and each step made sense (as always with minoto games)

Anonymous said...

what is with the mermaid on the start page?and who is this vitty person i can not read any thing she said!!!cool how the dog dug that up hu?look at my bunny!!!
(")_(") cool game though!!!

j-dogg said...

to Lichen Fairy: i already di that. wat now?

j-dogg said...

yes i finished it!! i didn't look at the bar code scanner after i scanned the dudes head!! that made a biggggg difference!!after that it wuz pretty easy. great game! great game!! go minoto!! you rock on!!

Bobette said...

really the bunny again? And to Vitty-
I cannot read what you have written , nor can I translate it. I will be mad if it is gibberish.

Je ne peux pas lire que vous avez écrit, je ne peux le traduire non plus. Je serai fou si c'est le baragouin.

Ich kann nicht lesen, was Sie geschrieben haben, noch ich es übersetzen kann. Ich bin verrückt, wenn es Kauderwelsch ist.

Não posso ler o que você escreveu, nem posso traduzi-lo. Serei louco se ele for a linguagem inarticulada.

No puedo leer lo que usted ha escrito, tampoco puedo traducirlo. Seré loco si esto es el guirigay.

what language are you using? Thanks.

Bobette said...

P.S. sorry Bart if you think that last comment was too bulky :)

Anonymous said...

i think that vitty said it in french

vitty said...

Mi dispiace che il mio linguaggio vi risulti incomprensibile. Sono italiana,scrivo perfettamente l'italiano ( sono insegnante!!!). Forse è il traduttore automatico che fa confusione!!! Se sapessi scrivere in inglese lo non oso,il mio è un inglese turistico!! Così come pure il francese.

Adoro i giochi di Minoto,non empre però riesco a risolverli.Stavolta ce l'ho fatta grazie a quanto avete suggerito.

Spero che stavolta risulti tutto più comprensibile. Comunque vi lascio il mio indirizzo ,così potrete constatare che almeno l'italiano lo conosco!!!!

Un caro saluto a tutti.Ciao!

Lichen Fairy said...

Ciao Vitty. Non capisco tanto l'italiano e mi dispiace che non questo capisci. Sono studio l'italiano un po' a scuola e non sono la più intelligente.

Questo è solo per ti assicurare che qualcuni qui non sono pigri e stupidi! ;P

vitty said...

Lichen Fairy, grazie della tua risposta!!! E complimenti per l'italiano,mi sembra che lo capisci e scrivi bene! Al contrario di me che con le altre lingua,sono una vera frana!!!

Non ho mai pensato che qua ci siano persone pigre o stupide! Anzi,ammiro molto quello che dicono e l'abilità nel risolvere i giochi di Minoto.

Se hai voglia di esercitarti con l'italiano puoi metterti in contatto con me tramite il blog.Sarà un piacere aiutarti.

Buona serata,ciao!!

Anonymous said...

im stuk i got the gun and the bullet but then im stuk XP

Lichen Fairy said...

Anonymous: put the bullet in the gun then give it to the baby.

Lichen Fairy said...

Lo so, Vitty, ma è che io penso qualche volta! :P

Anche io adoro i giochi di Minoto.

E grazie, ma ci ha volete una mezza ora per scrivere la riposta precedente!

Ciao, Lichen Fairy.

Anonymous said...

Where's the bullet?


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