[UPDATE: now there's a walkthrough/solution available]
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
First again!!! now I will play the game :D
I was waiting for this to happen !!
omg! wahey :-)
Yes yes bring it on, love the bonte games!
sweeeet, need to get playing now
done.. all 30 levels. Loved level 22. :) Thanks Bart
arh the last one is hard! I won't use walkthrough... but... so... hard... to... resist!!!!
yay it's out! Congrats Bart!
Hellagreat, thanks a lot for this new game
Loved it!
Thanks Bart
Finally a new "Factory Ball" ;-)
Nice like always & just the right difficulty.
Another clever and really well made solid factory balls episode! Thanks for another cool game. Very Nice!
Finally!we couldn't wait any longer!!thanks bart, and congrats...it's awesome!!!!
wow brill i love this game
but stuck on level 25 help
never mind i got it,
and finished! brilliant puzzle game Bart! Thanks!
Excellent, but I prefered when a lost try used to be a lot ball, so a lost level, it was more addictive...
But the game itself is still marvelous, again new tools :)
Way to go Bart! Thanks very much.
Wow, level 28 was HARD! Got through it though! ;)
Thanks for a very lovely game, some of them were quite funny!
happy happy happy happy happy ^_________^
thanx Bart!!! ^___^ I'll play this as a reward when I finish my homework =D
Wonderful! There seem to be two Peters in here, btw.)
finally!!!!I started to play but I have to go somewhere so I have something to look forward to all day!!Thanks-I can't wait to get back and I havn't even left yet!
omfg omfg must play now!
Awesome game! I had so much fun. That last grass puzzle was the hardest I think. I felt like there should be an endurance mode where you aren't allowed to recycle balls, instead they are thrown away. 1 new ball for every win, continue till you run out.
Thanks for another great game Bart!
Wow!!! I love the factory balls games! *runs off to try it*
Love these games. Hope to see number 4 in the future. :)
Thanks a lot for this new great game :)
omg, i sooo didn't freak out wen i saw this!!!! :P
Great game!! the last level is very hard but I finished it without walktrough.
As always. ¡Amazing!
As always with Factory Balls. ¡Amazing!
Oh, I love factory balls!
Thank you very much!
This series is my favourite, but i noticed that in some puzzles you didn't need all the tools provided, is that on purpose to set us on the wrong track sometimes or did i somehow circumvent your solutions?
For instance, on the last level I didn't use the mouthpiece, and I actually had a hard time solving it when I was using it at first.
Great game!
Even Better than the first two, although I agree there should be an endurance mode where you lose balls... I miss that from the first game! A lot harder than the first two, and I'm impressed at how many new objects there are... Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did! :D
amazing thanks!!!
oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!!! have to play this right away!! :)
now i'm back and itb gets better with each level!I just LOVE factory balls-I still go bacl and play 1 and 2
I love it!!!! Thank you very much!
woo!!!! thank you bart, this was an absolutely lovely game :D
Good fun, as with the other factory balls. Some nice hard ones at the end.
GRAGH! Still no free play. :C
Thanks Bart loved it
Thanks for making Factory Balls 3 Bart! I love your awesome game series! :D
just played it ^________^
well done!!! Third installment of the same basic idea and still as much fun and still as fresh as the first one! Thanks very much for sharing ^__________^
And I love reading your scrolly thingie, haha XD Best wishes on your music game! I'm looking forward to it =) The background music for your games are always one of the "pros" when your games are reviewed elsewhere =) Do you write/create them all yourself?
Love it! Love it! Love it...
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! So good to hear you're enjoying the game!
@snel you're right, but I didn't do it on purpose, you can solve the last level with or without the mouthpiece
@coffeeteamix thanks, yes I'm always doing the music myself, I don't want to run into copyright issues :)
I'm waiting for number 4 !!!
I love factory balls it's so interesting and logical! Thanks for making number 3!
Another clever and enthralling game... has you totally focused till you finish! Thanks Bart - appreciate all the time and effort you put into your games and the website.
alweer een superleuke factory balls!!!
awesome! i love it!
I'm also suck on 25, but even though Iac figured it out, he decided not to tell anyone AND asked that others not post it here as well. That was pretty selfish of Iac. I wonder why he thought it was important to say "nevermind" after he figured it out instead of posting a hint or solution. Perhaps he thought he was the only real person in the universe and the rest of us are part of his imagination.
Loved the game. I finished it without using any walkthroughs. My mind has been exercised :)
resuelto ha sido dificilillo pero me ha encantado bart, vamos a por la 4 ehh gracias
Excellent - although I found the level where you have to paint 8 segments alternate green and yellow quite hard!!
Stuck on level 28 now...
it was excellant!!!
Thanks I enjoyed that!
I really enjoyed Factory Balls 3 thanks.
thnx soooooooooooooooo much! i luved factory balls 1 & 2! but factory balls 3 is my fave!
Heey~ It was pretty easy! I think im really getting the hang of this! Thanks Bart! awesome game as always!
ive finished it :D yay !!!!
Woo flippin' Hoo!!
Thanks, Bart! I'm a fan of all your games.
Wow, THANK YOU, Bart! I love the Factory Balls series so when I saw you'd made another one, I was soooo exited! :'D This is definitely the most challenging one of the three... ;)
Love the bleeching thingy by the way! :)
Keep up good work, Bart :D
I love the factory balls series and thank you for the new game, Bart! They are wonderful :)
yay!! Factory balls is definitely one of my favourites.
Nice one! I've played all the levels of all the factory ball games.
Please could Factory balls 4:
b)have a 'level creator' mode
I'm slow, but loved it as usual.
A very good job man!!!! Thanks Bart.
Another nifty Bart game, i tried out as soon as i noticed! :)
It has the usual glamour, but it's still too easy, it had only (at most) 4 levels that made me think a bit and trying out things... As i don't consider myself a genius, could you make harder levels in Factory Balls 4 please? :)
On a totally off topic the plant/grass growing and some colour/size changing effects reminded me on the Grow series, also good memories...
I like these games a lot.
Request: please allow us to control the application of tools by keyboard instead of only by drag & drop with the mouse.
E.g. key '1' could mean to use the 1st tool on the ball.
Thanks for a fun, challenging and creative game.
28 omg!!!
also stuck on 25. otherwise awesome game. help?
I don't understand why a level editor for the game would be hard? All you have to do, is create a list of each tool usable on the balls, let the player scroll through the list (or just make the symbols small so they're all visible at once), then drag a ball onto the tools. The ball is then modified by whatever combination the player does. Then, when the player uploads their creation, the upload will have a list of what tools were used - and that list will be the tools available to other players that download the custom balls.
thanks so much for the game, Bart! love it! love it! love it!!!
haha your a tricky man mr. bonte but no match for my superior intellect. well met friend, until next time... 22 golf out
STILL needs free mode
Thanks for this game!! I love all three of these ones :)
I love these games, I need more! I agree that a level editor would be really cool, I'd love to see what challenges others (and myself) could come up with.
yay! great as always :)
I need somebody to help!
I love factory balls but when I trie to start the game there's only a grey window. Any solutions?
Please...I neeeeeed to play this game!!!
@Amy please retry, must have been a temporary problem. Cheers!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE! all of the "Factory Ball" games! You always make them so interesting! We need an other one! I'm ready for the challange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE all of the "Factory Ball" games!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!:P Can't wait for #4!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo... ready for the challange!!!!!!!!!!
Now there's a solution/walkthrough available here
Hey there just letting the guys who make factory balls 3, there is an error. Check out you r walk through for #19. Cheers
Hi Chelsea, I don't think there's a problem with the walkthrough, just tested the solution for level 19 and it works fine.
Well A2 revision is out the window! Bloody good!
Love your site, love your games, and absolutely love all three Factory Balls. I play them over and over and over. We want more!
-An addict-
You still looking for ideas for new tools?
-An addict-
Sure I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!
Some random thoughts for new tools......if you're interested.
-how about dyes instead of paint, you could then get into some fun things with color mixing
-I loved the blowtorch, changing the material that the ball is made out of, brilliant. Are there other things that the ball could be made of? Metal, wood, sponge, marble.......
-Again, I loved the blowtorch, turning the ball into glass was wonderful, there's lot's of other things that could be put into it. Snowglobe-esque. Or what if instead of a single lightbulb you had strings of lightbulbs, like Christmas lights.
-my last random thought... what happens to the ball when it is blown up with something constricting it?
-An addict-
PS Your new escape is fabulous
Sorry, I wasn't very clear
What happens when you blow up the ball with something constricting it? Like a band around it's middle? Would the shape change considerably? I have visions of the ball clamped into something akin to the polka-dots tool, but then blown up.
You guys need to make another Factory Balls asap.
A Factory Balls 4 would be awesome
Beat the game!!!!!!!!! Very hard, espeacially Level 30. But I still did it! And I do beleave Level 26 takes awhile.
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