Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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March 05, 2010
ugly americans - citizen ugly

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I am finally the first one to post! Great game Bart.. thanks :)
hmm that's kinda a mean title...
Hmm...only 4 more cases to go!
Case 3, case 6, case 8 and case 10!
Urg! Stuck on Chickenman! How do I scare him?!
Ha! Finished. :)
where do i recover the new part from?
Show the part to the guy in the starbucks.
nice game kinda diffrent
does anyone have a good walk through for this one?
Any chance of some help here guys?
For the new part you need to click the old part on the second guy in the cafeteria. Then he'll ask for an industrial sized cotton stick or something.
You can't do it case by case, when you get stuck open the next case.
HELP ME! gimmie a quick walk through
Get an eyeball repair kit from the zombie store. (on the right side, in the middle.)
help how do i get to the game I am on the home page but how do i find it?
dunno im stuck like u
Ifound it go to the bottom of the page were you see time waster and press ugly americans.....
how do I get more power for the moon lamp and scare chickenman also find caterpillar man and get food for the goth kid, get accesse to the restaurant for brain, trust phaphlets, silk scarf, pronged utensil,
The show looks like fun anyway
Awesome game.
where is the formaldehyde
Feed the Goth: Mix the soup (That you got from the restarant) and the cookie (which u got from the daycare).
I am stuck with the scarf...I have every thing else done.
Oh. The pamphlet rack is good. (Sp??)
I finished. Just keep clicking through the cases when you start : You want all the places open. And then go from case to case solving the ones that are possible until you are done.
Formaldehyde is in the brain room with the zombie. Click on the empty jar.
Alecia: to scare the chickenman, you need to get the battery from the pier and to do that you need to give a scarf to the "girl" and to do that you need to get the worm to his counseling session and give him a burrito.
Needless to say, its one of the final mission you'll be completing.
little kids are on this site like me!!!!!
You're too young :( this game isn't for little kids, judging by the language. There should be a warning for that. ;)
finish the game!!!!!!!!!!!
waitt how do i get to the daycare?
To turn on the lamp in the sweatshop, click on the electrical outlet, not the cord or the lamp to avoid wasting time.
To get to the day care: Go to the back alley in hell and read the note on the door.
Please help with Case 2,The Croatian Man. It's the last one for me: Where can I find the pronged untesil?
That's a fork.
lol thanx :)
I enjoyed it!
i wish there were more games like this in hard wise...
(i am the little kid)
Where is my weekly Minoto fix?
where do i find that fork??
You can find Minoto on the Net already; solved it yesterday. As insane as ever. ;)
The fork is in Hell.
Video Walkthrough:
Part 1:
Part 2:
sorry to say I actually thought it was terrible and I gave up on it due to boredom, I never give up point and clicks!
You need to get the spare change from the fish by solving the vampire case and giving the corks on the floor to the guy with hooks for hands.
i love the game!!!
i was wondering how do you get the proped untensil i cant figure it out
Hmmm, how do you get the battery from the pier?
New link: http://www.clickshakegames.com/games/ugly-americans-citizen-ugly.php
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