Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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zomg! 1st!!!
i dnt get it ... i think im stuck in the living room
great and really scary
im stuck in the bedroom... what kind of game is this? you cant click anything! FRUSTRATING!!!
Done. That was weird.
you click a bunch of things, then somehow stuff happens after a while? I wonder if you just have to sit all that stuff or if there's a way to actually speed this up.
What a loosy game. All you have to do is stand in the middle of the room and wait for things to happen. What a bore!
UGH!! Finally out of the bedroom.. this is a weird game
gets a bit dull when theres nuthin to do...
click click & click and don't forget to click
Not for me, thank you very much!
Wow. Creepy.
I wonder if it's number of clicks on certain stuff + time = stuff happening.
Definitely keeps it creepy.
I clicked on the picture a bunch of times then clicked the light switch a bunch of times then clicked on paper a bunch of times then blood came out of the wall then a maid tried to spook me by dropping a coded message then the eyes in the picture were removed.......................................then I clicked the X in the top right hand corner and everything became far less annoying.
whats up with the safe? i've tried every single number combo..grrrr
really good game, well for a scary game anyway . . . it was actually pretty enjoyable (pop-ups really scary tho)
only problems i had were pacing, especially at beginning . . . after a couple of rooms you kind of get the hang of the pacing, i'm still not sure if you have to click on things or just wait around but it seems like after something happens there's a certain object you need to click a number of times; like in bathroom (not sure after what event) i clicked on the sink a couple times and blood came out instead of water . . . overall the pacing was okay, but slow for all the ADD/ADHD people out there, which is like everyone on the internet (including me).
the audio was good, except for one thing: what was up with the AIM go-offline sound? sure, it sounds like a door closing, but automatically i associate it with AIM so it kind of stuck out above everything else.
i love the pop-up after the bedroom scene that was during the loading screen! that one got me good hehe.
another little thing i liked was the use of the notes and how they covered parts of the screen to introduce new characters/popups/events into the scene, like the maid in the first scene.
it seemed strange at first that all the rooms are kind of disjointed from one another, all ending with what would probably be death? i'm not sure, but i do know that it still flowed pretty well, esp with the notes in each scene that give more and more of the story away.
i was glad for the "bonus scene" which basically is a summary of the story . . . i had figured out there were two girls, one adopted and one not, but didn't know what happened to the biological daughter.
another little issue: the english was kind of garbled, but was still readable so not much of an issue.
overall, really good game! sure, its scary, and i'm not exactly a fan of scaring myself on purpose, but it was still a good game.
Well, I remember I played the first of this game and me and my friend practically soiled our briefs. I am alone right now and I DID soil my briefs. xD
Scary Scary Scary
I'm finding this more frustrating than scary. >.<
broken link
im stuck in the bathroom. what do i have to do after the boy hanging? please help me!
I enjoyed this.... Will show to the wife later today, mwahahaha :)
I think game progression DID rely on clicks and a lot of them so as to throw you off, frustrate you and then BOO! Scare the dingleberries out of you! Good game.
no problem, i found. thank you!
@ ANON- just keep clicking the sink, toilet, bible, and curtain... eventually the game will continue.
I think whoever made this game forgot that point and click games tend to have these little things called puzzles. This thing would have worked much better as a simple flash animation.
I screamed so much. This is in case you didn't find the key and remember to check
I loved this.
I screamed so much. This is in case you didn't find the key and remember to check
I loved this.
this game is way to scary for me...
i almost don´t dare to click on stuff, cause then those ghost things apear and freak me out .
i´m not gonna go any furder right now !! that ghost in the window of the bathroom wasn´t funny !!!
I almost peed my bliddy pants. This was great, I love scary but the pop ups after you get aggitated with waiting really makes you jump. Now every sound in the house makes me jumpy haha. Prime.
hay i do not get what u have to do mean i clicked on the pic and the paper and tryed the light swich
Dude! xD The element of surprise is the only thing that's scary about this. But I gotta agree that it's more frustrating than scary... Haha
...but then again, the waiting helps building the tension and makes the stuff that happen far scarier. Haha.
There is no "waiting" after clicks, but there is a certain ORDER to do.
Ghosts appears when you click this then that, then this again.
I'm stuck in the working room, can anybody help? i've tried everything
Wow...I enjoyed the game although I had to play it with the volume off because it was a little too scary for me.
Hey Bart, lekker eng spel is dit joh! Ik schrok me rot van dat meisje! Maar dit soort games vind ik echt super, hier moet je er meer van op je site zetten!!
Groetjes van T
Ditto Brownie, I'm stuck in the working room, with a hanging dead body, a light switch i can switch on and off, a bottle of poison and a birth certificate. I've tried clicking them all, is there something else I need to do?
Very scary indeed.
It took me all of 10 minutes to realise nothing was happening. Then to my horror I had to wait a lot longer! The fear! The terror!
Graphics are ok, but gamewise there's not a lot happening I'm afraid.
Why it is scary? I don't want 2 open it. Plz told me why!!!
I beat it. It was awesome!!!!!
this game is so SCARY!!!!!!!!
when the ghost appeared in the living room i jumped out of my seat!!
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