Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
Wow this is great and fun :D
2nd!!!!!!!!!!!omg!!! and its quite fun and chalenging keep making games Bart.
Congrats for the new game !
Should be 25K and not 30K though :P
Awesome game!! The instructions make a cool sound like rapping
Brilliant game Bart, very catchy!
OMG Bart, good job, really!!!! ahahah you are such a fool!!!! that's awesome!but hard!!!
never made it to the bonus level.. really hard but awesome!
very good gane :D
kinda fun :D
Yep, very nice, but fast!!
It could help learning to get ritmus...
Finally a new Bonte Game. And it is as great as always :D Nice Job Bart.
But the Bonus Round is really insane. Perhaps I'll give it another try later.
Haha, so much fun!! Love it! Keep up the good work!
It is fun=]
but it is hard > <
Haha great game! The instructions make it really funny :)
Bonus round on a laptop made me go crazy though!
Wie zegt dat klikken geen hard werk is, heeft trouwens ongelijk!
Well done! Wish I could see the scores but I can't connect to facebook from this computer. Is it possible to post the scores off facebook? Mine was 39,600.
Good job Bart! Phew! It took around 6 tries to get to the bonus round... and then the bonus round almost put me into an epileptic seizure! :)
Scored 36000+
Bonus round on second try. 37075 points after bonus. Fun game.
fun yay new game
I, quite frankly, didn't enjoy this one at all. It is far to difficult and the game effects are really annoying. Klikwerk is mostlikely my least favorite Bonte Game.
That was so cool, the rhythm was awesome! Sadly I did have some audio/visual lag. Regardless, I still made it to the bonus on my first try. Hmm... actually, the lag might've helped. I heard what was coming before I saw it. *shrug*
Thats Game is Great
That was so cool!!
eindelijk een nieuwe bonte game :D
Awesome! I'm gonna post a link on another forum I know.
I don't like it. Boring and annoying. Sorry, Bart! Waiting for your next nice game ;-)
156075!!! Ow my eyes hurt... I made it to the bonus round first try :) Awesome game Bart!
Please do another escape game Bart. Yours out-classed all the rest and I've been dying to play another of them!
Nice one, a bit like Doeo (great classic).
39,225 woop woop!
love it ♥
Good game, Bart, but not really my style (especially with only a touch pad- no mouse). I really like your game style though and the music/rapping was brill. I hope your next game will be a puzzler :D
Definitely a new style for you. Much more action, less thought. I enjoyed it. Very cool, and I'll be replaying it for a while to try for the bonus round... Thank you Bart :)
i like 99% of your games. This one is brutally horrible.
I think this one was boring...
Que buen juego!!! Me quemaste la cabeza!!!! Larga vida a Kraftwerk!!!!
mmmmmmmmm i already want a second one!
hehe, bart please make this a series . . . this is a really cool idea and i think there still a ton of possibilities in terms of gameplay
wowwww .. well, simple, but kinda hard and much fun :) :)
great work, Bart, as usual :)
keep it up buddy .. u rock :D
nooooooooooooooooooooooooo 29875 points... 125 more and I could play the bonus round:(
This game is absolutely awesome.
I had lots of fun and the music is totally radical. Great job!!!!
Thanks for the compliments all!
My next game is probably going to be a puzzler again but I really had to make this one :)
LOL Bart.
Are you trying to drive me insane?
It's a good game, but once was enough for me.
I will pass it on to friends though.
love this!<3
but the bonus round seems to be never ending. when i got to 50000 or something, i got tired of playing and i quited...
Wouldnt this work well on a Wii??
This NEEDS a sequel.
klikwerk is challenging, fun, and original(i think).
Stop: Hammertime!
Dragdrop dragdrop!
But but but - I am used to your games always being so relaxing and now i'm all wound up!
Love it!
I love Bart Bonte games!!!!!!!!!!!....but sadly this one just wasn't the kind of game I like. you can't please everyone, but keep making games because I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun and addicting!
Great game but very very hard.
I never got to the bonus level... sigh...
I wish it wasn't quite so fast.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH i scored 300000 EXACTLY and i DIDNT get to the bonus round >:C
Awesome game!!!
Bonus round fun!
44000+ points, btw.
got 402700 points before losing interest. yes im bored
yes i counted my zeros corrrectly
28650 on the first try :)
Least favorite. Not sure I played even thirty seconds. I use a laptop (with a touch pad, no mouse), so speedy-mousing games leave me cold.
I didn't like the text flashing up and telling me about the bonus level after 30k whilst I'm playing there's a whole screen and intro the give me that info - but loved the game otherwise!!
would you say scoring 63350 is a lot? or a little?
Definitely a lot :)
Are you Dutch? The name 'klikwerk' sounds so Dutch!
Oh, and I love the music element in the game!
Oh, laat maar, ik zie net dat je inderdaad Vlaams bent (niet Nederlands, mijn excuses). Ik ben zelf een Nederlandse dus dan ga je er eerder vanuit dat iemand Nederlands dan Vlaams is :) In ieder geval mijn complimenten voor al je spelletjes! Ik speel ze altijd met veel plezier!
Nice speurwerk :) Vlaams inderdaad en bedankt voor de complimenten!
the game sucks with no volume...
112600!!!!! Woooo
Dit spel is geweldig! Moet op Steam!
Oh my! I have a high score of 74225!!!
Just wanna know, why you have made a sequel to the game Klikwerk, Tap tap tap?
It took me so long to realize it's a reference to Boing Boom Tschack. It even has a similar beat to it. And the name Klikwerk. Oh my god.
So I'm not crazy for thinking that it is a reference to Kraftwerk's Boing Boom Tschack? THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!
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