
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 10, 2010


A Pale Man of the North seeks to rid a people of a most unusual plague, and inherit a Kingdom in heir by Antony "Shift" Lavelle.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fun game.
got stuck on the left shoulder.

SarahDuck said...

I liked it quite a lot except for one detail: The shaking Drove. Me. Mad. Absolutely crazy (not that I had far to go). If there was a way to turn that off, it might just make one of my top 10 favourite games.

Heather said...

The jump from shoulder to eyebrow is IMPOSSIBLE. I mean it. IMPOSSIBLE. A solid 5 minutes of trying convinced me that this game was no longer worth my time. Pity, because I usually don't like this kind of game to begin with but I was quite enjoying this one up to that point...

bb said...

i finished the game and the ending was unexpected and sad.. :(

bb said...

This game was a 10 out of 10

Lexi said...

spoiler for left shoulder:
1.) Take a running start.
2.) jump off.
3.) hold down the right-> arrow key
4.) land in water.

Oh and, First!

Anonymous said...

there are some things which are impossible, because it's not nessasary to complete the level.

and sad ending, but i wished they was a boss stage that requires defeating the king.

David Chuhay said...

If you liked this game and you have a Playstation 2, you should check out Shadows of the Colossus. It's very similary gameplay.

AJ said...

Okay, this game wasn't just a simple walk in the park, which adds a nice challenge. As for the end... treat triumph and disaster the same. Well... I think for most of us triumph is always going to be easier to swallow than disaster.

Carly said...

You can complete all three levels... sometimes the seemingly shortest way isn't the correct one ;)

I wish there were more levels, and yeah, ater all that work I don't even get to rule the kingdom. Whaaa..?

But ye, that shaking was a bit annoying. Liked the checkpoints though - at least you don't have to start from the beginning...

itsunami said...

What a sad ending!!! Why?? it's unfair!!! But loved the game =)

Anonymous said...

Heather, you're right. It is impossible. You're supposed to drop and climb the other side of the giant.

candy said...

loved this game. and i don´t think that it´s difficult.
But the end was...i don´t know... perhaps somehow sad....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Racist ending >_>

Anonymous said...

Great find, Bart! This game rocks! Though the ending doesn't. xD

Anonymous said...

the ending was sad....poor guy..he did all that for game tho :D

Anonymous said...

Is this scary

Alecia said...

Any hints on Chapeter 3?

Alecia said...

That was an AWESOME game. =D More please?

Anonymous (not) said...

On chapter 3, at the beginning, go to the left and jump off. Falling falling falling... When you finally land in the water you're standing on a ledge. Go right, and fall down to some vines. Go left now, all the way, and fall down. Make sure you hit the checkpoint. Now go down the tunnel and the water goes away. Does that help?

Anonymous said...



If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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