
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 05, 2010

treasure of big totem 8

Federico Rutenberg's big totem point and click adventures continue in treasure of big totem 8.


Anonymous said...


Wind Lane said...

I've got all the cake ingredients, just can't figure out how to prep them or combine them.

Igloo said...

me too... Got it all but can't reduce the coconut to piece to sprinkle...

Igloo said...

And i'm out :) when you look closer at the totem you can break the coconut on its edge. The rest is obvious. Cheers :

Anonymous said...

how do I frighten the monkey?

horrorshow said...

Done, easy like they used to be :D But this time I don't really like the end.

@ Anonymous:

To get the coconut, you have to draw a banana with the charcoal.

Anonymous said...

now the native won't take the food

Anonymous said...

ok done it - bit stupid

Anonymous said...

ok done it - bit stupid

Anonymous said...

where do you get the red berry from

madzy said...


Anonymous said...


1. After conversation with Nadia, click on her again and then on the native that appears. Now read the recipe on the tree on the left.

2. Start collecting the ingredients: 6 leaves (ground left of cage; top left of screen; right of tree base; grass, bottom left; foliage top right; rocks to right (below shrub)).

3. Click on the foliage at top, left of cage. Take red fruit.

4. Take matches from bag beneath cage. Take flowers base of left tree. Take stick from tree on right.

5. Combine stick and matches. Put on flat stone at feet. Take back charcoal stick. Use on stone w/parrot to draw a banana. Use flowers on banana, take coco.

6. Follow the instructions for the totem: Top – eyes shut, mouth closed, Middle – eyes right, angry mouth, Bottom – eyes up, smile. Take chisel.

7. Break coco on totem (top left). Combine chisel and coco. Combine grated coco and leaves. Combine with red fruit.

8. Combine cake with chisel and give to Nadia.

9. Watch the angry native guy rant and rave.

SarahDuck said...

Beat it... Getting tired of these, really...


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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