Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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July 22, 2010
inside a dead skyscraper

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Hello... no coment!! :)
xD i wanna fly~
omg I've been waiting for a new bontegame !! :-)
and the point of that was?
Uh, somewhat inappropriate really. Just my opinion.
Poignant and thoughtful.
= World Trade Center...
J'espère que vous avez repéré.
Somebody found the ballon ?
yes but what's the point i give it back it just started all over pointless and boring, if not chocking sorry
That was kinda weird. How many different endings are there? I managed to get three.
1. Flying into the flames.
2. Giving the balloon back to the little girl.
3. Skipping the little girl and walking to the edge of that building.
Are there any others or is that all of them? I was just wondering about that.
Yeah... inappropriate... 4 out of 10 for effort, zero out of ten for good taste & common sense.
I enjoyed the malancholy juxtaposition of the song and the subject matter. The "game" ( It says in the beginning it is not a game) is thought provoking and respectful. The feeling is of missing someone you love....
It's like the only point of this game was to be completely inappropriate. Even without the plane it would have been a horrible game, but with the plane it just becomes down right ignorant.
I think that there will never be a time when we can feel comfortable making light of this tragic event. Use you creative talent for something less wrenching. Hmmm? OK?
I fail to see how this thing makes light of an airplane crashing into a building. I also fail to see what's so inappropriate.
People find their own memories of the tragedy of 9/11 uncomfortable and prefer to ignore them. Something like this brings them to the forefront of their mind and suddenly it's the thing that brought up their thoughts that's inappropriate?
The reality is, people don't want to remember or deal with such horrible things, so they bury their heads in the sand and hope it'll all go away. The human mind, on the other hand, won't let it go since it's tied to such strong emotions. And emotions can be like nuclear waste - they're extremely difficult to deal with when they're still radiating and the powerful ones have a seriously long half life. That's why the entire psycho-pharmaceutical industry thrives.
I found this little time waster to be an insightful look at what things could have really been like. each person has their own thought going through their head in that one snapshot of time that your character is floating through. The fact that any kind of completion of the game "starts it over" just serves to strengthen the imagery of the thing.
It's a pair of workers cleaning up a high rise that's had some kind of catastrophic accident and the new guy on the job imagines what things might have been like the moment the first place hit. That's a very heavy and poignant view.
Nothing in this thing makes me laugh NOR TRIES TO. It doesn't try to make me smile, or cry, or anything, really. It simply gives me another way to think about things and reflect. That's not a bad thing.
I agree with Wind Lane. What's so inappropriate about it? That he used 9/11 as a theme for a game?
I think, you people just can't deal with it.
Just great! I'm not into "exploring-games" usually but this one got me...I was interested in what the people said (or thought) and I think it's close to what they really could have said/thought hen IT happended.
What makes you think is never inappropriate.
how to win?
For once I am glad I read the posts before playing this game! I suffer from PTSD, having lived a mile away from the Pentagon that day. Every time I am reminded of that day I suffer from insomnia or terrible nightmares. So yes, I can't deal with it (@anonymous) and I don't want to either.
Not having played it yet (and not planning to either) I'd like to comment that maybe posting this game wasn't such a great idea, Bart.
I say forget being all PC. Not everyone can deal, for whatever reason. I enjoyed the game for what it was, but maybe it should come with a warning. That way no one will have any issues and if they play it despite the "Caution" its their own fault. (Like when people walk into the store I work in and totally ignore the bright orange cones that boldly proclaim "Caution! Wet Floor!" and act surprised when the floor is wet...geniuses.)
The game was dark and sad, just dark and sad in my opinion, but I just watched Sweeney Todd so maybe my sensitivity meter is running low. I don't think so though. I'm pretty sure I'd still feel the same way.
It is sort of upsetting, but at the same time, in the game, it's possible for you to make a little difference in the life of one person. All the people on top of the building will die. You can return the balloon to the child and make her happy.
I don't think it's insensitive, it's just how this person sees the way things happened on 9/11. Everyone was going about their business and thinking their own thoughts.
The point of this game was, obviously, not to make anyone happy. It didn't try to make anyone laugh. It was to make whoever played it think. It was serious and melancholy and I really don't see anything inappropriate about it.
If they started trying to charge people to play it then that would be a different story. That would be disrespectful.
I don't really get what you guys are saying. I don't see this game as inappropriate. I know people wont agree at what I'm going to say, but how I see this game is that the people who made this game paused a moment in time that destroyed so many things, including lives, and they are showing people how horrible it was. They showed how your life can change in just a split second and that we can't do anything about it. I think this game shows how much we should respect those people who lost their lives. Some people don't take this as seriously as they should and this game just shows how devastating this was. After playing this game, I have a new respect for those people who were in the plain and all the lives lost. I do feel very sad about the 9/11 tragedy and seeing the moment paused just makes me want to cry. I think this game was a good idea because it makes people who didn't really care about the 9/11 accident care a lot for it and all those people who had to die. I have always felt bad about the accident and I wish it had never happened and after this game I wish even more it never happened and I'm glad I feel that way because it helps to show how much people care about this and maybe we can finally really do something about it. Instead of dwelling in the past, we should be searching for the people who caused the 9/11 accident, not taking it out on the whole country. I felt all of this just because of this game.
beautiful and meaningful.
I couldn't get it to work. ???
How long before American Airlines sues for copyright infringement?
To those people that dislike the this game, and are against it because it touched some memories of a recent tragedy:
Think about it next time you see a movie about Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, World War, Holocaust, or any other tragedy. Try to think about how the families of the victims felt about it, and how much you learned from watching those. Do you still wish this game never existed ? Or maybe now you wish all those films were never made?
Peace to all !
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds this game touching and thoughtful. I actually got something of a lump in my throat thinking about the people who were actually there at the time and what they might've thought. Maybe for the last time.
The movement and technical aspects are all wonderful, but I'm unsure about the subject matter.
Perhaps not the best choice...
For those who read this far, I'll give my own way of seeing it.
When I played it, just for a few seconds, I wondered the fact on how a person could fly. But, of course, it is a game.
Yet, at the same time, it isn't. The guy at the start said "This is not a game". And it isn't. You fly, you can read thoughts, and all sorts. I got what was happening not only of thse comments, but that of the fact the NPCs were pointing to the sky.
It's still July when this was posted; it might not even be connected to 9/11. It might of mirriored the events, or it might bhe the exact thing.
We forgive what has happened on that faitful day. Or, atleast, come have had. All we can do now is sit back and watch time fly by once again. Linger not in the past; for shall it happen again, it will be History reapting.
Nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy your days while they last - life isn't forever.
- Pommy
I think that Americans are self-centered and think they're the only ones in the world that to know such trauma... The whole world can't suffer for what happened to them.
I mean, how many games are there about wars ? WWI or II, or Vietnam ? Do we hear French or Viet complain that such games are traumatic, do we hear Japanese complain all the time about atomic bomb ?
Remember that it is the ONLY country in the world and in history to have had such a stuff made for killing THOUSANDS of people ! TWICE !
Yeah Americans can't deal because they're patronizing victims.
So yeah I agree with Rigo.
And about the game I think it's experimentally interesting but boringly entertaining. It's just to promote one song.
Your comment about Americans is very disrespectful. You are putting everyone in the same group, saying Americans are all the same. It is prejudiced (i.e. an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics). No one is saying that one person's suffering is more worthy of empathy than another's. Suffering by anyone is a terrible thing, and should be acknowledged, if only for the basic fact that we are all human beings on the earth together.
Kani, your comment was very rude, insulting and disrespectful. Evey country has gone through somthing horrible. I wish that people would stop calling this game inappropriate. It is what it is and what happened on 9/11 happened. It's just a game people, play it.
You did'nt get it at all !
You just comfort me in thinking that Americans think they're the only ones to suffer without taking in account that countries had suffered too, and often because of American politics !
I am not saying American's suffering is not "worthy" but don't be so quick to complain while other countrie ARE suffering.
It very sad to have people killed by terrorists attack but people killed during war is as sad, isn't it? American politics says "no" because war are an excuse to them.
the truth is that the whole world is fed up wit American ethnocentrism. Sorry if it's offending (but think about it).
Kani, I think that you need to find another website to post your garbage on.
Kani hates America and Americans!
I for one actually agree with Kani, im an American, i was impacted by 9/11, but she is right in saying that we aren't the only ones who have suffered, and yes we Americans tend to make a bigger deal out of what has happened to US rather then what has happened to other countries, what happened then was nothing compared to what happened to Japan with the bombs in a scale of life lost and destruction. and honestly, the terrorists that did 9/11 thought/believed they were right, we [Americans] thought/believed we were right when we decided to drop the bomb. One mans peace is an others war. with all that being said, do i think this game was appropriate? no. and along the same lines as i would say a game about dropping bombs on japan would not be appropriate either.
It's just a game people... GET OVER IT!!!
Chris Brosz, thanks for your comment. I totally completely agree with you, there's nothing to add.
I wish that people would stop saying that this game is appropriate/inappropriate, and stop bickering with each other about it. Would you all just stop it and play the game already? It's just a freaking game!
Publicity for a stupid song playing with the tragedy of 9 11
Sheesh, the comments are more interesting than the game...
Everything is fair game, 911 is no exception.
Thank you Anonymous 5:43.
Why can´t Bart just post what he wants to? And, for the people who called this inappropriate, why? Does it makes you laugh? No! It's just a game about 911 and that's what it is. So stop complaining!
Stop complaining. I agree with Kani.
I didn't understand the game or these comments. What is 9/11?
Never mind. I feel all out of place.
But I will say that bringing up stuff from the past about war and peace and whatever.
I'm japanese and I'm not complaining about the atomic bomb that was dropped tens of years ago.
What makes you think this is about 911? does it ever say that? I mean, before 911 the topic of planes crashing into buildings was used for other things. The same way that before the earthquakes in haiti and in japan, the idea was played around with by different mediums. All I'm saying is, don't you suppose you might be kind of jumping the gun to think that it HAS to be about 911?
please leave YOUR comment and feelings on this page. i would like to know how you feel about it.
different anonymous than earlier
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