
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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July 24, 2010

tetsuo in the room

Look, it's Tetsuo in the room but will you please help him to get out?


Anonymous said...

hard one! anyone found a color code already?

pete said...

Look at the back of the note on the desk for the green code ...

Anonymous said...

thanks Pete! I guess the clock is used for the blue code then but how?? 0500 or 1700 does not work

itsme said...

Have a good look at the clock ... maybe it's upside down? :-)

Anonymous said...

ok, red one now ...

pete said...

And I'm out! Nice one! Need a hint for the red one? What's odd on the calendar ...

Coffeeteamix said...

thanks pete =)

now where's the 2nd battery? ><

Coffeeteamix said...

nm, after some pixel hunting i found it =P

it's under desk

David Brenion said...

need one more hint for the calendar, please!

Coffeeteamix said...

@ David: count the days, look at the month~

i'm now stuck on remote control =(

Anonymous said...

I really can't figure out the red code. :/
I also only have one battery - the one from under the desk.

Anonymous said...

@ TEA.
Here two hints.
1) In room is something what need power.
2) Some month in year have only 30 days.

Anonymous said...

1) The clock? The TV? Can't get anything from them, and I can't turn the clock over, or use the screwdriver on it.
2) Yeah, if it a calender form june, it should only have 30 days. Perhaps it's not from june (6), but from 2006...

I'm still stuck.

Anonymous said...

You need be closer to the clock. And open it from a backside.
Red code is one of the days in the calendar.

Anonymous said...

Screwdriver for what??

Anonymous said...

How do you turn the clock around?

Still haven't figured out the red code yet, but will think and try some more.

I don't know what the screwdriver is for.

Anonymous said...

Step on the table, then you can reach clock and will be able to turn it around.
Hope it helps.
Then you'll see what the screwdriver is for. ;)

Anonymous said...

anyone here who can help with orange code? Have remote control, can even use it, but .... stuck!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes is something different when sound isn't mute.

Anonymous said...

was the "not mute-hint" for the orange code?? Still don't understand anything .... :(

Anonymous said...

Yes the "not mute-hint" is for orange code. Try set TV sound little bit louder and do something with remote. Carefully watch what TV shows.

Anonymous said...

Great. Found a key I don't know how to use - and I'm still stuck on the red code. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm too stupid to understand the orange code!
Left button is "volume" and after clicking it a few times, it shows 4 squares and an orange square. ...
and I can change the programms ...
Volume looks like code, but still don't understand.
Sorry, my english is bad. Hope you understand anyway.

Anonymous said...

You found out, what day isn't possible right?
Christmas is 12.24 ...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, anonymous!

Anonymous said...

welcome, hope you'll find out about the orange code, so you can help me :)

Anonymous said...

Set your TV volume and switch channels. But do not use numbers. Maybe something is missing.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put batteries in the remote, hah. Know I'm just stuck on the orange code.

Anonymous said...

don't know, what could be missig. Every field for the items is filled.
Using the up(down button for switching channels ... still nothing.
Think I'll give up.
How embarrassing!!!

Anonymous said...

oh god!! Eventually understood what was meant by "missing" ....
Thanks a lot for all the help with the orange code!!
... and out! :)

Anonymous said...

Good job Anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous :)

Coffeeteamix said...

i have the batteries in the remote.... but no matter what i click, it says "1" on the screen, is that normal?

Anonymous said...

err ... nope, that's not normal ...

Coffeeteamix said...

ah.. and i figured it out >< you don't open the remote to use it, even though it makes sounds when you press things. you must use the remote ON THE TV @_@

Anonymous said...

where did you use it??? :)

Anonymous said...

Finally I got it too! :D

Thanks for all the help.

Quilp said...

And out.

Coffeeteamix said...

out ^__^ thanks everyone =)

@ Anonymous 02:42: I turned on TV, then double clicked on the remote and tried pressing the buttons. It made clicking sounds so I thought I was doing something. Turned out I had to turn on TV, SINGLE click on remote to highlight it, then click on TV =P

Anonymous said...

need help with orange code!! nothing above helped.

Anonymous said...

For the orange code, flip through the channels on each volume setting and see which channel is missing.

Me/You said...

Wooo complicated... But really good! I really had a problem to understand how work the red and orange codes, but finally I'm out!

Ashila said...

I have the batteries in the remote control, I turn on the TV, then highlight the remote and click on the TV; a bubble appears showing part of the remote, but then when I try to click buttons on it, Tetsuo points it at the TV but nothing happens -- the TV just says 1. What am I doing wrong? I tried recharging the batteries and that didn't change anything. Help!

Wind Lane said...

Did you wait till the charger's light turned green? If not, the batteries aren't really charged.

The other thing is, it's easier if you're only using the volume and channel up and down buttons.

Boris said...

I just can't get the red code, even after the hints I just don't get it. If its not June (too many days) then what does that mean?

2006? OK so what's Christmas got to do with it. The shapes one I got because "dismantlement" used it, the clock I think I figured but this one I just fail ... LOL

Ashila said...

Hmmm how long do I have to wait? I feel like I'm missing something -- like, should the charger be plugged in? I don't have a plug or anything. I've put them in the charger and waited several minutes. There must be something else I should be doing to make them charge... >.<

Ashila said...

Oh, and for the red code: Identify the day that doesn't belong on the calendar, given that it's June. Then just consider the standard way of writing dates, like February 14th would be 02-14. (That was the point about Christmas I think, just the format of writing out the date.) Put it together and that's the code. Don't overthink it. ^_^ (It took me a really long time too!)

Ashila said...

Aah, you can plug it in without a cord! I feel dumb. ^_^;; Thanks for the tip about the green light!

Boris said...

Oh crud no wonder I didn't get it I'm used to putting the day before the month (UK style).

rl said...

Finally out. couldn't do without the hints and helps. Thank you guys!

sandra said...

The graphics were awesome!
I like this game!

Anonymous said...

so, whats the code for the green one?

Me/You said...

Look at green shapes, at the back of the note on the desk...

Anonymous said...

I'm confused as to how I'm supposed to enter a code in...
I look at the green, blue, red, and orange code places and I see blank buttons...
Is there something I'm supposed to do to make the options show?

Coffeeteamix said...

@ Anonymous 17:23
the numbers don't show.... just count =) It goes by number of clicks.. so always start @ zero before you click~

Anonymous said...

What's the thing you get from the blue code?

Anonymous said...

The shapes through me off... but once you said that I went "duh" and it all clicked into place!

Anonymous said...

great game! challenging but i loved it!

Me/You said...

@Anonymous 19.40 : A screwdriver naturally :)

Anonymous said...

The orange code was awesome....

Almost impossible...

Beth said...

bart please give me a good one before I have to leave for Texas tomorrow at 11:oo am from NC. Hope I will be able to get to a puter at times,but job will last at least 2 months. I will miss your games and minoto!!

Anonymous said...

i cant seem to find a screwdriver or the 2nd battery??

otherbrotherDarryl said...

I thought I solved all puzzles. The orange code must have been solved, it won't show up for me anymore, but the door is still locked.
What's the flashlight for? Could I have got something out of order?

otherbrotherDarryl said...

I thought of a place to use the flashlight and got the last hidden item.
Nice graphics.

Anonymous said...


Click to open the lower of the four drawers.
Click inside the “empty” drawer and see a flashlight in a bubble.
Click on it to put it in your inventory.
Click inside the bubble to make it disappear.
(from now on – do this with all items you get, and to close all bubbles just click inside them)
Open the second of the four drawers from top.
Click inside to get a screwdriver handle.
Look under the desk next to the chair to get a battery.
Take the note from the desk.
Double click on it in the inventory and click again to turn it around.
Note the green shapes.
Click on the robot to make him move out of the chair.
Now, click on the top drawer (green) in the desk and click on the buttons to open it.
Solution below.
Click inside the drawer to get a battery charger.
Time to open the blue drawer (middle in desk).
You get this code from the wall clock.
Solution below.
Click inside the drawer to get the second part of the screwdriver.
Double click on the screwdriver handle to view it and add the top part.
To open the red drawer you need to look at the wall calendar for a clue (what’s wrong?).
Solution below.
Click inside the drawer to get a remote.

Click on top of the desk to stand on it.
Click on the wall clock to take it down.
Click on the clock again to see the back of it and use the screwdriver to remove the battery.
Go back down to the floor.
Double click on the battery charger and insert the two batteries.
Click on the trashbin to the left of the desk to move it.
(click the side of it, not the top or he’ll just shake it)
Highlight the charger with the two batteries and click on the wall socket to put it there.
Wait for the batteries to charge (green light on it).
Take it back, double click to open it and then remove the batteries.
Double click on the flashlight and click on the top part to open.
Insert the batteries.
Click on the trashbin to move it again.
Now, click to look under the left side of the bed.
Do this with your flashlight highlighted and you’ll see a key.
Click to take it.
(if you don’t have the flashlight with charged batteries you just see a dark bubble)
Now, remove the batteries from the flashlight and insert them in the remote control (click on it to turn it around and open the lid).
Click on the TV to turn it on and sit on the bed.
Highlight the remote and click on the TV to see it in a bubble.
Use the arrows up and down to change channel and volume.
This will give you the code for the orange buttons in the door.
Solution below.
Click on the TV to turn it off and then zoom on the buttons of the door to click on them.
After you put the correct sequence, use the key in the key hole below the buttons.
Press the door handle and you’re out!


Anonymous said...

Green drawer
Use the shapes on the back side of the paper.
Count the corners of them.
Square=4, Circle=0, Triangle=3, Pentagon=5.
Click on the first (left) button 4 times, the third button 3 times and the fourth button 5 times.
Then click on the green button, and last click on the drawer itself to open.

Blue drawer
The wall clock is upside down, so the time is 11:30.
Click on the first (left) button 1 time, the second 1 time, the third 3 times and then the blue button.
Last, click on the drawer to open.

Red drawer
The calendar shows june (6th month), but there are 31 days and june only has 30.
The code is: 0631, so click on the second button 6 times, the third 3 times, the fourth 1 time and then the red button.
Last, click on the drawer to open.

Door buttons
If you set the volume on the TV to 1 square, and go through the channels using the arrows you’ll notice that one channel is missing.
Change the volume to two squares and another channel will be missing.
Do the same for three and four squares and you’ll have the amount of times to click on each button by the door.
Channels missing for 1,2,3 and 4 squares of volume: 2, 5, 7 and 3.
So, click on the first (left) button 2 times, the second 5 times, the third 7 times and the fourth 3 times, then the orange button.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that the walkthrough is in two parts. I thought that it might be a little confusing if it was all in one. I hope that it can help.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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