Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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first ...lol
How do i open the ball that i got from the tracks
You open the golden ball with the green coin.
Spoiler for the green coin.
SPOILERTheGreenCoinIsUnderThe GoldenBowlSPOILER
Where do I get the pendulum???
The pendulum is in the drawer with the roman numerals.
The code for the roman numerals is on the second weight of cuckoo clock
A nice game, not to tough, not to easy.
How Do you change the roman numerals?
It shows me only three green squares.
First i see three times I I I. The numerals change, when I click on them.
Nice game, Bart. Took me a lil' bit but figured it out in the end :D
Where do you all find the game? All I find is links in an asian language that are not even displayed with asian language signs but with numbers because someone messed up all my computer settings.
I find the game MILD ESCAPE, but that's all. Could please SOMEONE help me the right link or the right image or so to click?
And Bart, if you again respond to my comment in almost no time I'll not be all smart-assy about it, I promise.
Scroll down Playerette.
I'm stuck! I have a toy coin, 3 round parts, 2 metal sticks and a phone hint. There's something behind the dresser but I can't reach it....nothing else works!
anony, look at the cabinet that has the code hint lanternchaircandle if you look around the room you should be able to come up with numbers for that door.
it will load where it says mild escape
Turn javascript on. ;)
I need the roman number code please!!!!
roman number code is on the second cuckoo clock weight that you get from sending the train engine down the track.
I think it;s glitching on me. I'm trying to get water but whenever I click the tap I pick up the bowl...
I can only find two numbers for the code under the telephone, where is the other girl.
I can't find any candles, do they mean the ones on the chandelier because i tried that and it didn't work
Okay, I sent the train down the track but now i cant find the gold ball and the clock still doesn't work
The third girl is in the dresser under the tap.
Don't forget that you might not be able to see all the candles on the chandelier at once, Anon. :)
Okay, so the last two comments have been me and i've ended up finding them out, miscounted the chandelier. But I can't figure out the telephone number, i tried both the one on the paper and the one on the cup and i tried them together but it doesn't work.
There's a (simple) code to get the phone number. But first you have to read the clue correctly:
"PHONE --> 68545"
Hmmmm....5 letter word. 5 digit number.
How to get from one to the other?
(Just this clue for now....If there are still problems, I will elaborate). ;)
All right, I must be missing something very obvious. I put the saucer and the tap on the vessel and I have three wheels and the axels for the little train. I found the phone clue and have the screwdriver...and now I am stuck. I can see what looks like the wheel behind that cabinet, but I can't get to it.
Where am I not looking?
Oh, for pete's sake. Never mind, I finally figured out what bowl to look under. Silly me! Never forget to click around on items you have in your inventory, kids.
still cant figure out the phone number...clues makes no sense what so ever..n i dont want to quit..helppp please
YES!! finally cracked the phone code. Hint: Alphabet 1-10
Set up your alphabet to number
Using that, "PHONE" correlates to 68545, which is what the clue says.
Now, if you decode "CALL ME" using the same code, you get a number you might want to dial....
How do you turn on the telephone?
How do you open the cabinet with the train inside?
where is the fourth weel???
for the telephone you need a key
You open the cabinet also with a key. With the key inside the golden ball
The fourth wheel is behind the tall cabinet
can someone please tell me where did the ball fall off to?
i cant find it after it dropped out of the hole
@Rling - look under the cupboard with the tap on it.
(surprising how far those balls can roll!) ;-)
I can´t find the third girl!!! in what dresser under the tap? there´s nothing there :( I already check out...
Escape from Minshio Restaurant
Click on the various tables and open the containers to find 2 wheels and a pair of axles (they look like silver chopsticks)
Click on the girly pictures and note the numbers
Click on the cupboard and see lantern chair candle, go round the room and note how many of each and then enter code (see below)
Collect the s/d, the stick and note another number on the pic
Go to the cupboard under the telephone and see that GIRLS is the hint for the number. Do the maths and enter the number then press the horizontal button immediately underneath the number
Collect the handle – we’ll need it later
Check the telephone above and see it needs a key to make it work; we’ll come back to that later
Go to the taller cupboard with the glass and open the lower part, collect the gold bowl and the phone hint.
Flip the gold bowl over in ‘about item’ view and collect the green coin of a toy
Open right hand drawer above the lower cupboard and collect the 3rd wheel
Zoom out and click behind the cupboard and see something out of reach, use the stick to collect it, you should now have all 4 wheels
Zoom into the double window view and see that there’s a railway track outside with some items on it
Zoom back and use the s/d on the zodiac pictures (left of the window and under the cuckoo clock
Collect the blue carriage and fit the axles and wheels to it
Go to the hole in the wall to the left of the window and use the ‘stick’ to complete the track
Put the blue carriage on the track and view the cut scene to see it collect something on its journey
Hmm, the ‘something’ is not with the carriage, it must have rolled across the floor
Turn and click under the smaller cupboard to collect a golden ball
View the ball and use the green toy coin to open it and get a clover key
Go to the glass cupboard and open it with the clover key
Collect the toy train
I think we know where to use that, see it roll round the track and collect the other item on its way
See the crashed train and collect the cuckoo clock weight
View the weight and flip it over to see some roman numerals vii iii ix
Go to the tall cupboard and enter the numerals in the left hand drawer (some people have had problems with this, but in IE its okay for me)
Click on the drawer to open it and collect the pendulum
Go to the cuckoo clock and hang the weight and the pendulum
Wait a few seconds and you will be able to collect the spade key from the ‘non-cuckoo’
Go to the long non-girly pic and use the key there
Collect a fan. View the fan and click on the handle to get a strange key
That key is for the telephone and gives it power, but what is the number to dial?
To find it, we must go to the samovar and set the gold bowl in the tray and the handle on the tap, turn the handle and zoom in to see CALL ME (note that in the text it says ‘So the phone number is Call Me’)
Using this with the hint we got earlier, we can find the correct phone number – many thanks to those who did the work on this bit, especially kimi who I quote below.
Dial the number and see that the door is now open, go to the door and you’re out – without Happy Coin though
For Happy Coin just dial the same number to break the rotary dial and collect the Happy Coin, now exit and watch the fireworks.
Lantern/chair candle = 4108
Girls code = 358
Telephone code = 312235
phone numbers solution:
so...call me=312235
thank u! yes, they can roll off pretty too far!
You're welcome. I'm glad that I could help.
Ok, here is a silly question...does anyone know what song is playing with this game or where I can find it?
@ Anonymous 6:19
If you look at the description of the game (in Japanese) at the top, there should be the letters BGM then arrows pointing to a link. That's the website where the background music came from. If you click on "Thanks" in the bottom right corner of the game you should see it too. They have A LOT of background music on that site, so I haven't found the exact one yet. Will post again if I find it.
@ Anonymous 6:19
It is tw024. It should be in the box on the lower right. If not, click on any of the links and you'll be given a list of songs. Find this:
tw024 02:15 - DATA
I've tried on Firefox, Netscape, and Flock, and I can't read any digits on the left drawer, just three green squares.
I was wondering, why did you stop with the games? since august there is nothing new..
I'm going crazy without your games! and no minoto... :(
I didn't stop the games :) Check www.bontegames.com
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