Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 27, 2010

open the cup pudding

Please open the cup pudding, because I know you want to.


  1. First! Sorry I had to :P

  2. I got the initial lid off but now i can't figure out the sun and moon thing

  3. yeah, I'm stuck on the sun and moon thing too.

  4. I tried everything, the stripes, the letters sunandmoon, up, down, sideways (no, not really sideways, lol), really everything. I think I might have to cheat...

  5. Ah dang, no cheats yet. OK, gonna have dinner first then. Maybe I'll have an epiphany...

  6. also on sun&moon...

  7. me too ... sun and moon

  8. i'm going crazy with "x-thing"... HELP!

  9. hi pub: about x-thing (sorry my english...)


    divide and exchange
    top-right // left-right
    first one is the X

  10. my mistake

    divide and exchange
    top-bottom// left-right
    first one is the X

  11. ALSO STUCK ON SUN&MOON! i also tried EARTH but it didn't work. gah! what is that barcode??

  12. very hard, but i'm finally out now :D

  13. sun and moon? anybody????

  14. come on! if you're out please give those of us asking for help just a little hint.... obviously there are a handful of us at the same place and would love to benefit from your obvious superiority.

  15. Well, it must have something to do with the bar code, the sun is on the left, moon is on the right, on the label sun on top, and moon is on the bottom... soo idk

  16. There are 10 numbers, and five letter, so im guessing the numbers have something to do with moveing the letters up and down

  17. For the Sun and Moon one...
    Stuck on the next one

  18. okay, did some internet searching, and there is a ridiculously complicated method (compared to the rest of the puzzles so far)

    1.) Each bar of the bar code represents one letter of the phrase SUNANDMOON.

    2) The numbers below the bar code are telling you to count. (numbers with a negative sign indicate counting left, all others are to the right)

    3.) So, if you start at the first, it tells you to go 5 to the right. If you do that, you land on -4. Four spots to the left... etc.

    4.) At any time in this process, when the bar above the digit you land in is a THICK bar, enter the corresponding letter from SUNANDMOON into the next available code space up top.

    5.) You should end at 0. Good luck!

    Now I'm stuck on the next part!


    well anonymous: for the next part you're going to hate you because it's so simple (maybe too much after what we had to think about before...)

    what are the first letters of those words???


  20. i had to cheat...



    starting letter S and number 5 (thin bar => ignore)
    go 5 to right => -4 = D (thick bar => letter belongs to the code)
    go 4 to left (minus) => 1 = U (thick bar => letter belongs to the code)
    go 1 to right => 1 = N (thin bar => ignore)
    go 1 to right => 1 = A (thick bar => letter belongs to the code)
    go 1 to right => 2 = N (thin bar => ignore)
    go 2 to right => 1 = M (thin bar => ignore)
    go 1 to right => 2 = O (thin bar => ignore)
    go 2 to right => -1 = N (thick bar => letter belongs to the code)
    go 1 to left (minus) => 0 = O (thick bar => letter belongs to the code)


  21. also stuck on the next part...

  22. @ jdoe and angela:

    expanding on what anonymous said.... after you think about the first letters for those words, think alphabet.

  23. thanks Coffeeteamix - finally got it ;)

  24. Before taking off the lid; I don't get the one where it gives a hint:X ...makes no sense to me.

  25. OK, anybody else think this isn't fair? First puzzles super easy, sun and moon one near impossible, and the last one easy again. Not too happy with this one, Bart. I much prefer the Katai puzzles. At least I have a sense of accomplishment afterwards. ;)

  26. i dunno how to do da last bit :(
    what letters? what do u mean by think alphabet. i've tried these: A,M,S
    what is it i cant work it out me so stupid > <

  27. 5 year old in a 13 year old's body28 August 2010 at 06:01

    blue? grrrrrr. and besides. who would make such an evil pudding cup thats so goddamn hard to open? i mean srsly, no little kid is gonna be excited to see this in their pokemon luchbox

  28. has someone find out da last puzzle me very bad and i'm sad now :(


  30. the last puzzle (after you flip the cup over) is driving me mad. ARGH WHAT IS IT

  31. The last puzzle is not that difficult.
    Check the clues.
    In the middle, the first letters of Sun and Moon are pointed out, and their symbols on the circle.
    Under the moon symbol, the arrow points a direction, maybe an order.

  32. For the blue puzzle (since nobody answeered you), change it to the letter above it, then read the numbers. If the number is above, move it up that amount, and if it's below, move it down.

  33. I still can't solve the last puzzle!!! Can someone please give me an actual understandable non-cryptic hint? I can't work with "think alphabet" and "what are the first letters of these words?". I noticed the arrow and the pictures of the sun and the moon. So please give me a hint but not the solution! Thank you!

  34. A few hints on the last puzzle...

    The pictographs of the Moon and the Sun represent the first letters of the words 'Moon' and 'Sun'.

    And...compare the number of spaces between 'M' and 'S' in the alphabet with the number of spaces between the pictographs of the Moon and Sun.

  35. so for everyone who was pissed off by the smartass answers from the "yay and out, sooo easy, folks"-people. the last puzzle is in fact easy. the pic of the moon stands for the letter M the pic of the sun for S then it is M n o p q r S t u v w. so the solution is O,Q,V from clockward circle.

  36. They've changed it. They've cleaned up the look of certain clues so that they now fully make sense. I think they must have uploaded an early build, realized their mistake, and they uploaded the correct build of the game.

    The biggest changes are obviously on the hints for the last two puzzles.

    No more greater than (>) symbol at the beginning of the bar code numbers, now it's an actual arrow with some additional clue stuff sprinkled throughout the rest of the game.

    Much more fair now, though a little too easy on certain puzzles with their clues pretty much giving you the answer.

  37. Hey, can someone help me with the last problem (from left to right) Around the cup before you open it? It has the Hint and the four arrows going in the four directions.


    Tab #1
    Code: KHWX

    Tab #2
    Code: JJJJ

    Tab #3
    Code: OGCQ

    Tab #4
    Code: XHOU

    Top Of Cup
    Code: DUANA

    Bottom Of Cup
    Code Going Clockwise : OQV

    I hope that this helps.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I think it would be funny if in real life you had to solve puzzles like this just to open a box of pop tarts

  41. Me too... stuck on the sun and moon

  42. OK I get the last puzzle, my monitor was set on very bright and after resetting to the default settings, I could see the circles that didn't have anything in them.

  43. @ Garret: hehe I agree! Maybe it'd help people with their diet plans =D Then again, those of us on this forum might end up eating more just to play with the puzzles >.>

  44. Garret - I think it would be great for weightloss if *anything* fattening had a puzzle like this before you could open it.

  45. I do like the katai ones better because at least i can figure out some of them, i cheated throughout this whole thing

  46. Top of cup code is




    Sorry everyone. I just now noticed that in my walkthrough. It should be alot easier to finish the game now.

  47. pftttttt! wopould never eat something like that if it had a billion stupid little codes onit. i would find and easy-open one. haha goes tom show how lazy i am!!!

  48. pftttttt! wopould never eat something like that if it had a billion stupid little codes onit. i would find and easy-open one. haha goes tom show how lazy i am!!!

  49. *oupsssss sry forthe second post!

  50. sunandmoon-
    4 that 1 the letters r DUANO

  51. thank God I don't have to work this hard to get to my pudding.

  52. Please could you explain the reasons for the codes. I am grateful for the help but I would like to know how you got the codes. Thanks.

  53. @ Mrs. Olaf: do you mean the Sun&Moon one?

    1) Label each black line in the barcode as one letter in SUNANDMOON, starting from the left.

    2) Look at the numbers. The first number says "5", move to the right 5 steps. You are now at "-4". Look at the line above "-4", it is a thick line. Jot down the letter it represents ("D").

    3) The number you just saw was "-4". That means go left 4 spaces. You are now at the first "1". Look up at the lines; it is another thick line. Jot down the letter it represents ("U").

    4) The number you're at now is "1", so move 1 space to the right. You are now at the 2nd "1". Look up at the line, it is a thin line. So skip that letter.

    5) Since you're at a "1", move right 1 space so you're at the 3rd "1". It is matched to a thick line. Jot down the letter ("A").

    Keep doing this until you land on (not pass by... LAND ON) the "0". You should have jotted down 5 letters at this point. This is the 5 letter code for Sun&Moon.

  54. I think there's a problem with a game... I hadn't been able to finish it the first time I played it, so i tried once again and I noticed that, at the first "sun&moon" puzzle, the numbers under the barcode and the clue just above the place to insert the letters disappeared! I had already passed that point, but now I can't do it again 'cos I don't remember the right sequence. Does this happen to anyone else?

  55. i had to cheat :(
    but the spoilers dont work :(
    i'm stuck anybody help?
    beth xx

  56. @ Rava: You're right, the numbers are gone from Sun&Moon puzzle. But the author also changed the code so that you no longer needs the numbers. =)

    since no numbers to tell you which order to read the lines, might as well just go in order from left to right =)

  57. Oh... ok! Thanks coffeeteamix! But why changing the puzzle? Mah... In any case, this game is better than the surstromming one, at least it's longer at a bit more difficult. I'm waiting for the next one! :) Bye timewasters!

  58. DUANO is NOT corrrect for the sun/moon top of the lid puzzle. It does NOT work unless there is a bug in the game

  59. I already posted the correct code. It's DUANA. Just read the freaking comments. They are there to help. Yeesh... The code is DUANA. Get it now people DUANA.

  60. The game has gone buggy. I could get the DUANO code to work earlier. DUANA won't work at all. It said that in a previous post. The bar code on the top of the cup had numbers on it the first time that I played. Now they aren't there. My guess is that the game has a bug in it.

  61. FYI: The code for the top of the cup has changed. It is now UADON.

  62. I don't understand...

  63. Hey, which numbers below the code??? I can't see anyone!!
