
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 17, 2010

open the surstromming

Please open the surstromming, it is a speciality of Sweden and it smells the most in the world...


Tracy said...

Great game. Very simple little timewaster. Inspired by the "dismantlement" series but much shorter. Thanks Jay.

Bart said...

Bart you mean I guess :)

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed. The two puzzles were pretty interesting and I was looking forward to more difficult puzzles but it just ended =(

Reebus said...

I agree with previous comments. Really a shame that the game is so short. Very simple puzzles.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... i must be a fail i cant get the second puzzle :(

Unknown said...

Game deffinetly made me smile.
great way to pass 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...


(If anyone needs it.)

-The first lock has to do with shapes and the word SURSTROMMING. line up the letters with the letters.

Spoiler: SMNU

-The second lock has to do with coordinates. not sure how you figure it out.

Spoiler: south, West, East, East, North.

Or just click down, left, right, right, up.

-Click the fan at the bottom for the game. It gets rid of the smell.

Well, that's it. Short, sweet, maybe kinda stinky, and to the point.


alexis said...

the end sounded like something from the hoshi saga games.

Nevermore said...

Nice little game. Also thought this would be a little longer.

Thanks again, Bart.

Cyn said...

the fan at the end is kind of cute. don't often get to do anything more once a game is done.

Anonymous said...

Notice that the D in SWEDEN is
highlighted. When you open up the
puzzle, there is no yellow in the corner. The Cardinal Directions are
N, S, W, E ;')

Surströmming said...

I just had to say that we don´t really eat that... And we don´t ride a polar bear to school! ^^

Anonymous said...


Johanna said...

Surströmming - I don't know what part of Sweden you live in. But where I come from (Norrland) the people sure do eat surströmming. Not on a regular basis though. It's more of a once a year thing. Late summer/early fall it's surströmmingspremiär, which means the first cans of the year is ready. A common way to eat it is on thin soft bread (tunnbröd) with almond potato, onion and sour cream. Enjoy! Not me though, since I'm a vegetarian..

Ingen surströmming på västkusten said...

At the westcoast, i have never even seen a Surströmmings can. I not even sure they sell it in our stores :) But in north you eat a lot of strange food :)

Anonymous said...

I was expecting to dismantle a bomb, but i guess not.. I liked the fan though...

Anonymous said...

OMG i am sooo stupid it took me 1 hour to get the first puzzle and i used a walkthrough for the 2nd one

Anonymous said...

I'm number 42839!
I liked the fan too!

Boris said...

Hey got it without help. Yeah rather short but who's complaining.

PK said...

What the...?

Okay, that wasn't "short" -- it was practically not even a game. Two little (easy) puzzles then game over. This was kind of like playing 1/5 of an easy Dismantlement. :)

lol said...

isnt it surströmming, no surstromming?:)


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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