Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 28, 2010
treasure of big totem 13

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YAY! I love these!
Thanks Bart :)
Got the first coin, now stuck.
Done! It will be easy for you guys.
Finished. Jessica you need to check the hole in the tree to get a new item.
Wow, well synchronized Jessica :)
how do i get the snowball into the hole in the tree?
I'm stuck too in the "Winter- wonder- Land"! I only have one Stone, one wooden board and a yeallow feather. And the people can move a little bit...
have to make a hockey stick but don't know how to
I'm stuck even earlier ... can't get the leaf. Help please :)
make a sticky stick to get the leaf
Tried that, but doesn't work. There a 3 positions for the leaf - up on the grass - in front of the darkhaired woman - right side.
Works nowhere.
Stick is sticky.
I'm soooo bad in this games, stil love them.
"Winter-Wonder-Land" is done now, but now i should follow the sparkles...but how??
A.L. have you put the honey stick on to the little hole (3 position)!
arghhh ... okay ... FIRST the stick .... :)
in front of the rocks nextto the girl in the blue t-shirt there is a spear head shaped thing. if you add it to the stick it makes a hockey stick.
If you haven't got the sticky stick clue, knock the bee hive down with the stick and then add it to the stick. put it in the hole on the left of the pond and tap the leaf till it sticks to it.
TY kidab
NP! Please helb me, if you come to the "Fire-Wonder-Land"!
KidaB, I would ... if I had any idea what to do next ..lol
Whats your Prob?
Just had a little progress.
It's winter now.
Let me try a bit, then I will ask for help ... or even might help you :)
Ok, you only have to look for another hidden Objekt an try to move the peoble a little bit :) it's like a hockey- game:P
errr .... absolutely no pan what to do .....
pan = plan :)
If you are German, it's easier to explain...but I try. next to the Girl with the blue T- Shirt there is a hidden item on the floor. On the rocks between the Boy and de Blue-T-Shirt- Girl there is the wooden board. Combine the board with the new Item, then you'll get a hockey- Stick...
I AM German!! Klasse, mein Engisch ist nämlich auch nicht prickelnd
Ppromise, I wil try to translate it afterwards! :)
aua ... voll in die Eier! :) :)
Ok...nochmal gleiches auf Deutsch? Also links neben dem Mädchen mit dem blauen T-Shirt liegt eine Art Pfeilspitze auf dem Boden. Kombiniert mit dem Brett ergibt sich ein Hockeyschläger. Dann auf den Zwer klicken, der schmeißt den Ball aufs Eis (vorher noch den jungen Mann anklicken). Den Hockeyschläger der blonden Dame gegeben...während der Mann den Ball spielt schnell auf Mädchen im blauen T-Shirt klicken...soweit im "Winter-Wonder-Land"
Ne, habe den Schneeball gerade versenkt.
Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass ich jetzt weiterkäme. Hänge schon wieder fest. Ich bin so doof, was diese Spiele anbelangt.
okay .. jetzt ist alles rosarot .. weitergeht's!
FĂĽr diesen Teil bin ich auch zu doof...
zusammen sind wir sicher unschlagbar! Wir versuchen's.
Is there anybody else still here?
We're stuck in the fire part ...
ist doch aber auch ganz nett so am Feuer zu stehen nach dem langen kalten Winter ..lol
Ich glaub ich muss bald aufgeben, wenn ich zum Mittagessen muss, aber vll. probier ichs nachher nochmal!
okay, dann gehe ich mal schnell mit dem Hund raus. Guten Appetit!
Vielleicht bis nachher! Und Danke fĂĽr deine Hilfe
Ja bis dann! Danke auch!
I'm still stuck on the sparks! What am I doin' wrong?
Dooooone:) Yippie!
You have to click the rocks in the order they appear after you click on the fairy, and you need to do this 2 correct attempts in a row. Its just a memory test really :)
Yes, i've did it right in the end. But forwards I klicked right in the moment, wenn the sparks appeared:)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Never been first ever before!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I got the mushroom covered stick in the hole. I have a feather (I think that's what it is) and two rocks that I combined. What do I need to do next? I can't figure it out :(
Nevermind! Now I can't get the snowball into the tree hole :( I have a hockey stick and a giant rock and a feather.
To get the snowball into the hole you first click on the snowball so it goes next to the woman in the white t-shirt. Then click on the guy then quickly get the hockey stick and click on the girl with they white t-shirt. Quickly put away the hockey stick and click on the girl in the blue t-shirt before the guy hits it to her. The girl in the blue t-shirt will hit the snowball with her head, making it go into the hole.
(Did this help?)
this series needs to get over itself
Pick up 2 stones, mortar, pestle (left front in grass), mushroom and stick, read inscription on stone in front of the water.
Use stick 3 times to make beehive fall down, take beehive.
Combine 2 stones, combine stick and beehive
Put stick with honey in hole at the left of water
Press leaf 2 times to make it stick to honey.
combine leaf with mushroom
combine mortar with pestle
Grind up mushroom and leaf
combine red powder with stick
put stick in hole
use 2 stones on red stick
Pick up arrow, pick up wood, pick up feather
Combine wood and arrow
click on snowball
click on guy and quickly click on hockeystick and snowball, quickly click 'hand' and click the girl on the other side.
Get coin of fire, put it in the water
Pick up file in hole in tree
combine file with stone
put powder on fire
Follow the sparks ,get coin, put in water
lol, you know, I'm SO tired of these games but I can't help but play them anyway...
I keep thinking that there's some great revelation just around the corner and it will all come together in the end and make sense... but it's been 13 games already!!!
Also, anyone else get a "Lost-ish" vibe from these games? hahaha, I keep waiting for the smoke monster to appear!
zzzzzzz - gave up following the sparks -
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