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September 10, 2010
alice is dead: episode 3

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YAY! That just made my day seeing that on here! A new "Alice Is Dead" game! Thank's Bart, you're awesome!
Ok so Ive open the slot machine and changed to odds to 1 in 1 and won but how do i get the coin?
You prize is in the bathroom. :)
Is there only one ending???
Woo! I finished it. The ending was scary. I'm just warining you.
ahhah yeah i just asumed you get a coin coz that guy selling mushrooms wanted one
You can choose to watch the short video at the beginning of the game, or not. It’s up to you.
You already have the bell when you start.
Click to move forward.
Read message on phone.
Collect BRICK from wall and SHINY COIN/PENNY from grate on the ground.
Click to see door.
Use SHINY COIN/PENNY to pry off cover on the door.
Use SHINY COIN/PENNY to fix wires.
Use BRICK to break lock.
Once inside your old hangout listen to the messages on the desk phone.
Call Ann on cell phone.
Call Hatter on cell phone.
Read message left by Hatter on sell phone.
Click to exit hangout.
Once out on the street click to walk forward.
Click to the left.
Click Rulio to talk to him.
Click to go back.
Click to the right.
Put MUSHROOM into the bouncer’s glass.
Click to go back.
Click right again.
Click doorway to go into bar.
Read message on phone.
Click right.
Click thermostat to change temp. Make it go from a low of 60 to a high of 90.
Click to go back twice to get back to bar.
Click right to go into bathroom.
Use cell phone to dial the 555 number on the mirror.
Go back into the kitchen.
Click black rectangle on the bottom of the SLOT MACHINE.
Set the SLOT MACHINE to 1 in 1 odds.
Play the game and win.
Go back into bathroom.
Click the stall doors to see all three.
Go into last stall.
Go into secret lab.
Read message on cell phone.
Go right.
Try to use TUBeVATOR.
Read message on cell phone.
Go back up to bathroom.
Start looking for tapes.
(They can be in the bathroom by the door, in the kitchen, in the dumpster, or with Ruilo.)
Once you find all of them go back to the lab.
Watch tapes on the TV-headed guy on the left side of the lab.
Go back over to the TUBeVATOR.
Read message on cell phone.
Go back up to bathroom.
Use BRICK on sink to get GUN.
Go back into lab.
Go into the TUBeVATOR.
Watch the ending.
Well, there it is. It took me about a hour to get it right. I hope that it helps. I really hope that they make an Ep.4. Even with the way this one ended they might just make another. Anything is possible in games.
found the coin and used it
but - what brick? can't find it
The brick is on the sidewalk next to the wall. It can be a little hard to find. It blends into the wall.
Just two things that might help.
1. I never had to use the penny on the door cover. Just used the brick to smash the alarm and went in.
2. Did not have to use anything to get the gun. Just clicked on panel under the sink and got it.
Wow. You all are just beating my walkthrough to a pulp. I guess that my help was not appreciated.
Also, you do not have to use the mushroom to get past the bouncer. Pick up the metal pipe in the alley and hit the bouncer over the head. You will then have to hide the pipe in the dumpster in order to get past the metal detector at the entrance to the club.
Is no one going to say anything about the ending that comes up after the credits? Just wondering.
Don't jump into conclusions too rashly, Anonymous with walkthrough.
I can't "fix the wires with the penny". I opened the covers, and the penny fits in when I press it in a certain spot, but nothing else happens :(
Wow. I didn't get that scene at the end of the cradits the first time that I played it. I would have mentioned it in my walkthrough. Thank's PSBear. I might never have seen that if you didn't point that out. Now I'm really hoping that they make another one. Anything that deals with "Alice In Wonderland" is great.
Because I have the pipe, I cannot get back into the bar even though I have the tapes. How do I get rid of the pipe?
Throw it into the dumpster. You won't need it.
mahaaaa weird ending!!!! totally creepy music too but good game
I'm disappointed with the ending... I hope there is another episode, this one left alot of questions.
How many taps are there? I've watched three. one on the lab shelf, in dumpster, and another from the mushroom guy. What do I have to do now?
Did you not read the walkthrough? After you watch the tapes in the secret lab go over to the elevator. Get in it and just watch the ending. Just use the walkthrough, that's why it's there. I'm the one who made it and I know that it works.
You are very argumentative about your walkthrough. Try to not be so angry and hostile about it.
Also, it wasn't that we didn't appreciate it, we were trying to help. I for one, made it out before you posted the walkthrough and just noticed that there were a couple points you made that were wrong. Yelling at people "Didn't you read the walkthough!" like you did to the guy above you is just mean. You need some humble pie.
The walkthrough isn't really wrong, there's multiple ways to do things in the game. For instance, the door to the hideout can be puzzled through or brute forced open and you can mix between the two styles for each half of getting the door open.
There's several things like that in the game - parts with more than one solution.
Is there any ending other than dieing? Poor Rabbit had a gun!
P.S. Thank you Jessica!
good game, great soundtrack and downloadable too :), the ending was perhaps a little abrupt but were you seriously expecting a happy ending with a game like this?! note to future players, continue to watch after the credits. Perhaps there is possibility of continuation on a different storyline? I hope so, this was a well thought out point and click game with strong reference points yet its own story.
Oh also there are many different ways to do things when it comes to locks and moving people out of the way. it's also worth calling all the phone numbers you find as there are a few hidden easter egg style things.
@ Jessica, you need to take your garbage some place other than here. I'm so sick and tired of seeing your rude, insulting comments everywhere that I look in here. Take your comments and get out.
Hey, jessica is a good person, not looking for a fight.
Yeah, sure she is... Just get over it people.
Something is very strange : I have tried everything, including following several walkthroughs, but the temperature in the bar would never work. There is just an F for Farenheit, but no way to switch it lower nor higher. Has anybody an idea about that strange bug?
Strange again : the thermostat for me did not work at all, but in dialing the two phone numbers on two of the doors of the WC, I got the number on the glass ! :)
Still, I must have missed some step with the thermostat.
That's very odd. I had two arrows on the thermometer. I may just be a glitch in the game. I hope that it gets fixed soon.
I think that the game still had a few glitches in it. I'm glad that it seems to be working now.
aaaaahhh poor rabbit...
I don´t think there will be another episode because the rabbit´s dead... :(
way to spoil it! What I mean is perhaps there will be another game as another character in the same world
Just popping in to say nice site.
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