Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 07, 2010
dynamic systems 2

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So boring. It's like a lot of the othe physics-based games. It seems like the game makers just keep using the same game and just slap a new name on it every week. They really need to come up with something more original.
Bart can we please get all "FIRST" comments deleted?
I think everyone on the entire internet is sick of seeing it, except for the 10-year-olds that keep doing it and get some kind of thrill out of it. Wow their real life must be exciting if doing this is so important, lol.
Ehm, how do you get the ball to get moving? I tried clicking on the play button but nothing happens/
I thought this game was better than average, as far as physics games go. I must say I am a bit astonished about Anonymous' comment at 16:16. One gets the sense that some people feel the universe owes them a completely original, free, game to play online every few days. I'm very grateful there are designers out there, like Bart Bonte, who are trying to make the world a little more fun. Some game designers start out by copying other good formats, in order to practice their skills and learn what is entertaining to people. I applaud them for doing so.
Here's a tip, anonymous: there is no "they" who come up with these games; it is "we" the human race, with our capacity to learn and be creative, and our spirit of generosity, that cause these things to exist.
Nothing except your own inclination creativity and talent is preventing you yourself from learning to program and producing your own original game. We await the result.
To get the ball moving you have to put it on an incline, nudge it with another object or drop something on it, etc. Then when you press play it should work.
I can't do anything.
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This is Anonymous 18:22. This short video clip encapsulates my previous comment:
@ Anonymous 18:03, I'm not 10 years old. You're just mad because you didn't get to say "FIRST!!!" before I did.
@ Anonymous 18:22, take a good long look at most of the physics-based games. They are all very mush alike anymore.
@ Bart, thank you for putting great games on you site. They really make my day. Keep up the good work.
Oops... Ment "much" not "mush".
@ the whiner about "first" anonymous....seriously it bothers you that someone says, "first"? Wow. Now that sounds like one of my whiny kids who are all under 10.
@Bart-thanks for giving us great time killers with interesting tricks most of the time...for free...and that are totally optional to those who aren't "first" every time ;0)
@ Anonymous 18:24
Talking with yourself is one of the first signs of insanity.
So I finished the last level and all I got was the opportunity to submit my score and an "x" to click to start the level over. Strange. Not that I need a parade or anything, but it was unclear if I had even beaten the level, never mind the game.
Really Anon @ 18:24? So you think it's a very adult and mature thing to do when morons post FIRST!, but asking to have them removed, like MANY other sites do, is like a 10-year-old? Are you serious?
Apparently you are new to the internet, or 10-years-old yourself because it's an annoyance on nearly every website - which is why so many have begun using word filters to eliminate first posts. For example, on Fark.com - anyone that tries to yell FIRST! like an idiot has the word replaced with something like Boobies.
Another site uses a word filter to change First into "I am an idiot" - so as I said, you must be new to the internet or something if you think yelling FIRST! like a moron is mature but asking to have it removed is childish.
@ Jessica, you need to chill. Get a grip people. Is "FIRST!!!" really such a bad thing to say? It's a game website for crying out loud! I'm sure many of the visitors on here are young children and if they want to say that they we're fist, let them! You people just need to get over yourselves and get a life.
@ Anonymous 16:12, congrats on being first. Good for you.
I just love saying that.
@ Jessica, I was the first one to say "FIRST!!!". You just need to come down off of your high horse and get a grip. You're the childish one for wanting filters on here that changes the word "First" into "Boobies" or "I'm an idiot". Just get over it the claim of "FIRST!!!" is here and it's here to stay.
@Jessica: No, I never said what I thought of it, only that it was whiny to crab about it. You should try to re-evaluate your wording choices as you tend to get things wrong. Putting words in other people's mouths only makes you rude and clearly you do that very well. IF you don't like it, don't read it, imagine how easy that is.
@ Anonymous 00:27, thank you so much. I'm glad some one else thinks the same.
A great deal of fuss over this. Let's just enjoy the games, shall we?
I'm confused.
Who was first?
I was. Jessica just needs to get over it and take her comments elsewhere.
why not:)
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