Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 25, 2010

robot wants ice cream

Robot really can't get no satisfaction, this time robot wants ice cream.


  1. first :D likke this robot sesion :D

  2. Finaly i did it... that cat at the end is crazy.... when you colect all thingh on the earth go up at the sky... there is a ship.

  3. It won't load for me at all... It's just black.

  4. Same here. Not loading in Firefox for me.

  5. It's not a Firefox issue, just make sure your flash player is up to date.

  6. I beat the final boss called "revenge cat"!
    but then the cat drives another flying machine and it's impossible to win... = ="

  7. They need to stop making these "Robot Wants..." games. They are all alike other than that the stupid robot wants somthing new in each one. What does a robot need all of the animals and the ice cream for anyway? The robot needs to be turned off so it won't want anything. It also need to be recylced and made into tin cans. Those would be much more useful that a stupid robot.

  8. I love these Robot wants games. I hope they make more. However, ice cream doesn't seem like it would be very good for a robot...

  9. It's not "Robot HAs No Mouth"

  10. Where can I enter the spaceship?

  11. Oh, kinda in the middle, I found out.
    Now I just need to figure out, how to kill that kitty!

  12. I feel sad for the robot.... no can has ice cream....and he killed kitty....and fishy was eaten....now only puppy...

  13. Wow; found a "secret" power-up that turns your shots into boomerangs. Found all power-ups plus that one and you can just lay waste to everything around you.

    (Final Boss was still a pain though, but it can be beat.)

  14. Yet another game made by cat haters! Why did the cat need to die? WHY? WHY? WHY? The stupid robot killed the cat! Bad robot! No more pets or ice cream for you ever again!

  15. Anyone know a site that lists the awards/achievements and how to get them?

    Also, if there is a "secret" powerup, tell us where it is!

  16. Anonymous you do realize this is just a game and NO real animals are hurt? You said this on another page also; it's kinda weird...

  17. @ Anonymous 13:24

    I don't care if it's weird. I know that it's just a game. Have you noticed that the last two games (the Minoto and this one) have had animal cruelty in them? I hope the next game won't have that. I'm sure that other guests on this site don't want that either.


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Sorry; the powerup I posted about is on the bottom level, all the way to right. Hopefully you can see the pic; the area outlined in red is a pathway.

  21. Thanks, Tim. The game goes much faster with that power-up.

    I just finished playing this game for the 4th time, and I have to say I really love this whole series. This game does a great job of providing challenging play while also keeping the game very dynamic with the use of power-ups to shift the protagonist slowly from being almost completely helpless to being nearly invincible.

    I only wish they were clearer about what the Awards required, because that would be a reason to keep playing it a few more times.

  22. Well, Anonymous, you didn't say anything on Minoto's game where he had a bird attempting to shoot a baby with an ice pick :P. Apparently, Minoto hates people and animals; seems pretty fair to me XD.

  23. @ Anonymous 23:44

    I don't remember ever playing that Minoto one. He must just hate everyone.

  24. Well I'm not lying; it's the one called "North Wind and Sun" that has that :P .

  25. 1. @Anonymous talking about animal haters... *SNERK* That is all.

    2. Anonymous @21:06, actually... The "Robot Wants" series is very diverse... Each of the games is very different. Each applies new concepts to the game, new bosses, new powerups, new scenery, etc. And each tries to outdo the one before.

    3. So sad this is the last "Robot Wants" game... ;-;

  26. ☺☻♥♠♣♦•◘○█▓▒░ wont load loading... loading... loading... not loading... pop up loading... loading... loading... loading...
