Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 25, 2010

romeo and juliet

Minoto's point and click game for this week has arrived: Romeo and Juliet.


  1. it doesnt work... i dont know why???
    it's just stop... i colected some stuf adn did all right but it doesnt happening anything else....

  2. Two of the Romeo und Julia has disappeared. Where did two people go? It lives happily surely somewhere.

    Hole End
    Only one method

  3. I can't believe I'm stuck -_-; Can anyone tell what to do next after I get a fish with a light on it's head, some cleaner, and a lit match? Thank you!

  4. Put the fish with the light up head on the runway for the plane to land

  5. use match to light the roadway, - sorry my english isnt so good - use the cleaner for the dirt in front of the ship - you get the fish - set down fish left side of the pot - the plain will land and you get a propeller - use it right from the fox - shoot the ball ....use what you get to catch the spray

  6. Every time I think that Minoto has reached the limits of insanity I'm proved wrong by his next. I'm wondering what he can do next. ;)

  7. Minoto is a cat hater! He put the cat inside what looks like one of those hampster balls inside of a vending machine! That's some serious animal abuse right there. Lock him up!

  8. That ending cracked me up. Boy I love minoto games XD.

  9. Hilarious ending! Look out, Romeo! ;-)

  10. I finished, but I had to use one clue given by Jessica. Thanks, J.

    At the end, there was a big arrow showing where to put the sponge. I didn't like that. I could have figured that part out by myself.

  11. This is random but Bart you should give a solution for loose the moose

  12. oooh, I was stuck with the fish: I was unable to put it on the right spot of the road :P
    Nice ending!
