Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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first :)
i loved doodle god so i think i´ll love this one, too!
first :)
i loved doodle god so i think i´ll love this one, too!
second!!i loved doodle god i've been waiting fdorever for a sequile!
second!!i loved doodle god i've been waiting fdorever for a sequile!
It's tedious to find them all, like the first, but the reactions are entertaining. On an unrelated note, are all comments randomly doubling today?
I really like this one. It's almost like the 'second level' in a single game, because this one seems a bit harder than the original doodle god.
Complete Walkthrough!
Human + Apple = Sin
Man + Women = Sex
Man + Women = Life
Sin + Sex = Lust
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Fire + Tree = Ash
Lava + Water = Stone
Lava + Water = Steam
Stone + Fire = Metal
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Fire = Energy
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Human + Metal = Weapon
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Demon + Human = Soul
Apple + Earth = Seeds
Demon + Human = Corpse
Fire + Tree = Ash
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Earth + Seeds = Tree, Mushroom, Grass
Seeds + Energy = Coffee
Coffee + Human = Work
Human + Pride = Polititian
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Life + Earth = Worm
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Human + War = Suffering
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Vampire + Air = Rat
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Energy + Darkness = Death
Water + Death = Styx
Sin + Work = Sloth
Rat + Air = Dove
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Human + Sloth = Car
Demon + Order = Copyright
Coffee + Human = Work
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Man + Money = Work
Human + Money = Work
Sex + Money = Censored
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Tobacco + Coffee = Poison
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Sin + Greed = Envy
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Human + Greed = Gambling
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Human + Angel = Prayer
Light + Life = Angel
Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Beast + Water = Fish
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Demon + Energy = Magic
Magic + Stone = Egg
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Heresy + Human = Psychology, Atheism
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Oil + Acid = TNT
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Blood + Human = Vampire
Women + Magic = Witch
Earth + Seed = Grass
Demon + Mechanism = Tv
TV + Book = Computer
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Earth + Seed = Mushroom
Blood + Human = Vampire
Computer + Computer = Internet
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
Egg + Worm = Snake
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Demon + Human = Soul
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
First one was well thought through, but I found it tedious and boring to play after the first couple of combo's.
This one is more of the same.
To each his own, I guess.
I love the quote that you get when you create the witch.
"I'm not a witch; I'm your wife."
- The Princess Bride
Found a few more...!
Human + beast = werewolf
Money + lawyer = greed
Sin + sin = pride
Wrath + envy = murder
Computer + computer = Internet
Those are on the walkthrough that I already posted. Just read it. That's why it's there.
Complete list of elements by catagory.
Water (given element)
Fire (given element)
Air (given element)
Earth (given element)
Steam = Lava + Water
Energy = Air + Fire
Lava = Earth + Fire
Stone = Lava + Water
Metal = Stone + Fire
Ash = Fire + Tree OR Fire + Beast
Beast (given element)
Fish = Beast + Water
Worm = Life + Earth OR Human + Magic
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Dove = Rat + Air
Egg = Magic + Stone
Snake = Egg + Worm
Chaos (given element)
Darkness (given element)
Sin = Human + Apple
Death = Energy + Darkness
Suffering = Woman + Gluttony OR Sin + Soul
Diseases = Fire + Tobacco OR Human + Tobacco
Inferno = Sin + Soul OR Death + Fire
Magic = Demon + Energy
Sect = Religion + Heresy
Light (given element)
Order (given element)
Friendship = Human + Human OR Cthulu + Frankenstein
Life = Man + Woman
Soul = Demon + Human
Heavens = Human + Prayer
Angel = Light + Life
Prayer = Human + Angel
Religion = Human + Prayer
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Car = Sloth + Human
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Robot = Sloth + Knowledge
TV = Demon + Mechanism
Computer = TV + Book
AI = Computer + Life
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
Internet = Computer + Computer
Human (given element)
Man (given element)
Woman (given element)
Sex = Man + Woman
Corpse = Demon + Human
Food = Human + Tree
Blood = Weapon + Beast
Witch = Woman + Magic
Politician = Human + Pride
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Werewolf = Human + Beast
Zombie = Life + Corpse
Frankenstein = Electricity + Corpse
Vampire = Human + Blood
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Cthulu = Demon + Water
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Apple (given element)
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Tree = Seeds + Earth
Mushroom = Seeds + Earth
Grass = Seeds + Earth
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Lust = Sin + Sex
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Sloth = Sin + Work
Greed = Sin + Money
Theft = Sin + Money
Wrath = Sin + Weapon
Murder = Wrath + Envy
Pride = Sin + Sin
Envy = Sin + Greed
Heresy = Sin + Religion
Knowledge (given element)
Book = Knowledge + Human
Money = Soul + Demon
Work = Man + Money
Gambling = Human + Greed
Censored = Sex + Mechanism OR Sex + Money
Copyright = Demon + Order
Psychology = Heresy + Human
Atheism = Heresy + Human
War = Politician + Pride
Weapon = Human + Metal
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
Poison = Coffee + Tobacco
Acid = Water + Sulfur
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
TNT = Oil + Acid
Bomb = TNT + metal
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
House = Stone + Human
So it appears that the mutant, Cerberus, Styx, Resurrection and Piranha aren't available in the version Bart linked to. What version would those be from?
The version bart gave us is the flash version. The other version is for the I-phone.
Even with the walkthrough, I can't be bothered to finish it. What happens at the end?
abssolutly nothing, just gives an add to iphone version
Human + computer = zombie, lol.
it won't work, i press start and the whole newgrounds title sequence starts, and then starts and then starts again and again, the same three things, what is up
I am in love the Doodle, and god.
If you are open to having a guest blog poster please reply and let me know. I will provide you with unique content for your blog, thanks.
I s'nt anyone here christian?Everyone knows that God came first!
love the doodles
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