There was no escaping the unsatisfiable robot in 2010, and this was one of the many 'robot wants ...' games that were released this year. (original post)

Lot of plumbers cloning plumber clones cloning plumber clones in this clever puzzler. (original post)

In this dark mysterious world, only one voice was trying to guide you to safety. Was it? (original post)

This robot wouldn't give the grappling a rest at all in 2010. (original post)

A short story in the form of an original platformer. (original post)

An original game about a platforming hero who will jump, grow, shrink, and whatever else it takes to make it back to his home on the moon. (original post)

Yoshio further expanded the Hoshi universe in 2010. (original post)

A moving game about learning to move forward in life. (original post)

A beautiful game set in a mysterious subconscious world. (original post)

Instant classic, a truly unique, original and addictive game, Solipskier is my number 1 free webgame for 2010. (original post)
That's it for my personal favourites for 2010. What were yours? Did I forget some really nice ones? Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments!
2010 was also a productive bontegames year with no less than 5 new games that hit your browsers: Factory Balls 3, Klikwerk, A Bonte Escape, Me And The Key 2 and Factory Balls, the Christmas edition.
Watch out for more bontegames in 2011!
First for the first time!
sadly i have to say that this year's list is slightly lacking... i thought there were better games this year then some on the list...
i still love it though =]
Happy New Year (and Christmas!) Bart!!
By the way... a good chart for 2010. I really liked Depict1, Loved, But That Was Yesterday and the Hoshi Saga is one of my favourite game series! Maybe I would have put that game on the top...
@nogi1020 it's a personal list, feel free to add your own favourites below! Cheers :)
HEY BART!! What about YOUR games for this year?? I'm sure I'm not the only one who comes to your site as a fan of your creations.
I'd add special mention for the games from the Dismantle series, the Submachine series, and maybe a few of the more refined escape games from the year.
Really, I think you could have done a top twenty or more pretty easily and still have had great games not make the list.
i kept getting this feeling that there's a game i was really excited about recently that you don't have on your list... then I realized I was thinking of your christmas factory balls XD
as for adding to the list... anyone else a fan of eyezmaze games? grow valley came out this year ^____^
also, hanamushi (bart's original post) generated a pretty big reaction back in january~
Watch out for more games in 2010, did you mean a sudden rush in the last 2 weeks of 2010, or did you mean 2011??
Personally, I'm a huge fan of Minoto, because it never makes sense and there's very little pixel hunting...
Otherwise, thanks for the site bart :)
@PawnStar oops typo :)
This is the first full year I've about bontegames, and I have been visiting bontegames almost daily, but I must say my favorite, which (sadly) did not make the list, is Haunt the House, from October.
On another note- Congratulations Bart, on a very successful game making and finding year, here's to many more to come!
Have a happy New Year everyone!
I'd love to see more of your escape games in 2011 Bart! - they are what originally brought me to your website. Love the puzzle games too.
Happy Holidays Bart! And thank you for all YOUR great games. My top 10 would always include at least one of the Factory Balls games. I'm not a huge fan of the dreamy, simplistic games, but Coma was ok.
It's too hard to make a top 10 though, you only post the best games out there, so maybe a top 50 would be easier lol.
I agree with what's on the list, although maybe not the order. yay for 2010!
The only two games that I enjoyed form this list were #3 and #4. The rest are just to hard or to stupid to be enjoyable. I was really hoping "pOnd" would have made the list.
I have to have my Minoto fix every week. My favorite games are escape games, point and click adventures (which are kind of like escape games)and physics puzzlers.
Some of my favorite physics puzzlers are Ragdoll Cannon, Sunny Boom, Soccer Balls and, especially, Home Sheep Home. Oh, and I really love Factory Balls.
List is a little too 'artsy' for me. Missing the great escape and physics games.
Loved this site for years. Looking forward to 2011.
Great Bart Until two or three games on the list is just as correct and Solipskier is also my number One
It's true, hanamushi is missing on your list. It was my personal number 1 !
Perhaps because it's was in january you forgot it ...
Nice to see the favourites from all of you! Keep them coming!
I didn't forget Hanamushi, it just didn't make it into my final 10 :)
the one game this year that really made me laugh out loud due to the brilliant voice acting and all the choices to make (funny even if they were the wrong ones' was lucky tower, have you played it before Bart? http://jayisgames.com/archives/2010/11/lucky_tower.php
Yes Lucky Tower was great fun! Posted it early november.
Great list! Looking at others' favs I didn't recognize pOnd, so I just played it. Hahaha!!! Nice.
I think my favorite of this year was probably Hanamushi as well. It had both beautiful illustration, interesting puzzles, and it helped me demonstrate something in one of my grad school classes.
I never played Hanamushi way back in January. I just played it and it really should have made the list. Perhaps you can expand the list to a top 20 Bart... There were alot of other great games that didn't make the cut. For example: Hanamushi, Hoshi Saga Ringo, Immortall, Mogo-Mogo, Don't Save The Princess, La Regina Di Ripicche Episode 1, Truffle Hunter, Doeoriki, The Tin Soldier, Doodle God, Doodle Devil, Sushi Cat The Honeymoon, e7, Saunavihta Vortex, Haunt The House, Thomas Was Alone, Love, K.O.L.M., Alice is Dead Episode 2, Alice is Dead Episode 3, and pOdn.
I know that's alot more than ten but those are my favorites.
Maybe next year you guests can vote on the games during the year as they are added to your site and then you can get your top 10, or more, from there! It's just an idea to take into concideration. Thanks you for yet another year of great games Bart!
Oops... ment pOnd... sorry.
Oh gosh yes, I forgot Alice is dead (and how could I? Its awesome, a short but brilliant game with very well thought out concepts, storyline and music. I totally downloaded the track from episode 3!
Hm ... no 'Great Dungeon in the Sky' or Lucky Tower? Also 'Road of the Dead' was/is pretty good.
Have to agree with everybody here; Hanamushi is my favorite this year. Also love all the Minoto-games. My kids adore Anbot (and all other Pencilkids-games). My youngest one (3 years old!) loves your games Bart, his best favorite is still Full Moon. And I really enjoy Me and the Key2. Keep up the good work and looking forward to 2011! Prettige Feestdagen!
I liked most of the games here, for the exception of a few. Good job, Bart!!
That Halloween game where you're a ghost scaring people out of the house was AWESOME!
Also, Gretel and Hansel II would have deserved a mention imo.
What about Hummingbird Mind? That one was AWESOME!
Wow, just played "But That Was [Yesterday}". Very beautiful and moving. *sniffs*.
Also, please more escape-the-room games! They are so fun and usually make sense ;-).
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