Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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January 20, 2011

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I think one should only post a message saying "first" when one really has finished the game.
Yeah. Same for "second". Or "second AGAIN".
As far as that goes, "third" should not even be mentioned.
I like it!
Can everyone stop complaining about who is FIRST?!? Just play the game!
no entiendo que tengo que hacer?
no entiendo que tengo que hacer?
I'm definitely not the first;) There are maaaany levels and I'm stuck at one of them. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name and there's no level indication at all.
I'm not sure if I really like the game. Although I passed mamy levels, I still don't get the maths behind it (must be some graph theory stuff). So, it's still just trial and error...
Anon 17:44:
Clique en el punto en el centro y prueba de dejar solamente un punto.
im sorry but i do not understand this game
Hay que reducir la cosa (la molécula, o lo que sea) a un punto solamente. Tienes que pinchar en los circulos rojos. Algunos no te dejan hacer nada (creo que si tienen solamente un enlace o si tienen demasiados, no sé). Otros se "absorben". Tienes que encontrar los círculos justos que, en secüencia, te llevan a un solo círculo (una cellula? non lo so!). Si te has equivocado (si, por ejemplo, te queda un cuadrado, o una línea de circulos que no se simplifican más) puedes VOLTAR ATRÁS apretando el "backspace", o sea la flechita para voltar atrás :)
Espero que se entienda.
A mi me gusta arrastrar la construcción alrededor, así por hacer :)
Una adición: se puede "reducir" un círculo solamente cuando hay TRES líneas (no mas, no menos).
Stuck on level "balloon" - I feel like I've tried everything!!
Power of posting! I wish I could explain it to anyone else who gets stuck, but I was trying so many combinations that I don't know what I did. I think my first click was over on the right side.
ENGLISH PEOPLE ENGLISH! Please post in English!
whats the last level called ? im on fallen friend and wanna know to carry on or leave the rest till tomorrow :) thanks
It was just an additional help for someone who, apparently, doesn't speak English.
No hints, no walkthrough.
Just basic explanation of what the game is - as much as Olavo and I understand it :)
You probably know it already: after "fallen friend" there's "water lily"...
then Flower Cancer, Plague Doctor, Torn Cross, Torn Flower, Ballet, Church Cellar, Sentinel, Lander, Shuttle (I'm stuck and yes, I'm tired!)
The rule appears to be that you can only collapse a vertice that has exactly three edges extending from it. If you are stuck without a scenario like that then you must back up.
i dont know wat to do wat are u sopose to do?
does anyone know?
i'm stuck on the fisrt level simple blosom and all i can do is move it around, i pressed the middle point nothing happened and everytime i move some thing it just bounces back. can some one please explain what to do, and i don't understand the Anonymous post at 21 January 2011 03:39.
@ Anonymous @ 4:17
Notice how all the vertices (where the lines meet up or end) are circled? There should be several circles on each diagram. Count how many lines are protruding out of that circle. If it has exactly 3 lines coming out of it, then you can click it and the 3 lines attached to it will be "sucked in" to the your circle. All the other cirlces you can only drag them around.
Keep "sucking in" lines until you only have 1 circle left. If you have more than 1 circle left but none of them have exactly 3 lines coming out of it, then you need to go back and try to click them in a different order.
does anyone know what the sounds mean? depending on which vertex i click, it gives a different tone. and i'm stuck on tangled or soemthing
Sometime after Shuttle (can't remember now how long) is Hyacinth, Evil Tower, Plateau, Splin Fish, Church, Fortress, Aorta, Long Tower, Noble Bust, Kind Heart and Ribbon - there may be more but I got stuck on ribbon. :p
Bart what happened? I got a bad virus from this game? Had to call tech support took over two hours to get my puter cleaned.
I don't see how this game can get you a virus Beth.
To find out what level you're on, just close the window (it remembers where you are, don't worry!), then reopen it. When you click continue it tells you what the level is before you start it.
Thanks, good to know that one can close the game and continue. Now I found out the name of the level that I got stuck on: TURKEY.
Anyone got past it?
Otherwise I have to PROVE it cannot be solved...
Nevermind, got it. Crazy indeed how one can spend a lot of time thinking it cannot be done...
"The End".
Once I worked out what the different tones meant it was easy!
Stuck on "Broken Tree"... :/ This is more difficult than I thought it would be.
im stuck on CONFLUX, and my computer's sound doesn't work. is there any way anyone could help me?
nevermind about that, but now im stuck on sun spire...
Sen, I finished them all without sounds, so it should be possible... Good luck!
can anyone help me?i can't pass over mask
nevermind...i did it :D
Some thoughts on this:
OK I get the part about clicking "nodes" with three branches, but is there any rule beyond try it and see to work out what order to click, because it seems like I'm just working through every possible sequence sometimes.
Same thoughts here, see my comment 20 January 2011 17:49.
I'm stuck on the "Sunspire" level. Can anyone help me with that one?
Nevermind..... I finally got past the "Sunspire" level. I don't even know how I did manage to get past it. Trial and error I guess...
Most of the solutions seem to involve a stage with three branches the same length, usually two long, so it will collapse when you click the middle node twice. I can't predict what will collapse to that though.
How many levels are there? I'm stuck on "Observe" right now. Can anyone help?
I just beat the game and then went back to see what the sounds meant. Haven't been able to find any correlation. Anybody have any hints? I'd like to play through the levels again if I can figure out what they mean.
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