Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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Oh my! Best news ever!
had to use a walkthrough cause i just don't have time for the whole triel and error thing.....
as always, extremly cute! ^^
to nogi1020
please give the link please
here's the correct order:
attention! SPOILER :-)
order from left to right:
love it
played it five times and finished it on twenty-five minutes
so very cute :) I love the Grow games!
SO CUTE! Is there a secret ending?
Did that little yellow guy pull those flowers out from where I think he did?
wow, i didn't even need the walkthorough for the first time playing Grow games!(this proves that grow games are challenging for me)
wow, that one was hard, as some locations we can click more than once, where as others we may never use.
i usually don't like walkthroughs for grow games, but I admit I needed it for the last step (should have just trial and error XP). Thanks Palat for giving the option and doing a good job of hiding it in a bunch of "spoiler tags" =P
I finished with one point left!! I can't believe this TT.TT
I feel sorry for the dragon - he was cute
horrible game
I love this game! Is there a secret ending? If anyone finds it please post how to get it!
There always seems to be one hater... Keep the great games coming Bart!
Очень интересно!!
@ Anon 19:34,
WHAT?!? English please.
I love the grow games, but I feel bad for that dragon!
I got so happy to see a new game from eyemaze!!
But I need the last point to wake him up, haha!
Ah! I got it! I laughed so hard! Did not expect that 1 point to be taken away by THAT! So cute!
Is there a secret ending?
That was fun. Fun it was.
ano said very interesting i looked it up in google translator =D
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