
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 03, 2011


You’re the only 3 dimensional being left in the world, with the ability to move 2d objects from one wall to another. Will you be able to find the source of all this and reverse it in the 3d puzzler antimatiere? (note: this game requires the Unity webplayer)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It takes soooooooooooooooooooooooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooong to load. Then once the game starts my mouse arrow dissapears. This game is a little to strange for me.

Bart said...

Hit the ENTER key to start the game

Bart said...

To the Anonymous complaining about deleted comments: if you don't like a game then explain why, don't leave a rude comment anonymously. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Bart said...

I just explained above

Anonymous said...

I did explain. I didn't enjoy it because it takes to long to load. Also, like the other two games that you've posted this month it seems to be far below the superb quality of games that you normally post.

jj said...

Haha very original one!

palat said...

It would be so much easier if all the anonymous would just put a name :-) And I agree: very original, nice one!
How can you not like a game "because it loads too long"?

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.... Just one question... Why?

@ Anon21:20,
I completly agree with you. The games so far this month haven't really been the greatest.

It is kinda rude to delete other peoples comments. They shoud be left for the rest of us to read.

Anonymous said...

Oops, ment 21:02. Sorry.

Perhaps being Anonymous is just simpler.

Bart said...

I'm deleting comments with rude words, especially if they are made anonysmously. It's so easy to enter a name when you leave a comment.
Also feel free to suggest any new great games you find to feature, cheers!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the comments are more interesting than the game itself.

Anonymous said...

This game is to difficult for me. I'm not liking that the mouse arrow dissapears even after I press ENTER. It makes it very hard to close the game window.

inès said...

strange, I installed the latest version (I already did that a few weeks ago and now agian) and it doesn't seem to work. It keeps giving the message "please install". It's queit disturbing ...

Anonymous said...

This game gives me literally some nausea. Although the design and the concept are great.
It's really like some seasickness...
Maybe i will retry it later...


Anonymous said...

Urgh... This game makes me dizzy. I don't like it just for that reason alone.

Joe said...

Every game can't be to everyone's liking. One word for this one, boring.

Anonymous said...

I agree Joe. This one is boring.

Jessica said...

Came here to say that I've had a lot of problems with games that use this new Unity Player. While I was typing this out and waiting for this game to load, it crashed my Firefox. Lol. Hopefully they work out all the bugs and start making great games for it. (I've had the problem with my cursor disappearing in Unity player games also.)
And don't give Bart any trouble! He's wonderful!

Angela said...

Help! I'm stuck back in the first room with the guy telling me to put the door on another wall to get to the hallway. But I've tried every wall!

Angela said...

Ohhh the power of posting :) it turns out the guys in both rooms tell you to move the door to another wall. They just neglect to tell you that they mean the second room (orange stuff room) door. Moving on!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it! I'm stuck still with the window..I've clicked on every wall, but nothing happened!
any help please!!!

Olavo said...

I went through all 5 levels but the thing seems to be infinite. Interesting idea though (although playing gives one a very dizzy feeling).

Olavo said...

BTW: Unity Player crashed on my Chrome as well, so I had to use "good old" Explorer...

Alexander said...

not one of my favorites games
i don't like it

Paperback Writer said...

A nice Idea, but the game is buggy :(
I played it til the train & should find something in the baggage. Then suddenly my "W"-key doesn't worked anymore (only in this game)... It really sucks when you cand move forward anymore :(

M said...

I can't download unity :(

Anonymous said...

For the people having problems with Unity, on a mac I found that the only browsers that work are safari and chrome. unity doesn't support opera and firefox stopped working after it loaded.

Anonymous said...

is it just my impression ot this game has more endings?

Vote with your cents said...

Dear Bart,
I love your site, I come here daily to check out the wide variety of games you post and the super cool ones you create yourself.
I do not expect every game you post to be to my liking, because that would not be fair to other people who perhaps do not like the games I enjoy. I just felt you deserved a little positive feed back to make the day a little better.

Anonymous said...

Playing on Kongregate and 'r' does not work for reset. Not too annoying yet, only on second level but it could get very annoying later on.

Anonymous said...

Here's a rather nice, simple game. Upgrade-type combined with chain-reaction type.

Ivvena said...

I like this game - it is new quite interesting idea. I've stuck in a train - any help?
Greetings to Bart and other users

cmc said...

game was fun, but after the second time i got clipped into a wall and had to Refresh the browse window, i stopped playing... maybe i'll try again now...

(note: being sick isn't fun. cough cough...)

Elmer Turnipseed said...

Hard to get into and buggy, but once you get past the introductory levels, it explodes into a sprawling Minecraft type escape game with some bizarre physics. The atmosphere is dreamy and surreal, sometimes breathtaking. You'll teeter on power lines high above a forest, fall down bottomless pits, make train coaches appear from nowhere, wander through endless landscapes before suddenly realizing... no, I won't spoil it. The puzzles are medium-tough but logical, and there are plenty of hints. Nice sound also. I for one think its brilliant. Thanks, Bart!

Elmer Turnipseed said...

If you get frozen in one place, reload the game and on the title screen press your right arrow key twice and press enter.

Elmer Turnipseed said...

I think there's another ending. There's another hatch high above the one that leads to the bottomless pit. I'm trying to move the staircases to get to it, but it seems you can't swap tiles while on the stairs. Anyone have any ideas?

gerdaj said...

I really like this game, it is addictive once you get past the first levels and a stunning new game idea. Thanks to Bonte for posting it. I am stuck in the multi-layered forest. The running guy says it's the last ladder we need, but I can only see one in the ceiling which I can't reach. Any hints please? I want to reach the power lines and train coaches you are talking about ...

Olavo said...


You can use the other ladder to get there.

Elmer Turnipseed said...

@gerdaj You'll have to move some thorns to walk around, but pick up the ladder high up on the tree trunk. Face the guy, back up 2 squares and turn left. There's a vertical thorn there that can be replaced by the ladder. Climb up and you'll see the other ladder within easy reach. Put it on the trunk and then go back and get the 1st ladder.

Jacob said...

While I like this game, it really does take on certain surreal nightmarish qualities - I think because of the infinite looping of levels. It is really intense visually and a lot of intuition is needed.

I don't feel like I understand fully how I beat the game, and I feel like there is a lot of subtle detail missing. I haven't decided if that is intentionally disorienting or sloppy. I feel like I've had disjointed disoriented dreams like this.

Felipe said...

I enjoyed it, as diference to many I enjoy headache causing puzzles.

PixieGirlM said...

Extremely creative! I love it! Only trouble was that the Unity Player thing kept malfunctioning and I had to keep starting over...oh well. Great game though!

Tanja said...

Brilliant game. But seems like I'm not too brilliant. :)
I don't know how to put the piece of the electrical tower where it belongs on the tower and retrieve the piece with the hole in it. I can't reach high enough! Any hints, anyone?

Jay said...

The game is very fun and creative, but the ending is a bit too open-ended. And there seems to be the illusion (as far as I can tell) of an alternate ending with the second porthole high above the first but with no way to get to it. I tried combining stairs to get to the top, but you can't place a stair while standing on a stair. It almost seems like you didn't know how to end it, so you just stopped... :\

There are also still a good amount of bugs, ie. being unable to move after placing two suitcases together, getting stuck in textures, and you can bypass all of the puzzles on the train.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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