Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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February 28, 2011
bustabrain 2

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If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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WOO-HOO! I suggested this one! Yay!
Also.... FIRST! Yay again!
Finished! Level 28 is funny!
Level 15 is giving me trouble...I feel really stupid. Any hints?
help with 27. I usually get these, but stuck on the windows...
stuck on 15 :(
for level 15, it needs to look like a fish, but only take 4 matches. looks kinda like an angel fish...
any help with 27, the one with the buildings and windows? Cant quite figure our a pattern...
Can I get a hint on 27?
There is an in-game walkthrough included in the main menu of the game. That should help greatly for those who are stuck.
!!!Spoiler lvl 27: its a diagonal line, starting from the upper left, but dont ask me why...
Any tips on level 5? I feel so stupid
can anyone give me a clue for five please "Take four out to tee off"
Level 01: Click the dice in the lower left corner. Drag the man to the moon.
Level 02: Wait for the die to peak out on the upper right side and click it. Hold down on the pirate until the cut-out tumbles and click the ninja.
Level 03: Click the die hiding in the zero of the +20. Roll-over the clovers until a 4-leaf one pops up and click it.
Level 04: Drag the stones to block the darts that will shoot out of the wall when the ninja walks past them. Click the die that was covered by one of the rocks and click the ninja.
Level 05: Out of the two matchsticks that form a cross in the middle, click the one that is facing up and collect the die. Click reset, then click 4 matchsticks to make a T.
Level 06: Remember the eyes! Now click the die that keeps popping up down the bottom. Once you have it, click the correct eyes.
Level 07: Click on the A, then collect the die. Click on the top die of D until it reads 3 and the bottom die 4.
Level 08: Click the die that is peeking out on the right side of the strip. Click the panels so that the cloud starts out white, gets darker and ends up raining.
Level 09: Click near the bottom of the 2 and click the die as the 2 is jumping. Drag the tiles around until they read “TUBA”.
Level 10: Click the die hiding in the middle of the C in Code-breaker. Make the black invader a mix of the colours of the above two.
Level 11: Click the sign 3 times until the die falls out. Click the clouds covering the sun. When the family arrives, one by one, drag them into the tree.
Level 12: Click the die in the upper left corner. Click on the ends of the antenna 1st, then the second extension. Once it’s fully extended, click the bottom parts of the antenna to make it point up. Turn on the TV by clicking the TV power button. Click the ninja.
Level 13: Click the die peeking out beside the +20. Roll-over the cats until you figure which two are the same. Take note of the ears, eyes and noses.
Level 14: Click the second ring from the outside 1st and then click the 3rd ring. Lastly click on the outer ring. Click the ninja, then the die he was hiding.
Level 15: Click the die hiding in the O of the TO in the title. Click all the 4 outer right matches in order to make a fish swimming towards the hook.
Level 16: Remember the colours and number of eyes on the aliens. Click the die in the lower left corner and then click the correct aliens.
Level 17: Click the die peeking out behind the dials on the top left. Make the inner dial point to the left, the middle dial to the right and the outer dial, in between right and the bottom.
Level 18: Click the die popping up on top of the 3rd frame. Make the panels in the following order. 1. The apple is in perfect condition. 2. It notices a bump 3. A worm pops out. 4. The apple is full of holes. Click OK.
Level 19: You will need to double click fast in the middle of the Ocean Liners chimney in order to grab the die quickly as the boat move out of the way. Drag the tiles around to read “Eye Liner”.
Level 20: Click the die peeking out from behind the upper right of the door frame. Click on the bells to hear the tones and click the levers below to reflect the tones from low – high.
Level 21: Click the die in the upper right corner. Drag the jug to the pot to pour the water in. Drag the pot to the left element (the right one doesn’t get hot enough). Click on the dial below the element until at its hottest. Once the water starts boiling, drag the egg into the pot.
Level 22: Click the die rolling at the bottom of the screen. Once you have it, don’t touch the mouse until the ninja appears. Click the ninja.
Level 23: Drag the +20 message to the left and collect the die. Click the antenna, then the big upper left spot, upper left arm, top middle teeth and the gray bottom tooth.
Level 24: Click the die peeing out on the bottom. Click the arrows so the ninja walks around clockwise touching all the colours on the door in order. Make sure he doesn’t walk into a wall. Once the door has been unlocked, click the correct tiles to guide him to the star.
Level 25: Roll-over near the upper right of the screen until a hand pointer pops up. Click on the area to reveal a compartment and then click on the die. Click 4 matches to make a lying down 8.
Level 26: Remember the order of the robots flying off. Click the robots in the right order, collecting the die when it shows up behind the upper middle robot.
Level 27: Click the die peeking out on the bottom right. The sequence goes like this – A. All windows are on. B. Every 2nd window is on. C. Every 3rd window is on. Turn on the upper left, the middle and the bottom right windows.
Level 28: Click the die on the left side of the comic. 1. Man sees small shooting star. 2. Star gets bigger and the man is exited. 3. Star gets very close and the man starts panicking. 4. The star turns out to be a shuriken and ends up in the man’s head.
Level 29: Click on the toilets party hat and quickly click the die that is revealed. Drag the tiles around to read “Party Pooper”.
Level 30: The poster is made up of 4 mixed up words – Anger, Envy, Sadness and Cowardliness. Click the colours they represent in the order the words appear,
Anger is red, Envy is green, Sadness is blue and Cowardliness is yellow. Quickly click the die that gets revealed by the opening of the door.
Many thanks to the good people at Ninjadoodle for creating this walkthrough!
Many thanks to Bart for adding it to his great website!
Sorry that it's in two parts. It would not fit into one post. I hope all of those who are stuck find it helpful!
Only for those who get really stuck. Otherwise walk on by.
also stuck on 27... and it didn't open me the walkthrough...
I managed to get the third best all time score. As always, I put Bob Dole for stuff like that.
Can anyone give me a hand with level 20? I have no sound on my computer, which makes the level a little tricky. This is a great game! :)
did it :)
@Miss Piggy - we cannot help you - it changes from game to game ;)
Fun game, Bart! I'll readily admit I needed the walkthrough to find a couple of dice :)
stuck on lvl 20 >< I am sooo sure the tones are going from high to low (fa mi do ti, to be exact), but it's wrong >< doesn't help that the i can't selectively turn on only bgm w/out turning off the sounds ><
Thanks to the "Anonymous walkthrough", I'm now at 1st place (137 clicks)... Thank you!
The level 20 tones sound off to me. If you have trouble beating it, try reversing the middle two notes (in pitch).
I'll try this game on another computer. Can't wait!
I can't do level 10 - even WITH the walkthrough! Doh!!
black and white make grey etc...
@ Nemur: you're correct =) Thanks!
Tough game.
Can't Figure Out How To Get Past Level 15! :\ Don't Know What The Pish Is Supposed To Look Like... Can Anyone Help
The fish looks like this.
I hope that helps!
Oops that didn't work right...
I had to put periods in there for space holders. That's what the fish looks like.
excellent brain exercise!
thank you all for your help :)
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