
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 21, 2011

death nine

How about a bit of room escaping to start the week: death nine.


Unknown said...

I like it

Fikjen said...

I also like it!!!

Francesco said...

I love it

Anonymous said...

Umm... Sorry to be the party crasher. I don't like this one. It's to hard for me.

Meblin said...

I found it easier than the normal room escapers.
Am out 8 )

Anonymous said...

Can someone help me? I'm almost done, but i can't find the last three symbols, the one with the middle symbol in it.

Anonymous said...

Good game with logical puzzles - thanks Bart.

Couple of hints:

To solve the 3x3 symbol grid there are 4 clues to find. I 'brute forced' the correct code with only 3 clues but couldn't open the box until I found the 4th. If you don't have all 4 try checking the piano and using the blue item outside...

The 3-digit-colour-code box takes lots of clicking around to open when the correct code is entered.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Now i'm struggling with the ladder. I'm sure its something simple.

nogi1020 said...

i havn't done it yet... but bart, what's going on with Minoto? it's been nearly two weeks since the last one!!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. I have codes I can't enter anywhere, a keyboard I can't play, and the world's most boring game of Othello.


Anonymous said...

What is the blue object with the Japanese writing on it? I'm hoping if I can figure out what it is, I might figure out what to do with it.


lorinsilver said...

Anonymous, try using that blue object outside...

Anonymous said...

Tilt your head to the left and the ladder will make more sense.

Coffeeteamix said...

Thanks Anon @ 16:10 + lorinsilver!

Btw, that "blue object" I believe is a "wet tissue", if that helps anyone =)

Anonymous said...

I liked it! Thanks for the clue about the blue object. And boy was I being dumb about the ladder; the arrow on the door is kinda important (and it's not just telling you to go up!)


CA said...

thanks for the tip on the blue object. Can anyone give me a hint where/how you found the ladder?


Anonymous said...

The ladders is behind the locked door. You need a key. Use the symbols on the door, and the 3 symbol clues you find around (and outside) the room to solve the 9-key safe.


Anonymous said...

From first screen, note Othello diagram, electric cord behind grate, safe that uses greater/less than symbols, and a door with 9 symbols on it. To right, note curtains that open/close and reveal a colored number. You can go outside and enjoy the view. You can pick up something, too. In the foreground, you can click to reveal a table that has a locked box that requires 3 numbers that relate to colored dots. There is something on the table leg, too. There are binoculars for your use...I’d suggest to check outside again. You’ll see a number/color clue.

Go right and note a locked drawer that requires 3 shapes, a locked drawer that requires a key, a picture of pigeons (why, I’m not sure...they’re not very songful) with a 7-note tune, and a stereo that needs to be plugged in. There is a picture to help you remember how to mix primary colors to make secondary colors. Examine all sides of the cabinet.

Go left, and check out the piano to refresh your memory of the C major scale. Note one of the numbers is in color. Examine the piano bench and music holder carefully.

You now have enough information to open the locked box on the table (use the picture above the stereo and the 3 number clues.) Obtain screwdriver. Open grate. Obtain extension cord. Note code underneath.

Plug in stereo. Open CD holder. Obtain key. Open safe in first scene using code. Obtain shape. Use key on locked drawer. Obtain blue item (wet tissue, apparently.) Note Othello diagram. Re-create Othello diagram on the one next to door. Orientation is important! Open and obtain final shape and another 3 symbols. One your way back to the shapes drawer, take the blue tissue outside and use it to reveal another 3 symbols.

Use the 3 shapes to open drawer. Key in the numbers for the pigeon tune. Use the symbols found on the main door to crack this safe. You’ll get a key which opens the door to reveal a ladder. Note arrow on door and ponder why the rungs are different colors. Use your roman numeral clues (including the one on the ladder wall) to open the final door. Out!


Anonymous said...

im stuck i need to get the ladder code and i dont know how to get the yellow part for the code (i guessed)

CA said...

thank you; got it. Apparently I can solve the puzzles, I just can't click right.

Anonymous said...


tam said...


Anonymous said...

What are the other roman numeral clues? I know the 2=1 and 3=9 but I can't find the others! PLEASE HELP!

Anonymous said...

Found the 1=8! What is the 4 or where can I find it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Moi aussi!

Wind Lane said...

And now, a special word from our sponsor...

Bart Bonte is not Minoto. People seem to be under the delusion that the goodly Mr. Bonte who finds all these fun things to share with us has any power whatsoever over when Minoto releases his next insane little click adventure. Please cut kindly ol' Mr. Bonte a break and pester Minoto if you want him to put out his next game.

Orit said...

what a nice, logical, no-pixel hunt, game.

Anonymous said...

ok what am i doing wrong
i got to the safes 3rd door put in the letters...
it wont open any clue what im doing wrong...and am i the only one who had a shape that was not on the door and had 2 of the same shape on the door?

Anonymous said...

n/m missed code on side of cabinet...didnt need it to figure out the code but wouldnt let me open it till i found it...

Anonymous said...

i did it without using a walkthrough!

Bart said...

I can only guess Minoto is having a bit of a writer's block after 146 point and click games in a row :)

Nogi1020 said...

you're right Wind Lane!
I'm sorry Bart!! you know i'm just a devoted fan :#)
and i guess you're right about Minoto, too bad though... i love his games...

jdoe said...

loved it - just perfect for me - not too easy, not too hard!
did it without help :)

Anonymous - you can find I = 8 below the piano pillow
therefore, you have I = 8, II = 1, III = 9 (there isn't any IV)... then the stairs tells the code - read it horizontally: green, dark red, green, dark red

sorry about my english

by the way - i don't like minoto at all


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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