If you enjoy my game, please share the link, cheers!
You can share the game on Facebook here or on Twitter here. Thanks!

Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
Hmm, interesting game so far.
i love it! thank you Bart.
Love the game!! but adding an erase button would be better..just a slight mistake and I have to do it all over again..
A beautiful game. One of your best i would say. I love it
Thanks :)
@wn It would be not much of a game when you could erase :) it would be too easy, believe me :)
i love it! thank you Bart.
Sugar is evil.
SO glad a new game is out! Can't wait to try it out!
I'll be looking forward to its sequel: "honey, honey" ;)
please level 19
love this game but also stuck on level 19
Level 19....not so easy. =/
what about level 20. How to fill the cups? they remain half empty even though i've tried several different options.
good game anyway, thanks bart :)
Needs an "erase"! I make one tiny mistake and I have to start all over again... Or is that the idea?
Needs a "Speed up" Button
Congratulations, Bart. And thank you! I think it's a success! Easy enough to start, hard enough to stop and come back to enjoy some more later. (Or play for 4 hours until I win.)
Got 19 finally!!! Whew!
Great...I figure out 19...and then there's 20! Half white half other.
I understand that a restart would make the game too easy but can we please have a "pause" button so we can go to the loo? :0S
Agree with Kurt about the speed button ;)
Very fun! I got stuck on level 4.
Ooo, nice game Bart!
A little bit boring - so slow - but I've never been found of this kind of games.
Another great game :)
Another great game..... thanks bart!
it's SO hard but that means it lasts.
the design is awesome, so thoughtful... like an advanced intelligence is leading you further and further onwards.
it's totally original and addictive.
Love it! Thanks Bart!
Thanks Bart. It's a very good idea.
Levels 20+ are more difficult but not impossible. I have completed all levels with no problems and usually on the first attempt. It just wanted to improvise and then handle it all.
Thanks, Bart! Great game. Will you add more features to the freeplay mode someday? Like cups and the reverse gravity button? Very fun. And great music too!
I started playing when there were only 4 comments, now there's 30! I loved this game and freestyle mode is awesome :) Thanks Bart!
yay! a good new game makes my day:D
The speed of the game is fascinating.
Please do not modify it!
I can watch the falling sugar for ever.
Actually I am...
You are dangerous!!!
Thank you Bart.
thanks for not putting mochimedia publicity, i would put a pay pal donations button
Great Job, Bart! Thank you!
Bravo! I really like it.
Wow! This game is really nice! I love how you come up with so many unique and interesting ideas! I don't know how you do it!
I agree that there shouldn't be an erase button. But you could give one eraser for each level. Once you use it, it's gone, that's it. However, it it fine without any erase, too. But...a pause button really would be nice. Either that or a button that will take you to the next level instead of it automatically going to the next.
NotMarian, I agree with you. Putting an eraser would make the game slightly pointless and quite easy. But I think only one eraser per level is probably the best solution.
Really nice and addictive game! Maybe the game should be more challenging. I suggest limited lenght lines to complete levels (i.e. A number of "units" per level to spend to draw lines).
No at all to erase button. Useful intead, speed up to complete level once lines are drawn.
The new Bonte game! Well, actually I'm more into puzzle games, but I like this one the same! It has an interesting concept. That gravity switch is nasty!!
About the eraser? I don't think it would help... In my opinion, trying to correct a mistake would make more confusion than before and a lot of sugar lost! And I thank Bart for not having put an ink limit!! :D
loved it, bart!!!
i vote in 'speed up' concept.
yeeeeeeeeeey! :D
Yay Bart! I also agree with others a speed up button once you have your lines drawn would be nice. Great design and graphics, I love it, thank you.
I also like what anon said about a sequel? Honey Honey ;)
Any inspiration from here??
Liked it a lot!!
a very nice game, i love it but i am stuck on level 7-accursed flip gravity button!!!
Your game was much fun.
Well, it's even better in real life !
Try it at home with two small cups, put them on the ground. Hang a funnel somewhere ... And with any kitchening objets, drive sugar to cups ...
@ Me Myself and I:
Level 7 is easy. Let the sugar flow until enough to fill the cup (or even more). Sugar stops on background writing with a little spill that you can easily stop with a piece of line. Now draw a line toward the cup and invert gravity.
awesome and addicting, just like real sugar :D
Hey Bart, the game is nice and I hope you leave the game without a speed option! That would totally ruin the meditative experiance and it's just perfect the way it is. And an eraser would make it way to easy indeed. But I agree that a button to go from level to level would be an improvement. Of course one can just "let it flow", but it would be more relaxing if one can have a break.
I love it! Also stuck on level 19...
oh, and I love your music, too!
Yes! Now I need to pass level 20!!!
It's good fun. Do you think you could let the r button reset the game rather than having to click on the link as that makes it quicker and less frustrating.
Are you going to do another room escape please as yours way outclass the others.
sometimes, we want to lean the screen ^^ :-D
Sorry Bart,
I'm not real thrilled with your new game. It can really use a pause button, an erase option, and a way to speed up the sugar flow.
Great game Bart! Very different concept. I agree with everyone on the pause button; however, I kind of don't mind letting the sugar run out if I have to run from the computer and just pressing reset. It's not like we're collecting points. Super fun! Something that's keeping me entertained for hours! :)
I like alot of sugar in my tea ;)
thanks Bart - Im sure I will spend alot of time playing this game.
I love it Bart! My only complaint is there should be a speed up option for when you have all the sugar pixels lined up how you want and are simply WAITING for them to fall. It gets kind of tiring waiting for the sugar to SLOOOWLY fall down (or up). Besides this one problem, the game is great! At first I was underwhelmed at how similar it is to the "sand" games, but then I realized those aren't games at all. This takes the sand concept and actually makes it a game. I am on 18 now (mostly the time is taken up WAITING for the sugar sugar to fall which again is my complaint, that there should be a speed up button). A-
The game is REALLY cool, but to get from the levels menu to the main menu, you have to click on a level and press quit! So it would be helpful to put a back button in a corner there.
I really like it. Congratulations.
stuck on lvl 29, so close to free play >.<, anyone know how to beat it??
Stopped at level 13. Got stuck and bored. Great game but just too darn slow. Would take me hours to try and finish this one.
Amazing game! I love it! Keep the wonderful, superb games coming Bart!
30 is evil :p
hey bart - on my screen, there are two red cups - they look the same.
is it intentional? or should they look like a red and an orange?
For Level 30, from left to right they are orange, pink, red, green.
The game is PERFECT.
I simply love watching every single sugar pixel falling down (or up...) exactly at the speed that Bart decided.
I don't see any problem whatsoever.
I should probably use the nick "Bartfan", but it is already taken :)
Oh. And I am half way through.
I take my time.
Yay, finally in freeplay mode! :D Great game Bart~
All 30 levels were excellent Bart.
Don't change a thing!
someone said stuck at level 19? ;)
good game! loving it!
Yep I just finished the game after probably 5 hours of play. It's a long game, but mostly due to the utterly slow speed of the sugar. This game definately suffers from the speed at which it takes to beat a level once all the "lines" are in place. It's a waiting game, basically. Great game, but suffers heavily from the slow speed. Maybe you can fix it, and it will be even better!
I disagree with the naysayers, Bart. No erase button is a good thing - it makes the game more challenging. For those that want an erase button: finish the game and you'll get one in freestyle mode. The speed factor makes the game calming - it took me almost five hours to play through (and have fun in the freestyle mode) the first time and about an hour & a half the second time. I like the game - why would I want it to be over more quickly? A pause button would be nice, but is not necessary. If I have to use the restroom while playing, I can always reset the level. :)
Brilliant and fascinating game Bart. I love that you can use the whole screen including the background objects to get some really creative solutions. Great work.
Dear Bart,
Great game. So different from your other games so very suprising. While playing I wished for a speed-up button but finishing it I realized I really didn't miss it and enjoyed watching the sugar fall. And for a pauze-butoon...also not neccesary. When I left the computer I was always suprized to see the pattern the sugar made. Keep up the gooed job!
Bravo Bart.!!!...J'aime bien ce jeu.
I need some help level 19...Please.!!!
Wonderful game, Bart. I'm really enjoying it. Thank you very much.
Currently I, too, am stuck on level 19. Anyone have any hints?
Really fun game! Sometimes I had to wait for quite a while for the sugar to go into the cups, though, so perhaps adding an x2 speed button would be good if you ever plan on making a sequel? Although, I suppose part of the challenge is seeing how long you can wait... Also, perhaps a straight line tool could be added?
For those having trouble on level 19, remember you can also draw lines at the bottom of the screen to direct the sugar through the different color gates.
Awesome game! I loaded it up, came back and my honey was playing! He beat the game and was playing around in free mode saying A+
So now you have another fan lol
Good on ya.
A unique and interesting game.
I sure could use a pause button though.
I started the game Friday night so when I have to leave my computer, which is regularly, a 'pause' would come in very handy.
2 Thumbs up Bart.
Soooooooooooooooo slooooooooooow. It really needs a speed controll, a pause button, and an eraser. It's fun, but it could really use some tweaking.
salut bart tres bon jeu dommage il faudrai une gomme pour effacer des trés
et la je bloque au niveau 19
merci pour ce bon jeu
brilliant game im on level 21 now and im stuck lol any helpers out there
the sugar flow was too slow - for some of the levels definitely. i didnt much like the ones where you had like 1 or 2 pixels to save and then they get stuck because you just cant make a straight line with your mouse across the whole screen - with that antialiasing! i got to level 26 which i think was ridiculous, no challenge but a LOT of clicking clicking clicking...
so, told you all the negatives. besides these points - GREAT game! :D
Here's what I did for level 19, I'm sure it's not the best solution but it worked a few times for me :)
Draw lines from two bottom cups to shelf above them to keep sugar from going past them to the side where it will be useless. Draw line outward from right side of pink cup upward toward right side of screen (do same with blue but from left up to left).
Direct the sugar to the pink filter first. Allow to process a bit to make a decent amount of pink sugar. Then, near pink cup in middle of sugar fall, make a line halfway into the stream of combo sugar and direct to pink cup. When pink cup fills, repeat for green but with your line lower, near green cup (make sure to close off access to pink cup so remaining sugar stays active).
When green is filled direct stream to blue AND red filters. When remaining sugar has filtered through blue and red, draw a line above blue cup to pull sugar from blue steam and add line low near red cup to grab sugar from red stream.
How do you beat Level 19??? Help someone
Help on level 19 idk what to do
If you can complete the game without an eraser, why do you need one? It would make the game ridiculously simple.
I need an eraser only to erase level 19 ;)
Thanks everyone for the sugar sugar love :)
A lot of you are asking for a speed up button. I didn't put that in for some reasons:
- it's ment to be a relaxing game, I think fast flowing sugar would provide some stress :)
- the game would no longer run smoothly on slower pc's, in most levels there's 3000 pixels of sugar there being calculated each frame
About the pause button, there was no need too I thought, just go with the flow of the sugar and relax :)
About the eraser tool: it would no longer be a game, believe me, it would be too easy. Hang on till you reach freeplay mode, there's
an eraser there!
Remember, if you finish the game, you can play freeplay mode and create some sugar art. I'll be showcasing the creations people
send to me here: http://sugarart.tumblr.com/. Please send in your creations!
Cheers! On to the next bontegame! :)
Great & Fun game Bart! I love it!
Je parle francais, mais pas super...
Playing this game reminds me of my long-lost love "Lemmings". I could spend hours just watching those little guys walk back and forth before making the changes necessary to finish the level. I enjoy "sugar, sugar" in pretty much the same way. Thank you, Bart!
the speed of sugar is perfect,as on the harder levels it allowed me to think where to use my lines wisely if it came out faster i would of have to keep reseting it, my only complaint is should of been 100 levels! Bart can we have a sequel or more levels please?
Just to leave the 100th comment!!
Does anyone have any tips for level 22? I've been trying al weekend, but it seems impossible :(
awwww i love, love, love it!
bart, you´re the best!
I really enjoy this game. I've played through it several times in the past few days, and the only thing I can say is... MORE LEVELS!
At first I thought there should be an eraser, but realized pretty quickly that it would make it too easy. It would be nice if there was a "undo last 10 seconds" or something like that, but I understand why there isn't. A fast forward button might be helpful, too, in certain situations.
This is my favorite game I've played on your blog so far. I would love to see a sequel sometime. Great job.
I love the games you make, but so far, I think this is your best!! I think it is really fun, but also you have to think a bit. At many points I wished for a eraser or rewind type of thing, but you are right, it wouldn't be a game with those tools! I am 2 levels away from the freeplay mode, and I can't wait!!
Hey now, no fair, should be an indicator as to when you are going to run out of sugar on a level! I was so close to beating level 11 and then the sugar stopped.
Other than that, awesome. Great late night game. I went back and played the level again anyway.
I love this game, it is very very difficult as the game prgresses, but i have beaten it finally, after about 7 hours of play.. thank you vey much for this game and ilook forward to another installment of this.. as for some of the other comments, i dont think the game needs a paus, as if you click off of the window it will pause, and the rate of the sugar seems fine to me, but a speed up wouldn't be a bad idea either.. thanks..
I've just passed level 19 without any help and I can show you my Prt Scr to prove it! ;)
Excellent game! I liked how the difficulty increased without it being particularly noticeable. Simple gameplay at its best!
yay! I'm through all levels... Its sooo great, Bart! it took me a long time and some levels were really really difficult, but its one of your best games!
thank you very much mr. bonte for this delightful pursuit - clean and simple idea, very very nice! and pls keep on posting such a great variety of games. hamsun
terminer bon jeu
Fantastic. Mu favourite of yours so far. Changes would cheapen it.
Try for a 4 colour peace-symbol in free play...
Nice one, Bart!
Excellent game!!
Zoals gewoonlijk weer een fantastisch nieuw spel.
Mooi hoe je telkens dit soort spellen tot een hoger level weet te tillen.
Een 10 voor uitvoering !
Cool! When is your new game coming??
Whoohoo!!! A new Bart game!!!
Ignore all the nay sayers, the game is perfect the way it is.
Great Game Mr Bart !!
Thank You !
Still stuck at lvl 16 :p
Great game Mr Bart !!!
Thank You !
Still stuck in lvl 16 :p
I enjoyed this game so much, I decided to make a (rough) tutorial. It can be found at this address:
I hope it's helpful.
I enjoyed this game so much, I had level 19 tattooed on my chest. All my thirty-nine attempts to solve it.
1, make a line to the cup, easy :).
2, first, make a way for left one, but don't make the line TOO near the comma, when the left one is filled, go make a way that near the comma to the right one.
3, same as 2, make the way for white cup first, then make a closer way from the comma to the oragne cup, use the filter to change color.
4, same, just look at the hole, it sends you to the top.
5-11, skip, i will not make too long
12, help me, i cannot finished this, LOL
This is really neat, Bart!
I really like it!
Full Moon was a far better and well thought game you design...i'm a fan...but not of sugar sugar bart... :(
Loved the game Bart!
Keep 'em coming!
awesome game! love it!
already played 3 billion times :P
thank u so much! hope you are thinking of making a sequel :)
fastforward button would complete it ;) cheers bart :)
quiero saber como pasar el nivel 19!!
no lo puedo pasar!
sugar, sugar is the fith highest rated game uploaded in March on Kongregate!
amazing game!
I could not stop until i've finished all levels!
waiting for a "sugar, sugar 2"!!!!
is there a "portable" version, like cell phone or something like this?
Sugar, sugar 2 and portable version are coming later, must make some other games first :)
Love this game! Different from what you normally do....I like it. :D
On another note, a while ago I discovered you had a dA account, but it didn't look like you'd been on since you made it. XD It's coming up on your third anniversary of having an account, according to my inbox, and I was just wondering if you were ever going to log back in and update. I figured maybe you just were trying to manage too many accounts on too many sites.
Lovely game. Simple yet intriguing. The "reward" sound at the end of each level is so subtle and perfect!
I am struggling with lvl 19 at the moment ... An edit option -- remove certain parts of the lines would be neat.
@Bobette Oh yes actually I forgot about my deviatArt account :) I really should update it, someday :)
Sugar Sugar is THE best game I've seen in a VERY LONG TIME. Absolutely brilliant. Where's your donate button? I'll donate something if you give us more levels! I nearly started crying when I got through them all. I'm going to put this game on my website. What would be great if once you'd done all 30 levels, you could do them in Medium mode, where you had only slightly more sugar than you needed, and Hard mode, where if any sugar the wrong colour got in a mug it would be game over.
Ah, gotcha. :)
this game is nice and the soundtrack is really beatish please tell me the name of the song :}
The song doesn't really have a name. I composed it for the game.
is there a way to get the sugar, sugar's soundtrack as an mp3 or so?
thank you, very nice creation
Great game! You need to make a sequel/new levels, please!
same as ^^^ Bart i think you should add an erase button because one small mistake makes you reastart the whole game :(
Is there life after Sugar Sugar?!! More sugar sugar pleeeeez!!
Just finished all levels - fantastic game.
More levels please!!!
you really need to put all your music online! i love it.
hey bart, i hope you're going to do a sequel?
this game is just SO awesome! <3
played it for, like, the 5th time and i still ejoy it :)
tell me what music playing? i need it
This game is very fun & cool , I've finish this game ^^
One of the funnest games I have found for boredom. I can't help but go through it at least once a day but that doesn't take too long now. Can't wait for part 2!!!
In Freeplay mode, a flip button would be helpful.
Sequel Please!!!!!
I love your games! As everyone else,I think this is the best game of yours by far. Some say "An erase button would be better!" I, personally, don't agree. Like you said, it wouldn't be much of a game with one! I mean, aren't games supposed to be hard but fun!?
"I love your games! As everyone else,I think this is the best game of yours by far. Some say "An erase button would be better!" I, personally, don't agree. Like you said, it wouldn't be much of a game with one! I mean, aren't games supposed to be hard but fun!?"
was me, Haley
Hi! Love sugar, sugar. I was thinking... Maybe a harder version of the game would be if a sugar cube of different color would cancel one "good" sugar cube (by "good" sugar cube I mean a sugar cube the same color of its mug). Thank you for the games. Wish you success! Kate
d hello from beatiful greece i just love these sugar games .
Great game, Bart! I loved all the challenges getting up to Level 30. Freestyle was fun, but I was hoping The Button would be available too!
But the biggest challenge is not that the sugar ~runs~ slow, but that the game ~slows~down~ after awhile. I suspect that's a Flash problem because it slows the whole computer down. Then it takes multiple restarts to clean it up. Do you, as a Flash developer, know what's going on? (I've seen this in Chrome, IE, and Firefox, so it's not browser-specific. I just encountered it again in Flash 11, so it isn't v10, which is where I started noticing this as a Flash-related issue.)
- Mike
dsom8 AT hotmail
Brilliant game. Keep playing but I need more levels please.
Level Twenty four. I understand how to do it but my mouse wheel is erratic (have been tinkering with for ages, cannot fix!) Perhaps a straight line tool would be useful?
You don't need a straight line for level 24. If you send the correc coloured sugar to a cup, the cup closes and the other ones can rest on top without a problem, you will not lose them.
Hi !
I really liked this game, and i'm very glad there is a sugar, sugar 2. Going to play it.
Good job, and continue to do such games :-)
I have played all three sugar sugar games and am absolutely addicted! can we please get more sugar sugar? maybe a halloween edition? i would play it in a hearbeat! more sugar sugar please! :)
My daughter loves the game and I love the music. Thank you. If you would offer this track as a mp3 file I would be happy to donate.
Beautiful game. I can just sit and watch the sugar fall. Very relaxing. The colors are so pretty! The screens are designed so neatly...easy to see and work with the sugar. Now if I can just learn to draw a straight line with my mouse! Hope more Sugar, Sugar games are coming. Thank you so much.
Great, creative and challenging games! However, there's not enough sugar in level 19 to set up the cups properly.
New version needed please. New levels. Brilliant game
Your stupid game quits working at level 20 !!!! you get the cups to 50 and they wont fill anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
For level 20: take a good look at the cups: they are striped. So the first cup needs 50 green sugars and 50 white sugars, the second cup needs 50 orange sugars and 50 white sugars.
Oldie but goodie! ;)
Still love these games....I just wish there was a better "pause" button w/ no music so your unlocked levels could be revisited later
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