
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 17, 2011

pedro and the 100-year quest

If you liked the 'robot wants ...' games, you might enjoy Hamumu's new platformer Pedro and the 100-year quest.


Anonymous said...

aaaaaaargh!!! The game doesn't load!!

palat said...

It's working fine for me! Enjoying it :-)

Anonymous said...

It's finally ok (with explorer)!

Nemur said...

Is it really going to take 100 years??? And Anonmymous, don't you DARE give me that "First" garbage.
(not saying I'm doing it)

Bartfan said...

I love the Robot Wants... games and I like this, but I wish it didn't have the countdown timer.
Probably the idea is to make you play it again and again, but I would do that anyway and having it time out just made me feel frustrated.

Anonymous said...

I didn't enjoy any of the "Robot Wants..." games and I didn't enjoy this one either. :(

Megan said...

ugh. terrible. what's with all these awful games lately, Bart?

Rachel said...

I like it!

Anonymous said...

@ Megan,
I agree.

@ Bart,
Any update as to when all of your loyal fans can expect to see the arrival of your next game? Also, when is the new Minoto going to be posted? I need my Minoto fix. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay - I actually didnt like the robot wants games but this was great! Minus the timeout I loved it - thanks Bart :D

Anonymous said...

I finished the game but never figured out what you were supposed to do with that multi-colored button box. Anyone know what that's about?

Pocok said...

Well, I've tried a couple of times now, but since I can't seem to figure out how to get down to the bottom rat layer (below the big guy), plus the kinky ghosts keep running away from me, so I can't vacuum all of them before time runs out, I think I'll just try again after the countdown has been removed (presumably never)...

Riiick said...

@Pocok you can use the vacuum to pull the boxes towards you

Pocok said...


Thanks for the comment, that does seem like a viable option, I think I will have to try again..


Anonymous said...

Victory!! Time left 11:45 and ALL 100%!!!! But still don't know about the color button thing... Anyway I like it:) Thanks Bart!

Anonymous said...

i liked the robot wants..-games but didnt enjoy this, probably because of the timer

Anonymous said...

This was a pretty fun game, but I would never be able to beat it. I like games like this and hate timers, so it wasn't the best game, but not the worst eitehr

Anonymous said...

I would have tried to finish this game, if it did not have that timer.

Anonymous said...

not nice. the actual robotwants games are better

Anonymous said...

i cant even figure out how to get all the stupid gears. its frustrating. i got the one in the beginning with all the gears and then the one that you have to go up a lot with a lift that isnt moving, and i found the one near the pointless colorful box and the one nearest to the book machine but not in it if that makes sense. and the broom. help please?

Anonymous said...

yhe broom is for the dust bunnies

Anonymous said...

the colorfel box is a code machine the codes are blue yellow green g red b next r r b y g r finaly b g b r y g

Anonymous said...

Anon 16:56- You may have gotten a very good time, but if you didn't use the color button thing, then you didn't get any coins, and that means you didn't 100% everything...

The second code in the above comment will let you have coins, but you only have a minute to get all of them. I got 100% on everything else, but only 86% on coins. It took me lots of tries to beat the game, too. It would be a lot better without the timer.

Anonymous said...

How do I pick up the laser after I have the vacuum cleaner and the key, both of which are permanent? Also, how do I pick up the camera after I have the vacuum cleaner and the key? Can somebody help?


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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