Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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April 28, 2011
kaitai dismantlement: mini keyboard

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This is one weird game.. I've managed to get in the keyboard circuit but there are two weird puzzles inside.
Anyone else working on it?
what you mean by 'first' kay?
I guess I am done with the first puzzle in the circuit but have no idea about the second one
hey, sorry my english is very bad.... i'm not sure if you mean this puzzle????
mark the first square over the letter, go to the front and one letter is now orange...do the same with the other squares...
yes thank you but I've managed to solve that already. I'm stuck with the very last part which is some kind of bomb connected with blue and red wires:)
aha...you have to go to the front and remove the letters...then you can see 3big letters..the first is a I i think...
yes dude, that was actually a bit tricky because you have to use the big numbers in the previous step but this time the letters were made up with the missing buttons instead of the staying ones :)
Anyway, I'm done.
Thank you
Have a good day.
i love these games, this is the first one iv finished without any help yeh
I just got notified there seems to be a problem to post comments without a Blogger account. I hope Blogger is fixing this soon, so everyone can leave comments again.
to anyone stuck on the very first puzzle: the shift key is a lie.
that was so enjoyable and rewarding. I LOVE dismantlement puzzles
I finished this one all by myself, i love kaitai dismantles but i don't think i have done one without help before
Wow, once I figured out that the return (enter) key is an important aspect of the very first puzzle, the rest was a piece of cake. Boy do I feel stupid.
I love these games so much!!!
Walthrough? Anybody?
Now that was different!
Got through it without help, but it was satisfyingly challenging. The ineffective "Shift" key was a bit frustrating, but I solved that before tearing my hair out.
This is a great site you've put together, Bart. Thanks!
Hello everybody,
I've got a problem with starting the game. The site always shows me to get the flashplayer but the thing is I've got it already. Don't know what to do.. Has anyone an idea?
The commmenting problem seems to be solved, so everyone is able to comment again! hooray!
@anomymous perhaps you have an older version, and you should upgrade
i can't even work out how to take the back off! help plz??
Type in what it says EXACTLY (upper case, on 2 lines).
That was a lot of fun!
Puzzle explanations (spoilers spoilers spoilers!);
1)Back-cover: You need to type on the front keyboard what you see on the back cover. Use CAPS and ENTER to achieve capital letters and the '@' symbol and to create two lines. If you have difficulty try repeating the pattern by typing in Notepad to get the hang of it.
2) Left-side puzzle inside (lock1): Q7 = U is the key. Look at the relationship between Q and U on the keyboard on front. U is 7 across from Q. Use the same logic on the clues for digits 1-4 (remember that you start at '1' for a, not '0')
3) Right-side puzzle inside (lock2): Above the slots to input four letters there are a series of key-like squares with triangle pointers on one side. Click on the squares and they will turn orange (only one at a time will turn). Turn the keyboard back over to see one of the keys will have gone orange. Now move one key in the direction indicated by the triangle pointer, and find a letter. Repeat for each letter. There is repetition in the code.
4) Center-panel (lock3): This is done after the first two locks are opened. If you go to the front of the keyboard you will see some of the keys have come loose. Click on these keys to remove them, and the remaining keys should reveal a three digit code.
5) BOMB!: This puzzle is a repeat of 4) but reversed. More keys have been shaken loose, and removing them should reveal a three-letter code in the blank spots.
After removing the bomb, turn the keyboard back over and remove the remaining keys and then the final screws to complete.
Whoohoo! Made it through a Kaitai puzzle with no hints! (I'm very proud of myself if you couldn't tell)
These doggone Dismantlement puzzles are amazingly addictive. The feel of solving them is remarkably like dealing with the real thing. (You know, after you've popped off the name plate, slid the bracket to the left, pulled all the screws under the removable rubber feet, and the accessory door still won't open!)
Novel thematic idea. Some of the things you have to figure out are a bit over the line in obscurity, but if a puzzle were easy, what fun would it be?
Wow, I completed this one without any help and no explosions... which either means I'm getting smarter or this was a little easier than usual! I see that a few others said they finished without help too, so I think it must have been a little easier. Darn, I was hoping for smarter!
that was a fun excersize of the mind, short and sweet
that was a fun excersize of the mind, short and sweet
Well, our nine-year-old son, his Mommy, and I just had a great weekend playing all of the Dismantlement puzzles. Never would have found them if it weren't for bontegames.com.
We just sent Bart US$15.46 (ten Euros). For all the games we've played here recently, that was a steal.
Here's hoping others will do the same and keep making this site worth its Webmaster's time.
Thanks a lot Steve! Your free mp3 is on its way! Cheers!
just love dismantle!!!
did it by my self explosion0
easy one
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