Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Yay Steampunk! lol
Fun so far.
Ok, it seems great but I feel stupid : I'm stuck in the first room!
So... Eventually you're gonna need to know where Algeria is. It helps, like a lot, with the geoscope map thingy.
@ AI-E-Cat : Hmmm, in fact I know where Algeria is :) I just don't understand how it could help me...
1. How do I get the tea from Lord Kelvin?
2. How do I get the chef away from his recipe (or vice versa)?
3. What do I use to weigh down the boots?
to get out of the first room, you need:
the quill pen
the bottle
the red magnet on the wall
and the sink
But 1st you have to listen to the pipe.
The correct name is "1899 Steam & Spirit", not "1899 Steam & Punk".
it sounds alluring, bart, but its steam and spirit, not steam and punk. but yeah, nice game since i like the reduction to simple graphics.
Never mind my previous questions. I figured them out.
The one problem with using only javascript for a game is, with a little know-how, you can find all the hints you need in the source code.
Oops, I wasn't fully awake yet :) Title changed to the correct one :)
stuck, can't find equipment
im getting crazy with this. so far i got a cigerette, orange suit and feather/magnet combination. guy in the crew room always wins the card game and capn refuses me to give me his book. any help?
tickle the soldier who sleeps in the upper bunk bed using the feather,
grab the key,
and open one of the locker.
Take the boots,
and click on the ventilation on the top of the locker, you can go up there now by using the locker as the ladder.
You'll end up in a bathroom,
take the mirror,
go back to the soldiers' room,
place the mirror behind Harris (click on the bunk bed behind him)
and that's how you can defeat him
~spoiler end~
Hope it helps :)
How to weigh down the boots :
- You need a box of match sticks (I don't really remember how you get them, but I think you'll get it when you've defeated Harris)
- use the matches on the ax box
- take the ax
- use it on the pipe in the kitchen's stove
- take the iron stuff
- combine with the boots, and ta-da~
Hope it helps :)
~spoiler ends~
Anyone knows how to combine the soldier's uniform and the bituminous compound to make a waterproof suit?
Thank you :)
Umm where can you get the bituminous cpd? :3
the bitumous compound is in the safe in the professor's cabin.
you have to move the dot on the map (with the red buttons) on Algiers
After that you have to combine the bitumous with the soldier shirt, but for that you need the book next to the professor.
I don't know how to distract him to take the book.
Also! you have to cut the electric wire next to the smoking soldier to take the bubble of the lamp to make a helmet.
To So666:
Use the Lord Kevin's hat to cover his tea.. that'll keep him busy :D
Just Finished! thanks Anonymous :)
Thank you anonymous for the clue :)
I'm trying to use the hat to cover the tea, but he's looking straight at me. How can I distract him?
Oh, that eventually worked, I'm ready to go!
I've got the page from the book, the soilder's shirt and the bituminous compound but how to do you combine them?
I don't understand... I'm stuck in the first room and I can't pick anything up???
OH Ok! So people who are having trouble... you are supposed to right click on an object to pick it up, then left click on the item to see that it has been selected (it has a light brown box around it) then use right click to interact that object to the environment. TA DA! (Hopefully I didn't spoil much =P)
To make the items waterproof, try replacing the recipe with the page from the book. Then just "add" the vital ingredients. :)
Anybody having issues with the geoscope map? I've put the indicator all over the mediterranean and the safe still isn't opening.
I've understood how to play that game but I just can't seem to play cards with that guy. He invites me, then I right-click the table/stool and it says I can't play without an invitation -.-
@Anonymous: A hint was given further up the comment page that will help you.
Anyways, still stuck since Winston doesn't want to cut the wire or the pipe and the geoscope isn't working even though I am putting it right on or very close to Algiers.
You don't put it over Algeria. You have to put it over the CAPITAL OF Algeria. It's on the uppermost tip of Africa, and a bit to the right.
lol i dont even know were Algeria is but my first try on the map and i got it right...guess its north tip of africa
So hard! I can't even get out of the first room. Is there a walkthrough avalibe anywhere?
If any one is still here what do you do once you have all the stuff cook asked for(weighted boots,waterproof clothes and helmet)?
give them all to cook!
I had a tough time getting the card game to work, then realized I needed to highlight the cigarette in my inventory and "use" it on the table (or the card player, can't remember which). Also, unless you've been in the bathroom and taken the mirror, don't expect to win at cards.
I liked the retro adventure game style here, but that was about it. An objectives list would have made it a whole lot better. Spent too much time aimlessly clicking away.
Not my kind of game. I can't even get out of the first room! I keep clicking on things but I can't pick anything up..... It seems to be a big pixel hunt game. Can anyone help me? The spoliers above arn't working for me.....
It's not a pixelhunt, just read the description, you pick things up with right mouse key ...
Thank you! I feel so stupid. :)
I still feel stupid. I can pick things up now but I still can't get out of the first room! :(
how do you get the equipment? i've made the weighted boots, and the waterproof material, and the helmet already. what do i do to finish the game? also, the gameplay is very frustrating. even after you get used to the controls, its still very cumbersome to use.
nevermind! you just select the different pieces (left click) and give them to Cook (right click). good game overall. still think the controls are hard to use though.
you cannot cut the wire, before you got the water height right.
can someone pleasee make a walkthrough? its really hard :(
I love the game... in concept. I've got the uniform, the boots, the bituminous compound, and the insturctions for waterproofing, but I cannot switch it out for the recipe in the kitchen! I can't seem to use the axe (in either place I know I need to) either. I've talked to Dr. Cook about the diving kit (so Winston should know what he needs to do), but since others have gotten past this, I assume I'm missing something...
@anonymous select the shirt & put it in the pot on the stove ..
How do I grab the sink if I need it?
First of all, many thanks to Rookwings over at Escapegames24 for this great walkthrough.
The compass icon, bottom left of game screen is a menu button, with a save option, in case you need to leave the game.
Click anywhere on the game screen to read all his speech.
Click objects to see what he says about them, or right-click to actually interact with them.
Start with the bottle on the ground.
Clicking it in the inventory gives a hint that you have to dispose of the contents, so keep it selected and right-click the sink. [You can FEEL his pain at the waste!].
Click through the dialogue, then right-click the sink again to get the key.
Can't reach. Hm.
At this point I had a mad exploring clickaround and hit on the solution.
Click the red dot on the picture.
A magnet!
Don't forget to right-click everything you need to interact with from now on - I'm wearing the letters off my keyboard, so I'm trying to save on words, okay? =)
Also, if an action doesn't work, it could be because you have something highlighted in the inventory when it isn't needed, so watch out for that, too.
Grab the quill pen and use it with the magnet, then use these on the drain to retrieve the key.
Before using it, left-click the communicator on the wall, then right-click it to get your reason to leave the cabin.
Use the key on the door, then go out.
[The game screen widens sometimes, so don't miss the edge of a screen when this happens.]
Go up the ladder on the right to see Professor Kelvin and receive your instructions.
The guy standing by him will tell you that the land on the horizon is Algiers, which is a hint for something later.
Open the hatch to the ladder to get back down and have a clickaround to examine stuff on this deck.
Go down the next hatch and into the left door.
Talk to Dotor Cook, who will automatically take the paper Kelvin gave you.
Speak with him again and learn how to solve the puzzle, which is basicallt to fill Capsule 2 with water to the mark exactly.
Just fiddle about with them until you get the message that the capsule is full. It's hard to give a spoiler, but the valve at each capsule puts water into others.
1 -> 5
2 -> 3 and 5
3 -> 1 and 4
4 -> 2
5 -> 3 and 4
Talk to Cook again to find out what you need next.
A transparent helmet
A waterproof suit
Weighted boots.
Go out and up the ladder.
Chat with the bloke propping up the wall, then enter the door next to him.
Talk to Captain Harris, having a break and playing cards, then go back out to ask Smokey for a cigarette.
Select the quill pen and tickle the man sleeping on the top bunk. He drops a key. Deselect the pen to get the key and use it on the far left locker.
Grab the boots from inside, and get the suit hanging on the empty bunks.
There's a vent above the lockers, so climb up the locker shelves and into the vent by right-clicking the vent twice.]
get the mirror above the basin, then enter the door. get the top hat from the table and go to the large map.
The red buttons move the green dot on the map, so put it over Algiers coast and the safe opens. It's just in the sea between the south east corner of Spain, and Africa.
[20 right and 9 down, I think]
Get the liquid compound from the safe.
Go back through the left door and out through the vent.
Hang the mirror on the bunk behind Harris, then talk to him to play cards.
Select the cigarette, right-click him again, win the game and receive the matches as your prize.
Go out and to the top deck. Walk to the left of Kelvin again.
Select the hat, and WHEN HE IS FACING AWAY, pop the hat over the cup of tea on Kelvin's small table [don't forget richt-click!].
Click through the dialogue, then get a page from the book on the same table.
This is the "recipe" for waterproofing fabrics, so go out and down both hatches all the way down, then right door to the galley, and the chef.
Select the torn page, right-click the recipe hanging above and right of him and click through the dialogue.
You will stick the page on top of the chefs recipe.
Selet the bituminous liquid and add it to the saucepan, then the suit.
Get the treated suit out of the pan and make your way back to the cigarette guy, middle deck.
Select the matchbox and use it on the emergency axe.
Use the axe on the cable leading to the lamp to get the transparent helmet.
Go back down to the galley [right door] and use the axe on the oven pipe.
Use the two pipe bits on the boots.
Now go in the left-hand door and speak with Doctor Cook, selecting each of the three homemade diving gear parts in turn.
Yes, I copied and pasted the walkthrough. As said before, many thanks to Rookwings. :)
This game is annoying. You only randomly may actually make progress even when you know what you are trying to do.
No need for a sequel here.
I havn't finished this game yet. I really like it, it's just a long game. Thank goodness I can save it whenever I want. Thanks for adding this great game Bart!
I find it funny that the characters are meant to be British but say "ax" instead of "axe" ...
No succes in changing the recipe, annoying .. tried almost everything.
Episode 2 is online! http://www.moloc.net
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