
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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May 10, 2011

doodle god 2

In the beginning there was only Doodle God but then Doodle God 2, the sequel, was created!


Olavo said...

I wonder who will be "first"?

Anonymous said...

One thing has remained:
the amount you waste on getting all the combinations. No real progression here.

Alexander said...

go[o]d game

Anonymous said...

didn't this game come out months ago?

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 15:21,

You're most likely thinking of the one called "Doodle Devil". That one came out a few months back.

Anonymous said...


void + glass = lightbulb

void + electricity = radio wave

light bulb + radio wave = tv

tv + book = computer

radiowave + radiowave = radiation

metal + radiation = plutonium

plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb

computer + radio wave = cell phone

energy + fire = plasma

plasma + void = sun

sun + grass = flower

sun + flower = sunflower

tree + flower = apple

sand + tree = palm tree

seeds + energy = coffee

void + airplane = rocket

void + rocket= Satellite

radio wave + fire = laser

laser + book = CD

metal + water = quicksilver

quick silver demigod= philospers stone

apple + cell phone = gold

human + computer = cyborg

computer + computer = internet

commandments + human = religion

religion + human = law + sin

Beast + house = cat + dog

tools + law = mechanism

alcoholic + ship = pirate

alcoholic + house = tavern

sand + glass = clock

water + glass = ice

book + human = knowledge

warrior + firearm = soldier

gold + paper = money

knowledge + fish = octopus

bacteria + milk = cheese

money + human = work

beetle + work = ant

human + bacteria = virus

mechanism + book = typewriter

knowledge + human = scientist

fish + egg = caviar

apple + dough = pie

law + soldier = policeman

ice + milk = ice cream

knowledge + virus = medicine

fire + meat = steak

reed + field = sugar

ice + mechanism = freezer

sex + human = fun

reed + human = music

human + rocket = astronaut

corpse + electricity = death metal

medicine + bacteria = antibiotics

music + alcohol = rock-n-roll

alcohol + grass = absinthe

money + skyscraper = bank

computer + virus = hacker

coffee + vodka = b-52

law + fun = games

alcohol + pirate = rum

sugar + bread = cookies

alcoholic + money = hangover

money + bank = debt

debt + money = credit card

vodka + firearm + russian roulette

sex + sex = censored

typewriter + human = journalist

life + void = alien

fire + vodka = molotov cocktail

milk + vodka = white russian

water + water = sea

sun + sea = salt

rocket + alien = ufo

beast + medicine = rat

vodka + worm = tequila

Fitz said...

More completely random, illogical guessing and matching? No thanks.

Anonymous said...

"apple + cell phone = gold"

Is that a jab? HA!

Anonymous said...

doodle god + 5 minutes = Ambien

Anonymous said...

Wow. There seem to be alot of haters of this game. I, for one, found it very funny. Thank you for adding it Bart!

Anonymous said...

i am sean jub jub :
new doodle god !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like doodle god

Anonymous said...

cheese + knowledge doesn't, alas, make trivial pursuit.

JackSparrow said...


that's just brilliant

Papagali said...

Only a good game if you can access the logic of the game.
And as there's no logic to this game...

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous for the walkthrough what section was void?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this excellent info! Looking forward to reading more!
Debt Collection

Unknown said...

Really good articles about Debt Collection


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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