
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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May 25, 2011

a new bonte game: 14 locks

So what is happening again this evening? A new bontegame of course! Enjoy 14 locks! Can you unlock all the 14 locks? Look around using your mouse or trackpad, move forward or backward using the cursor keys. Explore your enviroment and click the correct 3-digit code on the keypad on the door in each room. This game needs the Unity webplayer, so if you don't have it, please take a moment to install, it's a one time painless operation. If you enjoy the game please share it, thanks! Cheers!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 325 of 325
Carly said...

You'll just have to trust the rest of us then - the game is awesome!!! :D

By the way, downloading the unity player took all but ten seconds, my computer is no worse for it, and it was well worth it.

Dylan Lavender said...

Is it just me or does the mouse panning way too fast.I move the mouse one centimeter and im at the other side of the room. It's hard to stay looking at one spot and im getting really dizzy. Idk if it runs better on slow computers, but this is crazy fast. Bart is there anyway you could slow down that mouse speed

dyork said...

Nice little game. Not too hard. I could have wished for a couple of harder puzzles towards the end: the last one is disappointing.

Graphics are a bit harsh: Unity can do better than that.

Bart: you should really warn people that Euro 1's and 7's are different from their Anglo forms. Even 4's are a problem. I knew which digits the 5th lock would be, but still needed a bit of trial and error to get it.

Alexander said...

Its a Great Game Bart.

Please take the Mouse-Cursor away

Bart said...

@grinnyp thanks for letting me know! you know what, I just fixed that bug by totally removing the restart :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bart, for the cool game. Level 8 and 13 were interesting perspective exercises. Thumbs up!

Thanks to others for the suggestions on the last level. I was counting colors, lights, anything I could until I saw your hint!

Stage name said...

Another fun, stylish game, Bart.

I get seasick in 3D games too, but it's the first-person navigation that does it. Perhaps your next Unity game might be a 3rd person adventure? ...

Rob G said...

Really enjoyed it after you fixed the "a" bug, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bart.
I did it last night, and finished first time.

I like the Cheers bit at the end, I kept waiting for a secret password or something ;-)

The only thing, is it would be nice to have e recentre option, even though the mouse can be recentred on any keypad, it would be nice to tap the spacebar and recentre the screen.

Other than that, I enjoyed it.


Anonymous said...

it made me feel queasy as well but lovely challenges!

Stephen said...

WOW, what a fun game. Took me awhile to figure out some of them. I loved the level where you incorporated factory balls :).

Thanks Bart!

lac515 said...

finaly finished, i was stuck on the last level for a while, i feel stupid now i was trying to find the number by adding up the colours or something,
its a really good game bart well done, i sailed through all levels except the last. really good movement and room idea,
can't wait for more as always

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work, bart!!! thank you

Anonymous said...

Unity? Not interested!

Anonymous said...

Bart, nice job. Great game
A bit to easy on the searching though, finished without help in 15minutes.
After finishing I was carsick from all the 3D movements. Maybe you can smooth the flow, so my mind can follow ?

steelegardens said...

that was fantastic! thank you so much bart!
just a note that i couldn't play in firefox... had to go with chrome to get the game to work... in firefox, it loaded and i could navigate but the keypad lock would not work...
thanks again! i love stuff like this :)

Anonymous said...

Hey well done, Bart! This game was simple enough but you can see it has a LOT of scope for future games. Also looks like it was fun to build this world :-). Looking forward to seeing a real room escape in this format.

Anonymous said...

Wait I got my codes wrong here:


Anonymous said...

wooooooow!!!! it looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

burp, i feel a little dizzy... But i'm enjoying the game!!

karolina said...

I really enjoyed the game:)
it was not very hard but funny and cute
thanks Bart:)

Anonymous said...

wow bart i have to say, very creative. i like this. and i think it was lock two, with the certain angle needed to see the number? that was good. but it was somewhat reminiscent of the first doom. the bright contrasting colors and patterns made me somewhat nauseous near the end, but overall a good game. thanks!!

grinnyp said...

Jayisgames review of 14 locks is up, with a walkthrough.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if there was a way to save progress. My laptop gets too hot and slows down after a few minutes of playing. I can play long enough to get through the first three rooms, but then I have to turn the game off.

deCarlo said...

Loved that game once I found out you must NEVER zoom in with your browser or use "full screen" from Unity-player. You then won't be able to push the proper buttons on the key pads. Also, you get quite a distorted picture on a 16:10 monitor - so I switched it to 4:3. But apart from those small issues it was OK. Really loved that 721 :-))


Anonymous said...

I can't install Unity because my computer belongs to the school board and I can't download programs.

Anonymous said...

Had me until I find it needs an add on, another worthless download bad as who wants you to download zylom to play their stuff. No thank you.

Anonymous said...

Aren't games like this said to cause seizures in some people? I've seen games who post warnings about certain dangers and if in fact it is correct I could see why they could cause seizures cause this game made me very nautious and I don't even suffer from seizures.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant game, although a little bit easier than your regular games, i could easily play 140 locks more. I like unity, especially when puzzles are involved.

It is probably my settings, but i find that my pointer moves when i turn the mouse, and when i accidentally left click , it can lead me to abort the game and go to advertisments

DanDanger said...

Fantastic game. I had great fun trying to find all the clues. Could do with some work on the controls, but other than that, is great ^_^

Reebus said...

This game has a very nice graphical style. I solved all the codes without any problems. It was very logical and simple. I need a harder room Bart.

Anyway, excellent work! THANKS BART!

Nemur said...

Do I need to buy anything to make my own games in Unity?

Nemur said...

Do I need to buy anything to make my own games in Unity?

Anonymous said...

The basic version is free.

I said...

i tried playing the game but it would load then freeze. What should i do? Is it the Unity thing? If so, Bart can you recreate this game as your other games so i can play? I bet i am not the only one.

Anonymous said...

That was rude what i said. It would be so much easier for someone just to tell me how to install the Unity thing.

I said...

Hey why did it put me as anonymous?!?!

I said...

The last four comments were mine. I will stop talking/posting now.

goedbloed said...

Stuck on 8 locks! HELP ME!

steelegardens said...

sorry bart! firefox works just fine as long as you are not zoomed in! thanks again for a fantastic game... lookinh forward to more of your genuis :)

Bart said...

@Nemur this game was made completely with the free version of Unity, you don't need to buy anything

@Isaid I would just try and reload the page

Bart said...

@steelegardens thanks for the heads up! cheers :)

jdoe said...

just loved the sky and the sun!!!

and yes... only you, Bart, would make me install unity :P
as so, i also have learnt unity with your game - as a user ;)

Anonymous said...

anyone else found the cheers?

Danai said...

and i'm out..! well done to you too Bart!!!

NotMarian said...

Can I make a request? If you want to post anonymously and you want to ask a question of the rest of us, at least please make up an name? That way we know who to answer and who is asking the questions?

Anonymously yours,

MickeyB said...

I had some kind of problem on the 4locks level. I was seeing a blue room with spikes coming out of the walls that look black from beneath them, and red from above them. I understand that the spikes are supposed to be balls? That was the only level that the graphics looked strange. Other than that, I really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

You should add mouse sensitivity and full-screen options.

Oscelot said...

is there any way to lower the mouse sensitivity in the game? I would love to play but it's making me motion sick. =(

Stevens Miller said...

Damn, the intro graphic on your blog looks great.

But I run Linux. No Unity. No game.

Anonymous said...

Excellent game thanks Bart :)

Margaret said...

What virtual boxes are you guys running in Linux?

My Wine+Firefox install works but the game is making me motion sick.

There is a note that the developers are going to make a Linux version but no note on how long that is anticipated to take. :S

I don't know if VMware would work?

Margaret said...

Update: I finished! After I got the hang of mouse and keys I managed to make it all the way through.

Nice experience Bart! :D

Nhiladred said...

Bart i really want to play your game but i cannot access to the URL i dunno why, all i get is this message

Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Se ha restablecido la conexión

i'm using chrome..please tell me if there's anything i can do


Kaiwan Yezdani said...


Giovanni said...

Way cool indeed! I was especting a DOOM boss in the final courtyard. :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice game but maybe a little too short and easy ! Keep on creating games Bart, it's very fun :-)

Anonymous said...

@ Sandra : Me too ... this game is not an exception. I almost finished the game, but I had to stop...
I think the headache is because you see with the mouse but play with the arrow keys, so it's just as if you walked in a direction while looking slightly somewhere else ... Controls should really be changed.

I really had to make an effort to play, because I didn't want to pass over a Bonte Game, but I won't replay it in order to finish ...
It's cool you tried another flash support Bart !

bunny said...

I couldn't play past the first few levels because I got really bad motion sickness :S
If that wasn't a problem for me the the game would be pretty good! x

Danai said...

Hey Bart!! Well done to you too!! You know what?! It would be great if the doors stayed open so that we could wonder around the rooms, just for fun!!

Bob said...

Great Game Bart!

Jane said...

I must be dumb or something cos all I seem to be able to do is swing around the room - can't even find the code to open the first lock! Found a "doorway" in the ceiling but can't seem to get into it... am I supposed to?

Jane said...

Okay sorry, jumped the gun. Had another go and immediately found first code - I'm looking for the 3rd now.

Joyce Grant said...

Fantastic game! I think it's your best one yet - and since you're my favourite game-designer, that makes this the BEST GAME IN THE WORLD! (Well, that may be a slight overstatement...) Seriously, though, loved it. Hope it's one in a series.

zappi said...

great game - your creativity and your sense for shapes and colors seems to be endless! thank you for that game

Joel said...

Hey Bart! I've been visiting your site for a while now- first time for posting though.

I just finished the game a few minutes ago and came to look through the comments, so I figured I'd give you my take on it if you're interested:

First, no offense to anyone, but the Unity plugin is really no problem to install whatsoever (~10 seconds for me.) You'll probably need it again in the future anyway, so you might as well get it now, because...

...I thought this was a really interesting game, even though it's on the short side. It was a fun change to see a Bontegame done with 3D movement and exploration involved, and I would enjoy seeing something in this style again in the future. The puzzles, while not too hard, were varied enough to be interesting, and they progressed in difficulty well from beginning to end. To be fair, I play games in lots of different genres and platforms, so this may be part of the reason I enjoyed it more than some of the more casual gamers. Still, I think it's a good addition to your lineup (I liked the music, too!)

Since you mentioned that this was your way of starting to learn Unity, there are a few things you could work on for your next projects. Like other people mentioned before, the most noticeable issue was with the panning speed being too fast; an option to adjust this would be very helpful, as I never felt fully comfortable with the default setting. Also, re-centering the mouse at will would be nice- there were several times that you had to awkwardly spin to get the mouse in a "natural" position. Last, if you were making a longer game, a save feature should be included, though that wasn't necessary here for me, at least.

All in all, a fun game that reminds me a lot of some of my favorite adventure games- keep up the good work Bart!

P.S.- just liked your page on Facebook, but since it's 4AM here in Chicago I'm heading to bed! XD

Bart said...

Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I have just uploaded a new version of 14locks, with improved movement, so let me know what you think!
I wouldn't want to risk any motion sickness lawsuits :)

Hilde said...

Just LOVE this game!

Just came through it, with now problmes at all :D

Anonymous said...

nice game! you could make a continuation for this game!! pleaseeeee!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bart ! This time I feel no sickness !

Quicker, smoother .... BETTER !

Rob said...

Goof game!
A little bit easy, but THNX, Bart!

Anonymous said...

Can't install Unity, I've tried a few times before for other games, but no joy.
Have to pass on this one it seems. :0(

Joel said...

Just tried it again since the update; the movement is much better this time- thanks for the fix!

Anonymous said...

The reason I won't install Unity is because of Adobe. When I first installed Adobe I kept getting a pop up that said, "You need to install Adobe Flash to play this game." (HELLO I installed Adobe already) Well somehow that went away. Now I get this ANNOYING pop up that says Adobe Flash Player Settings wants to store stuff on my computer. (It's a little white box with two buttons, allow and deny) I push DENY once, twice, etc. and it finally goes away. But there are some games that no matter how many times I try and click DENY it will not go away and it locks me out of playing the game. So my way of thinking is that if Adobe does this crap then Unity will do it as well. Something else I have to contend with. If anyone has any advice in this blog about the situation and Unity, my name is Thor.

Fox Chaotica said...

bart, i would like a second one, i love it, a unique idea, i've never seen on the internet before

Anonymous said...

need help on german please


Anonymous said...

its not 326 at locks 6

Anonymous said...

This graphics in this game are beautiful!I found some levels challenging,but that is why it is a game!:)Thanks,Bart

Anonymous said...

like the comment about factor balls 4 in the credits, so when is it coming out? and if thats unknown how many months estimated till it does?

Anonymous said...

like the comment about factory balls 4. whens it gonna come out? if you dont know that then about how many mounths till it comes out?

Anon said...

Really classy and stylish atmosphere !
I expected the puzzles to be a little harder though, would you plan to extend it to 28 locks with an additionnal set of 14 harder locks ? :P

colinbashbash said...

That was fun.

As for wishes:
I wish the numberpads worked in full screen.
I wish that the black bar didn't appear when i was in full screen.
I wish that you wouldn't see the mouse at all, while playing.

Anonymous said...

Stuck on lvl. 3 any help?

Anonymous said...

2lock room is pure genius ^^

I had troubles climbing the stairs, it's a pity I found only later that you can jump with space bar XD

Small feedback for Bart: when the cursor leaves the game area the game should pause, or at least stop following the mouse movement...

Anonymous said...

Ugh... I don't like this type of 3D games as they make me motion sick after a while. But I managed to get through the whole game (while taking lots of breaks to keep myself from getting too nauseated) with only a little bit of help on level '3locks'.

Great game, but as I said, the 3D aspect of it doesn't agree with me very well.

blackjacki2 said...

The level of challenge and enjoyment was on par with all your other games but I really hated the 3D controls

Anonymous said...

Can anyone say NAUSEA?! Oh my goodness. I had to stop playing. Maybe there should be a warning....could cause motion sickness.

Yves said...

Great job, nice spaces but the clues were easy, if not too easy.. some maths there could be fun..
Great work

Last Sipahi said...

So simple yet very fun to play. Great job!

Jman said...

May be a little calculation will make the game more interesting.

Anonymous said...

La verdat que una maza bonte....sos groso

Anonymous said...

Brilliant game Bart. Can't wait to see your next Unity effort. Voted for you. And still reading btw!

TayC94 said...

liked the game alot. noticed the mention of Factory Balls 4 in the credits. so whens it comin out? like how many estimated months?

Alfinete said...

Unity games are platform dependent, which is a shame for games that are designed to be played through a web browser. The developper's does not want to develop a Linux version, for to his mind the Linux users are not sufficiently numerous for his business. Poor child he is. Why not trying to use another solution than Unity for the moment beeing ?

Bart said...

@Alfinete Unity is the only websolution right now to make a game like this. Also remember that this game is absolutely free, so I think it's really unfair to accuse me of not supporting linux. It's not my fault Unity is not supporting linux. I hope they will one day. Also note that I'm posting lots of other free games on a daily basis that do run on linux.

Anonymous said...

omg so cool i found this awsome and resembles mine craft btw the last coad is on the wall at the bottom level

the code is below


Anonymous said...

Great game!

I can't get out of the red room (8 locks). It says in the hints that I have to count something and it can only be the lamps. There are 15 lamps, 9 in the first room and 6 after you've run upstairs. Neiter 015 nor 096 nor 933 seems to do the trick for me.

Marco (Germany)

Bart said...

@Marco count the stairs?

Anonymous said...

I love your style because its a puzzle game that isn't ridiculously hard and I flew by it hehe. I was disappointed for the final room, kinda too easy. Other than that great game and loved the music.

Anonymous said...

For 4locks, thanks to Anonymous, I got the anagrams.

Anonymous said...

Done. I was only blocked on 4locks for a while. Nice.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! BEST!! GAME!! EVER!!! Btw... How did everybody get stuck on the last room? The code is................. Lets just say remember the first level. Hope it helps.

PS: Bart, you definitly have to make more 3D games

Stefanos said...

Short, relatively easy, but ideal for a rainy afternoon. Although it took me 20 min app. to solve it.
Nice idea!!!!

Jack (owner of and said...

Complete Walkthrough:
14locks: The number code is in a corner.
13locks: Try looking in the windows.
12locks: Look at the shape of the brown things.
11locks: Try counting the sides of the shapes on the wall. The shapes are near the door and ceiling.
10locks: Look at the yellow stuff and the lights on the ceiling.
9locks: Try counting the bumps on the ground in each hallway.
8locks: Another counting level, count the stairs.
7locks: Climb the ramps to get a good look at the lights.
6locks: Try counting the rows of the holes in the walls.
5locks: What is the shape of the room? No, it is not a square. It's a code!
4locks: Play a game of "unscramble the letters"!
3locks: Look at the obstacles carefully. Do you see a code?
2locks: Go to a plain corner, the blocks will form a code.
1locks: The number code is in a corner, on a green wall next to a blue wall.
Hope I helped!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this was an awesome game! I really liked the 3d effect and the rooms, especially the brown one where with the lights on the floor. I had a lot of fun! thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the Unity player and the game opened with the opening screen but it seems that when I clicked on PLAY nothing happens?? (Running Firefox).

Bart said...

I can't reproduce that problem, I have tested with Firefox and the latest Unity plugin. Can you tell me the version of the Unity plugin you have? You can see that here on the right side of the page.

Unknown said...

I loved this game! It was super fun and challenging, but not so challenging it was frustrating. I think you should do more games in Unity.

Anonymous said...

Hailey Shine here saying that I played this 3 times and freaking enjoyed it.I really liked the comments you left at the end Bart.Thanks for the game. Now I will never be bored again. :)

(Game) Critic Conny. said...

Hey Bart! Got hooked on your games 2 weeks ago and just played this one (6 Locks was mega hard though) and I think you should make a sequel. Could you do that?

Computer Game Critic Conny said...

Hey Bart! Got hooked on your games 2 weeks ago and just played this one (6 Locks was mega hard though) and I think you should make a sequel. Could you do that?

Anonymous said...

great job

Anonymous said...

unity wont download on my pc.anyone else? bart bonte please fix this i love the game!

Bart said...

Could it be you are using the Chrome browser? Unity webplayer no longer works in Chrome... so please open it in Firefox.

Unknown said...

Does it work on Internet Explorer?

Bart said...

Yes it's working in Internet Explorer too. Are you having problems to run it?

Some guy in Argentina said...

juge con unity pero no funciono

eszterencs said...

It is not running on Firefox, neither on IE 11. Is there any other way to play this game?

Bart said...

Sorry, Unity stopped supporting their webplayer, I will have to rebuild this someday into something else...

Unknown said...

Unity suggests using WebGL:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ said...

I can't play the game because when it started loading, it said this:

Connection not found. Please press the 'enter' button.

But the message was useless. It told a lie. I pressed every button on the keyboard except the 'power' button and it didn't get to the game and my computer froze.

Bart said...

Sorry, the game is not working anymore, Unity stopped supporting their webplayer, I will have to rebuild this someday into something else...

Anonymous said...

Es una buena idea y ¿creo que es el único juego en 3D?

Anonymous said...

Será interesante

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If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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