Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
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How exciting!
i hate loading!
Here we go!
Whoa! Not sure if it's just a coincidence or if it's the game, but as soon as it started loading, it sucked all my virtual memory and my browser froze and crashed.
i dont like waitinggggggg. i love your games bart, but are you gonna do a lot more in unity?
The game appears to reset itself randomly or when I bump into any wall.
I really didn't want to install unity because my computer is old and not very appreciative of new stuff, but for you Bart, I'll do it. Thanks for the new game! Here we go....
6 locks to go... stuck!
.. I really wanted to play this game. But as someone said the game appears to reset itself randomly or when I bump into any wall. So I can't play it. I hope u fix it. 'Cause this game seems to be really good without that bug.
It booted me back to the beginning at around the 5th lock, and now it's bugging and won't let me out of the first room.
I think it might be because I accidentally switched to using WASD instead of arrow keys? Every time I hit A it resets.
In addition to what I said in my previous comment - I also see the sky through the door!
when you're using WSAD keys instead of cursors keys, 'A' key resets the game -> fixing this bug right now!
confused on the 12locks level... a hint perhaps?
Sure i DO! one of your best games BART! BRAVO!
meloxu ;)
Finished! Bart YOU'RE THE BEST! I loved this game!!!! Listen to me, you've got nothing more to learn about Unity! XD
Obviously waiting for other great games of yours!
the WSAD keys/resetting bug is fixed! so if you were having issues please reload, cheers!
hint: try refering to your number pad...
Not a long game, but still fun! Glad we got to share in your unity learning experience!
Guys soz but 8 locks level hints at all? Im guessing its 2 do with stairs.. ive tried some numbers tho and its not working. Also I must admit Im not a big fan of unity but ya know its still a good game :P Bravo Bart, you've made my hatred for unity slightly less :P
@meloxu: thx. 3 locks to go!
I have Unity, but the game is now been loading for 12 minutes. Surely that's not the intention, or is it?
love the game! just stuck at 6 locks. help?
im stuck on 10 locks.. hint pleasee
I enjoyed the game, but it would be nice if WASD controls worked (the WSD work, but the A key resets the game).
Cheers Bart!
rick, bart fixed this problem, you just need to refresh the page
@Riiick I already fixed that 'A' key problem, if you refresh the page it should be fine
I've just noticed you said you have fixed the WASD bug, so now the game is even better!
Sorry Bart, got to be honest, I do not like this on. I´m not very fond of more than two dimensions and I like games to be more cartoonlike... Clever game thought, but not my cup of tea. Also when using stairs i found myself falling backwards and had to climb down in order to go up again.
No problem :) I made this game just to learn some Unity. Next game is going to be flash 2d again.
stuck at the last one...
i like the locks idea, but the movement of the game is making me nauseous. :( Determined to finish though, stuck on last lock...
Finished. This was a nice little experiment. I hope you find time to explore the Unity technology further, Bart.
Cheers, Bart! Great game! I loved the 721 room, what a great idea! Super game and well worth the download. I might even go back and try the other unity player games you've posted in your blog ;)
Oh and yes, this one was a bit short, but very imaginative. Nice one, Bart!
any hint on the last lock?
2locks is very hard. :|
@Geert: let's say this: have you looked ALL around? Behind every corner? :)
@Rava :-)
As an aside, my only complaint is that Unity doesn't run on Linux. Unfortunately I realise that for web games if you want to do something more than Flash then Unity is the only option. Have you considered doing any downloadable games (preferably cross platform!).
Nice one Bart! (and yes, I was still reading this :-) )
Agh, I feel so dumb but the 3rd level (12 locks) is giving me trouble...
To hell with downloading unity CRAP! I have enough junk on my computer for another flash player to load it down with more stuff and pop ups...I'm passing on this one. Besides the comments don't seem very favorable.
will this unity hurt a computer ?
The design of each room is so great, it made me determined to get through each door so I could see the light effects and colour of the next stage.
A brilliantly original idea, very creatively implemented and with the usual Bonte sense of fun.
Thanks so much Bart, another completely new idea.
for 12 locks, try looking at the 3d shapes in the middle, especially see what the middle shape resembles. think of them as if they were trees and you cut a slice of the trunk off, what shape would that slice be?
can someone help with 10 locks? i have been trying for half an hour and I am dumbfounded
-I feel stupid, I can't find it for lvl 3. I am such an idiot.
@Anonymous: Carefully look at that columns... :)
Ops, already said... I should refresh more often! :D
rava can you help me with the 5th level? 10 locks, i would appreciate it greatly
Any help on 2locks?
I'll skip this one....I hate having to download another add on more stuff to jam up my computer. I'll go back to ponycorns and listen to the 5 year old cuss some more.
uhm... I don't remember all the levels... Can you describe the situation?
Sorry, i can't do 12 locks, i have looked at the middle shapes but any of the codes won't work. Any one?
it is a brown room with yellow pieces running along the walls and ceilings, it looks like they spell out a 7 or something, there are 2 stairs, and the room is pretty much open no really winding parts
Expecting to hunker down for a couple of hours but breezed through pretty quickly. Fun game though. Good work.
I had a problem with the brownish room when I had seven locks left. I fell off of the platform, and got stuck. Whatever I pressed it wouldn't let me move anywhere, even after spinning the camera.
Other than that, it's a great game. Challenging, but not too hard.
It's a big room, with black/white walls. There are some brown blocks in the room.
@anonymous: you're already on the right way with those yellow pieces on the ceiling!
@Voszy: The brown (black?) columns in the middle are the key. Look at them carefully...
Sorry. I'm a casual webgame player, so while I don't mind waiting for a Flash game to load, I'm not willing to install a whole new type of software just to check out this game.
So Bart, just a heads up that the Unity player thing has kept one person from trying it. But I hope everyone who does play it loves it!
None of the codes will work on lvl 3. *sigh* someone please help. It is like 7 8 4 or something, anyway it wont work
@Anonyomus: maybe it's not a 7... :D
@rava thanks haha somehow i just didnt enter what i thought
@Rava Thanks, I just noticed before I got your response. Thats what they get for ending school on a Wednesday, Brain dead jids
You're welcome! It's funny, with all these "anonymous" I don't know who's thanking me for what! LOL XD
ok, i am on 11 locks, i see the 3 shapes (pentagon, square, triangle) what does that mean, or the blue beams?
omg the 721 level is AWESOME!!!
@Anonymous: Three shapes, three numbers, isn't it? Count...
Thanks Rava, I think I will post Safire after every post. You Have been a BIG help!
@Safire: Yes, it's seems that for tonight my job is music listening and "refresh" pressing! XD
Here I was looking forward trying to this game until I see you have to download something else to play it..I'm like PK not worth it.
im stuck on three locks... it is the room with the big purple drop in the middle and the room in the inside of the purple thing, the walls of the room are brownish with a yellow piece running around it
@Anonymous: Look into the previous post... there's a big help about that level.
In 8 locks you count the steps right?
Ok, one more try to convince the Unity sceptics :) The Unity webplayer is just a one time painless installation, just like you once had to do with the Flash player. Believe me, Unity is growing and you will see a lot more Unity on the web.
If you don't want to install, no hard feelings :) my next game is going to be Flash again. I made this game because I wanted to learn Unity.
Can anyone give me a hint for 6locks? My brain can't seem to figure this one out...
@Anonymous on 3locks: The numbers are THE and IN THE purple thing
Any help on 14 locks please???
nvm i figured out the three locks, didnt realize the last one was on the door
Very nice, Bart!
@Safire: Yes, and if you're sure of having count the right number but it still doesn't work, maybe... you missed a step! :D
For 14 locks look in the corner at ur first turn
Can get a bit of motion sickness, 14 locks are enough. Clever and none were too difficult to make me want to quit. Lock 8 was the hardest to figure out. Great Job!!
So Bart, factory Balls 4 coming soon!!
Glad to see that message in the credits. Love that series.
@Jade Green: which is 6locks?
I too shall pass on this one as mentioned above by others in the blog. I'm one of the sceptics. Sorry Bart I'll wait for your next flash 2d game.
other hint for the 12 locks??
@Anonymous: uhm... difficult to say something else about 12locks... the fact is that I don't want to write directly the solution...
Nevermind... :-)
I don't get the code of the level 10 (so 4 locks before the end) with the big orange spheres...
@Me/You: Just read! :D
Nice and relaxing, managed to open all locks without getting stuck.
Thanks Bart!
@Me/You....Hint: scrabble
Great game Bart
I really liked the concept
...and the fact i solved all 14 locks alone haha =]
@ Rava & Anonymous : Thanks, I'm so stupid :)
Finished. That was really a great game Bart, even though I don't have eyes anymore :)
Oooook, time to go sleeping... So tired after such a hard work! XD
Finished! A bit tricky on maybe 2 rooms, but overall a nice game. Thanks Bart! :-)
I've tried tons of different combos on 9locks. help? Add? Subtract?
Stuck on 9locks (the one with the bumps on the ground). I think it has to do with the number of bumps, but I tried 548 and it didn't work. I am gonna feel like a huge idiot if it turns out I just miscounted.
i know its the last level but im really stuck and actually getting motion sickness from the game, but i want to finish. can anyone give me just a 1locks level hint?
for jk and zachary k: you do count the bumps. try counting again?
...aaaand I feel like an idiot. :)
Stuck on 5 locks to go.
red and white room only walls in different shapes.
Please help.
7locks is possibly the most brilliant level I've ever seen in a game like this. I honestly felt my heart rate go up as I figured out what to do. BART YOU ARE AMAZING!
i looked at the things in the middle for 2lock and its still not making sense. im getting motion sickness too, but like others i want to finish. any OTHER help besides look at the things in the middle? is it the angle??
Hey can someone tell me a good hint or the code to 7 locks?
OO I see a 3! any help?
Lost on 6 locks, the room where there are three purple standalone walls with a lot of squares on them.
ok... no idea whatsoever on final level. help plz?
Nevermind on the 6 locks purple room. I am just an idiot and finally figured it out.
p.s locks 7
@Safire 00:30 - It's not a 3.
Hint: Let's hope you don't have vertigo.
Sorry I don't get it. Can you just tell me exactly what to do?
help on 6locks? purple room. what i am sure i see isnt working. any hints?
LOVED IT! Didn't have any problems with Unity and the use of negative space was really creative. Got stuck on the last level for a while, but I stumbled across the answer eventually. Nice work!
@Safire - Go all the way up to the very top of the level, then look down. Plus, it's fun to jump off the top and say "GERONIMO!"
I see a one and a three but I don't know the last digit. Can someone please just tell me?
Great Game Bart.
By the way. I didn't had to install unity at all. I just could play!? How come?
And no, I never installed unity before.
Finally finished it! Excellent game, Bart! I love the change of perspective from your previous games. Surprisingly, I didn't get nauseated by the mouselook viewing. Now on to more Factory Balls!
I played for less than 30 seconds and it made me terribly dizzy. I'm not a fan of this one. Just two small words can sum up this game...
UGGG This is annoying me no matter how much I love these games. All I see is a 1 (or is it two 1's) and a 3 if I got to the very very tip top and look down. :(
@Safire - 721
Thanks, I am blind sometimes. I feel stupid. What would I do without you guys?!?!?
anyone know what # the first wall looks like in 6 locks? the second is a 2? the last is a 6?
@esm480: it is the angle. go to the far corner and look out.
HOLY COW well now that i get in that corner its perfectly clear! thanks!
anyone know what # the first wall looks like in 6 locks? the second is a 2? the last is a 6?
I could really use some help on 10locks, I know the yellow thing on the ceilings are related to the code, but I really can't figure it out, all I see is 717 and it does not work.
534 is 10locks (i think)
@jrosestone: it is the steps. try counting them again. one of your numbers is incorrect.
Sorry to be rude but... I NEED HELP WITH 6Locks! Ik to look at the shape the holes make but i don't know the first
@Safire 534 is not this one T_T
6locks: its not the shape. its their pattern. they're in a 3x4 array. what else is in a 3x4 array?
@dani: i feel sooo stupid. thank you for helping me.
sorry. oh! i counted wrong (i wrote down all the codes i have) it is 714
THanks Dani!
Did it! I enjoyed it very much! Thanks!!
is it 791???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
confused on the last one...
SPOILER!!! looked at it again. it's 721.
for everyone who has finished: help with the last level please? motion sickness.
any help with 4locks?
5locks is sooooooooo confusing
Hi, i really enjoy you game, but i got to level 8(or 6locks), and i am just clueless. ive been stuck for a loong time now, could you give e a tip? thanks.
Bart!!! Help on 5locks????????????
nevermind for help with the last level! i feel SO silly, although the motion sickness wasn't really helping me find it.
hint to those who still need it: just look around.
also @ems480, jrosetone and others: aww you're welcome :D
3rd room love
the last one makes no sense... HELP?
Got alo the way to the 2nd room by myself and I believe I'm having a brain fart because I just don't see it. Please give a hint. Thanks
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4locks is impossible
what happening in 4lock?
The red, yellow. green and blue room
this game is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bart you make the most awesome games!!!!!!!
that sounds like the last one... are there shapes?
describe 4 lock
it's the blue room with the orange balls
go to the top level and read backwards.
then youll understand how to get the other ones too
A red square on the ceiling with a white dot
1locks anyone????????????????????????
Finally finished the game, thanks to Safire.
Amazing game Bart.
@just my thoughts and questions,?????? what r u talking about
For 1lock, just look around, you can miss it when you come across it.
last room help, the room with a red square on the ceiling and the other colors in room are green yellow and blue. Help please.
can't *
need help on 2locks!
Thanks For saying that fanylittle
What is the 2locks room again?
i still dont see it on the last one. which level is it on? green blue red? bottom? idk
orange balls
go in the corner facing the cross and look
oh never mind! i see it!
Last one I see blue cross with 3 lights and red square with 1
light and yellow with 2 lights but it still a mystery to me.
Please help on the last lvl
search the bottom level really well on the last one.
okay will look again
If I remember correctly, in the last level the number was just on the wall somehwere.
1 lock- follow the blue cross
Love it, Love it. I just love it.
I found spacebar is jump ...[!]
Bart, I think there's still a bug in the game. If you use the "x" key to exit the game and restart, you go back to the first room, but the door is the sky. I end up having to reload the page rather than use the "x" key.
I need help with level 5locks!!!
LOVED IT! One of the best games yet!
Thanks to everyone who helped me.
Don't call me mean but I am going to put all the codes for anyone who needs them. (IN ORDER)
Well Thanks Again,
This game is great!! :) I feel kinda queasy from playing this, so I will have to try to finish this another time.
Thanks for the hint about 12 block; that really helped me out :D .
That was awesome, Bart!! Loved it!
It was fun and not too hard, but challenging enough to make it interesting. Very nice. By the way, I imagine that that building is your headquarters where you work to make us all of your cool games.
Loved it, Bart! Thanks!
For 6locks look at the keypad then look at the walls,
it took me forever to figure out
Love the game bart, I don't see how you could get dizzy but i guess i am just not prone to motion sickness.
great game as usual, bart! yes, got a bit dizzy with the spinning rooms, but that's half the fun, isn't it?! :D
i don't know why, but everytime i play a unity game a get nausea and headache
i guess i am not suitable for 3D games...
but i like the game a lot~
i feel so skilled! i got all the way through without a walkthrough! *feels special!* the 3D kinda gave me a headache, but other that, i like it! nice work, bonte! :) and yes, i am still waiting for factoryballs 4! ;) :)
Well I was going to play this game, but it appears I'm one of the minority who use Linux...
No Unity3d player for Linux, it doesn't work in my windows virtual machine and doesn't work when I use firefox under wine.
Guess I'll never know if it really was a good game.
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