Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 04, 2011
monitor post
A fresh NinjaMotion escape the room exercise: monitor post.
Oh y'know what would have made this too-short game really cool? Forget the exit; instead of the Thank You coin, out pops a screwdriver! Then the game proceeds as a Kaitai Dismantlement game.
Very short. Normal end. Went back and did the required steps perfectly--no apparent wasted steps or mistakes-- still normal end. Not sure what constitutes perfect end. Oh well.
And for the rude Anonymous: I dont know if I could get that mysterious other ending, but cause the game was so lame (in my opinion) I didn´t even care to try that. But maybe you´re right. Maybe it really was so darn difficult, that I could not make it. We will never know...
If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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Numero uno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
den eersten lol
moet nie altijd engels zijn héé :-)
damnn, de tweeden tons héé :-)
... and out!
... and out!
Beetje erg makkelijk he?
Too easy. And its not so interesting that I would try to have something else than normal end...
yep, quite easy, but still interesting - what woulda been another end?
and out :-)
wel grappig .. niet moeilijk
The other end is the perfect end and gets you a thank you coin
Out! -Perfect End- Not really different
i cant get the other ending, but it was so simple to get the regular ending i wouldnt care to get the other ending. oh well!
ohh other ending is soooo rewarding!
Normal End
Perfect End
Hint: To see the perfect end, look around before you leave.
perfect end............. so that's all? no rewards?
hmm, easier than I was expecting. I kept waiting for it get difficult.
Well, something different. Short and sweet? Leaves a little bit of a sour taste, wanting more.
That was easy..... It was very fun, just really short.
yah i got out!
First! Too easy
Oh y'know what would have made this too-short game really cool? Forget the exit; instead of the Thank You coin, out pops a screwdriver! Then the game proceeds as a Kaitai Dismantlement game.
All too easy.
Jennifer N, that idea is so totally made of WIN!!! I was hoping I'd get to take apart those monitors.
I'm with Jennifer N: I was craving for a screwdriver! Next time I take with me my swiss knife :)
Very short. Normal end. Went back and did the required steps perfectly--no apparent wasted steps or mistakes-- still normal end. Not sure what constitutes perfect end. Oh well.
Wow. Short little game, but fun and easy.
nice and too short
And for the rude Anonymous: I dont know if I could get that mysterious other ending, but cause the game was so lame (in my opinion) I didn´t even care to try that.
But maybe you´re right. Maybe it really was so darn difficult, that I could not make it. We will never know...
Was fairly straight forward after I went on a pixel hunt to find that stinking key to start the game.
Short, but decent.
makkelijk en leuk.
Interesting, but too easy. Perfect end was a laugh. Look at the pink screen when door is open to get it.
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