
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 17, 2011


Mugein: an endless corridor of locked doors, can you open every one of them?


Jack said...

Nooooo ! I gotta work

Rob said...

Let's try this one...

JackSparrow said...

All work and no play made Jack a dull boy

Anonymous said...

"An endless corridor or locked doors. Can you open every one of them?"
Not if they're endless, no.

Anonymous said...

little help with roman numbers rest was easy

JackSparrow said...


press with the remote on the screen it helps

Rob said...

Nice game. Thanks, Bart.

Anonymous said...

Can't get 630 to work on the door?!

JackSparrow said...

well it was kinda short for an endless corridor...

Anonymous said...

Help with the three digit keys have 3,5, and 6 and I've tried all combos and nothing?

Anonymous said...

I solved every door with lucky guess. But I can't understand why password is "630". Why...

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck in the room with the piece of paper with a circle and pencil on it any help?

Epic said...

LOL no one said first, sooooo... FIIIIIRST!

Debbie said...

Stuck in room with two doors.

Anonymous said...


kk said...

HINT for the roman numbers level:

- use the remote on the screen
- roman hint page in the book: take III-V connection away and you will have the number 9
the second tells you which two connections to take away to get number 2 now, what numbers do you with the following three lines when you take away the connections...

Anonymous said...

what about the room with the piece of paper with a circle and pencil on it?

Loin said...

Look at the spine of the book.

Jessica said...

kk, could you be more specific? you have like, no information! the roman numerals could stand for almost any number in existence! how do you get any other information from (III-V)=9? that information doesn't translate to (I-III)+(IV-VI)=2. it limits the numbers slightly, but not really. are you just supposed to find all of the roman numbers and then add the connections together horizontally? do you use the numbers from the keys for the I, II, and III? i'm so confused! XO XP

kk said...

@Jessica it's visually: when all the connections are in place in the book it's the figure 8, think match sticks, now when you take some away, you get other numbers.
I hope i make myself clear :-)

dyork said...

Nice variation on the classic escape. Fairly small and perfectly linear. Nothing too hard, but it helps to recognise a 7-segment display when you see one.

Amy said...

got all the way through but now im stuck on the last one. i understand what youre supposed to do, but all of the letter combinations i try dont work. help?

Anonymous said...

Amy here is a hint the "g" is not a "g"

Amy said...

thats what i figured. i think im about to just try every letter until one works.

Anonymous said...

If a male is a "HE" then a female is a ____.

Amy said...

yeah i figured it out. thanks anonymous!

Debbie said...

Thanks, Anonymous!

Debbie said...

Thanks, Anonymous!

Me/You said...

And done! A little bit tricky with the roman numbers, but the rest was not too difficult... Nice one, but "pretty short for an endless corridor" like JackSparrow said...

Anonymous said...

what is the code fro the roman numerals d9oor

Anonymous said...

yeah can somebody just tell me what the numbers are? i have no idea and i want to go forward.

Anonymous said...

what do i do on the door after the one with numbered keys? I can't find anything in the draw or anything to use to open the door.

Anonymous said...

ah found it

Tim said...

How fun!

Anonymous said...


-k said...

Nice little game! Thanks Bart!

Anonymous said...

Code for Roman numbers is 630

Carly said...

What i find silly is that the code only works once you've looked at the clue with the pencil. I couldn't find the pencil, and tried the code without it (cause I figured that's what it was) and it didn't work. Only after I saw the clue did it work.
Nice game though, and I did figuire out the roman numerals by myself. Took me a while, but I did it ;)

Anonymous said...

if anyone needs help with room with piece of paper with circle. look at paper, then click the pencil and then click the paper. after that look at keys in order on paper.


Anonymous said...


nice game bart, thanks


Eviltot said...

Nice puzzler that, I have to admit that the Roman numeral was a bit of a head scratcher but I liked it!

Eviltot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mb said...

hey all,im stuck in the room with the piece of paper with a pencil and circle on it! any help plz...

Anonymous said...

im stuck in the room AFTER the paper and pencil. help :(

Anonymous said...

the roman numerals have nuthin to do with math.. use the remote to turn the screen on & look at how the lines connect number to number. the first one in the book forms the number 6.. and so on

Anonymous said...

cant figure out the letters on the paper with the pencil..ugh

PK said...

Okay, I realize what's broken about the final puzzle: The paper is wrong! It gives you the wrong keys. This seems like a genuine screw-up.

For anyone stuck on the last puzzle: The THIRD KEY should be the SQUARE key, not the first triangle.

Other than that mistake, this game was a lot of fun. Plenty of challenges, and only one struck me as unfair/pixel-hunting (finding the pencil).


Anonymous said...

The final puzzle is not broken and the paper is correct. The third key is not the square key -- it is the one indicated on the paper. If you rotate and flip the correct key according to the picture, you get a lower-case letter that is correct.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how the last paper is "broken" as PK claims...everything is correct.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the last one is annoying. I guess the upside down triangle key was wrong after all.The answer to the puzzle with the second piece of paper with a circle is "SHE" Apparently it's not "SHG"

Kendra said...

umm i cant fi gure out how to get past the room with 2 doors sum one plz help!

Kendra said...

ALSO alot of people cant find the pencil it is in the book when the book is closed click the side where all he pages connect to the cover it will open and you take out the pencil :)

NotMarian (and apparently, not smart) said...

I never would have figured out the roman numeral thing on my own. I guess I was thinking too much of algebra.

I have no idea how the left right right right thing was figured out. i assume it had something to do with those marks in the book, but even having the answer and comparing it to the picture, I have no idea how anyone figured that out.

This game was kind of fun, but irritating to my poor brain. And then, what was with the skipping all those other doors? I was prepared to continue for several more doors!!

Anonymous said...

I still don't quite understand the one with the circle on the piece of paper. I found the pencil right as i got the book, and I figured out to use the pencil on the paper, but i just don't quite understand how to complete it. :P

Anonymous said...

for the two doors room, look at the page in the book where it has that funky diagram. the first row has two straight lines meaning both doors are closed. the next row shows the left door open and the right door shut. third row shows both doors open. you just follow the diagram making the doors look like each row.

for the paper with the circle on it, it shows you three of the keys. the first time you see the paper it's just the numbers shown on the side of the key, the second time you have to flip two of them around to find the correct letters.
hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Stuck in the room after the pencil & paper how do u move on?


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