
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 26, 2011


Evolution is the latest addition to the fine escape the room series by 58 works.


Anonymous said...

Oh hello! F_____!

Anonymous said...

Someone solve the arrows???
I'm stuck!

Anonymous said...

Can't seem to get through the arrows. What about the big rock on the stairs?

Anonymous said...

for the arrows, look at the statue's hands and the bracelets on the arms.

Anonymous said...

Just figured it out xD

Anonymous said...

miss last gem

Anonymous said...

and puzzle with changing colour board

Anonymous said...

Puzzle with the Z is where I am stuck

Anonymous said...

with the z and the cross behind the door on the left

Anonymous said...

How do you open door on left?

Anonymous said...

with a key :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Where is the key?

-k said...

What a fantastic game, Bart! I had to look up how to get past the Z/+ puzzle but managed to get all the rest myself (I'm very proud of that :p). Thanks for sharing this one!

Anonymous said...

smash the big yellow gem

Anonymous said...

the tiles puzzle. first click once to make a Z shape, then click the tiles to make a + shape.

Anonymous said...

how do I get the fire extinguisher?

Anonymous said...

I can't get the pattern of the arms of the statue to open the door? HELP!

Anonymous said...

Put them on!

Anonymous said...

that was easy- the arm thing..go clockwise with the bracelets

Anonymous said...

stuck with thw proffesor room..took the arms behind the big what?

Anonymous said...

I made the "z" shape just as in the picture..why won't anything happen?

Peter said...

Nice one, can't find the other flower and can't make sense of the stars hint.

-k said...

@ Peter:

The "other flower" is underwater. Once you have the tank, go diving in the Z/+ room. The stars hint features different number-sided stars. From left to right, the 5-sided star shows up. The door handles have to be turned according to where the 5-sided stars are.

Amy said...

I really do not get the Z-puzzle. Can someone pleeeaaase explain it again for the stupid ones?

Peter said...

@Amy:Click a z shape top left to right bottom once, then click the middle column tiles.
@-k: thank you :)

Tom said...

For those who liked this game, it's a sequel to a game called Solitude, which ends where this one begins.

Anonymous said...

Can you be more descriptive on the z tiles I'm one of the stupid ones.

Peter said...

Also click the middle row except the middle tile. Sorry, forgot that

Anonymous said...

can any one get a video walkthrough?

Anonymous said...

the z needs to be gray or black? and what about the +?

Peter said...

Grey Z, then black middle column, then middle row left right.
Am stuck with rhino - can't do a thing there, stuck with gems puzzle at sea as well.

Anonymous said...

I must be dumber than dirt cause I still can't get the z puzzle...I guess I need it spelled out for me and sorry Peter but I'm not following your description.

Anonymous said...

for the Z puzzle start from the white square (leave and re enter the room to start fresh) de the Z shape in light grey pressing the button only once then do the cross by pressing directly on top of the grey Z doing the vertical part first and the two side square to finish the cross so you have a dark vertical line and white and grey square around it try that;

Anonymous said...

can somebody help me with the planete orbit thing and the dino skull

Anonymous said...

Thank You Anon 12:50 that was what I needed.

Anonymous said...

What about the gem placement I know the purple gem is 1 the white gem is 2 the yellow gem is 3 and the blue green gem is 4 but where do I start?

Anonymous said...

gem placement white in the middle
pink between red and blue (left) greenish between blue en green (right) and yellow at the bottom between red and green

Peter said...

No, the second puzzle with the gems, the first one is pretty straightforward.

Anonymous said...

still can get the gems out without closing the door
need help for the skull and the planet puzzle thing with the red button

Peter said...

Never mind, found it the hard way, white, blue, yellow, purple from left to right.

Anonymous said...

How do you take the gems out and keep the door open?

Anonymous said...

Attach the rope to the ladder. That way you don't need the door any more.

Peter said...

And out.

Anonymous said...

Where do i find the cross?

Anonymous said...

Is there a trick to catching the cat..I have the net but when I highlight the net and click on the cat it moves away every time.

p said...

You need the net to catch something that you can give to the cat to get it

Anonymous said...

WOW! That was kind of difficult...Thanks to all the helpers, hints and suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Thank You "p" after your clue I rememberd the fish down in the tank.

Anonymous said...

how do you smash the big yellow gem?

Anonymous said...

nevermind, i had found it :P

Anonymous said...

i cant get the bloody z puzzle! is it




Anonymous said...

where's the last gem?

Anonymous said...

@anonymous, you need to find the key for the door left of the puzzle first. without it, even when you had the right combination, you won't get through

Anonymous said...

Listen, if you haven't grabbed the yellow gem that you showed up with (inside the submarine), then smashed it with your special arm armor to get a key, you won't be able to get the z puzzle solved. Use the key on the panel NEXT to the z puzzle, then when that panel door comes off, flip over the panel to see the cross. Once you do that, enter the puzzle like this

Anonymous said...

i don't get the puzzle with the gems and lines on them

Anonymous said...

i don't get the puzzle with the gems and lines on them

Anonymous said...

help with the orbit-and-red-button puzzle pls. I had anything except the fourth, eighth and ninth item in the second row

Beth said... do you get that net? And any hints for the puzzle by the tree, up top? Am I missing something?

Beth said...

Nevermind, I figured it out. :)

Now to go play all the 58 Works games.

ziziboom said...

i have three gems, used a frog and a ball, have a book, can't open a door on the right of professor's and don't know how to find the last gem
anyone can help?

colinbashbash said...

where's net? i see the red frog hanging out, and i use the glasses on the Eye... but don't know what to do next...

Alexander said...

i'm stuck at the last gem puzzle

Anonymous said...

i'm stuck at the orb things part. it's the one near the fire..... please help!

Anonymous said...

where can i find the net????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The end! I liked it. Can't wait next 58works games;)

Anonymous said...

Video walkthrough:

mb said...

the last gem is hidden behind a stone on the stairs where u smashed the big rock...

mb said...

Woow very nice i loved this one, although its somehow cartoony.And the puzzles r gr8...thx Bart ;)

If someone is stuck later on i can help :)

Princess said...

Seriously, no one can explain the Z puzzle with any common sense? Ive made a Z, Ive made a cross, and tried every combination possible and I get nothing.

Jessica said...

how would anyone ever know to switch the 5 and 1 places for the little clock switches? is that some sort of glitch or was is created to be counter-intuitive??

Amy said...

I think to solve the Z puzzle it is absolutely necessary to open the left door next to the panel first. The key you need is hidden in the big yellow gem. You can crush it with the white "gloves".
BTW, thank you so much for posting the video-walkthrough. Without it would not have been possible for me to finish this game.

-k said...


Make a Z by clicking the tiles once. Now, click once more on the tiles in the shape of a cross. You'll end up with tiles like this (from top left to bottom right).
L, D, W (top row)
L, D, L (middle row)
W, D, L (bottom row)

L = Light, D = Dark, W = White

Anonymous said...

Im stuck at the door with the moorse code figures and the wheel lock. is it just so simple im not getting it? noone seems to be having trouble with it. (just hint please dont want the spoiler)

Peter said...

Get the rhino asleep, the morse is for something else, and the dino needs something to move the jaw. not a puzzle, only to find that thing.

Tom said...

Regarding the Z puzzle, Amy is correct: You can't just use the solution without first exposing the Z and + clues. Once the Z and + panels are both visible, *then* it can be solved by adding the Z and + pixels together (white for neither, light gray for one but not the other, dark for both). Similarly, the 6 dials puzzle at the entrance cannot be solved, even with the correct solution, until the tree roots have been cut. That's why it's a good idea to follow all of the steps rather than trying to skip over the clues and just apply the final answer from a walkthrough directly.

Anonymous said...

Impossible without a walkthru or hints.

NotMarian said...

That was fun!! I needed help with the gems and lines puzzle. I used the order that someone suggested here. It worked, but I still have no earthly idea why it worked. I can figure it out.

NotMarian said...

Wow. I can't figure out why so many people have trouble with the Z puzzle. (Or maybe it's just one person - can't tell because they are ALL named anonymous.)

Anyway, it was obvious to me how to make a z on that middle panel. I just needed a hint that I should make a + AND a z on the middle panel.

Anonymous said...

I can't find a net anywhere...

Anonymous said...

Oh! Found it. It's in the tree hiding behind some leaves :)

dyork said...

Good one. Out with no help, so it can be done. Bit long, but all perfectly fair and nicely clued.

The only hard parts I found were: how to use the 'special powers' to smash the gem, kick the football, see green; and the final gem puzzle.

There were lots of clues simply from what is available at the time. For example, the fact you can remove the gems tells you they are needed in another puzzle. Careful clicking tells you which choices are active and which not.

Quality puzzle. Looking forward to the next one.

Party Poker Bonus said...

Where is the key?

Party Casino Bonus said...

I am stuck. Some one help plz.

rushmore casino review said...

Where do you stuck?

Alexander said...

Got it. But i didn't understand the last gem puzzle

Anonymous said...

this was a great escape game. i liked it alot. dont know what people are talking about impossible without a walkthrough. i did it without a walkthrough. i got stuck a few times but not bad enough to need a walkthrough. the last gem puzzle was the hardest puzzle but 4 gems and 4 slots isnt a very hard guess.

Anonymous said...

the second gem puzzle is solved by counting the hexagons touching the spot you wish to place the gem if there are 3 you place the third gem
hint: the first gem (one with one line in it) goes at the edges of the puzzle

Anonymous said...

(The gem with one line in it)*

Anonymous said...

the net (hidden in the leaves of the tree) is not used to catch the cat it is for the blue fish in the water near where the blue flower thing was

Anonymous said...

too open the elevator you need too get the rhino asleep with the second potion (mushroom is by the rhino and blue flower thing is under water in the room with the Z,+ puzzle)the clue for the elevator is just behind the rhino when he falls asleep

Anonymous said...

to get the fire extingisher first you need the lever ( located under water at the Z,+ puzzle) then use the lever on the disk beside the skull and activate it

Anonymous said...

the code for the arrows is
^, <, ^, >, >, ^ (need to cut branches in front of statue first using the beetle located above branches)

Anonymous said...

Omg, I can't smash the stupid yellow gem! Is there like a certain spot your supposed to click? And are you supposed to click on the "+" sign on for the gem or the mechanical hand? PLEASE help me someone!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and is it the rectangular gem or the hexagon one?

nemo said...

Anyone know the Japanese on the back of the Professor?

Anonymous said...

I wish this game had "Save Points" in it. I accidentally hit the close button on the window and now I have to start all over again. :(

Anonymous said...

haha the ending music is from Z True Long Island Story with Zack Ryder.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm the first to say this after 98 other comments......FIRST!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOO! I'm #100! :)

Anonymous said...

o beat that

Anonymous said...

100+2 :)

Anonymous said...

And fly away

Jordan said...

@nemo I looked it up, but I can't figure out what it could just be a name of something. "ふおーぜ” romanized it's: "fuouze", pronounced like fu-ohh-zay. Sorry, that's all I can do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was a great game! Not too hard that I had to use comments for help. Nice and long, but not too complicated with pixel hunts or complicated math codes. Love 58 Works stuff...which they put games out more often, but they're worth waiting for. Thanks, Bart!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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