Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 30, 2011
a new bonte game: factory balls 4

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First!!! Woot
Stuck lvl 11...can't figure out how to color the halves only...i did on an earlier level, but now????
done! thanks, Bart :)
Nice, not too hard, but that can be because i am an experienced facory balls player by now XD
I have the same problem!!
Level 11 HELP!!
gr8 game Bart!
Thank you Bart
I don't know if I'm beginning experimented, but this game was very very easy.
But nice.
Woo Hoo! Fantastic Bart! I loved all the new tools and the angry bird was awesome. Thanks for giving us such a wonderful game! :)
YEAH!!!!!!!!! I've been anxiously awaiting the new factory balls, I'm a big fan!
Another Factory Balls? I like the idea, but 4 (5, including the christmas version) is just too much :/
Hey cool- I'm gonna try this out as soon as I get a chance; thanks Bart!
There can NEVER be too many Factory Balls!! :)
But Bart, I'm so sorry ... this one was just too easy. :(
Yes :D !
I enjoyed it, thank you Bart!
Thank you so much Bart for creating a new factory balls game for us! I love these games!!! It was very easy this time (maybe because one gets used to the tools througout the games) but even though I really really enjoyed playing it! Thank you so much! Looking forward to the next one as I hope that this part was not the last one.
Very nice but way too easy :-) Anyway, thank you a lot!
Finished it in one go. Thank you Bart for another marvellous game. I really enjoyed playing it!
Very Nice and great Game Congrats Bart!
Very nice, as always!
YAY a new Factory Balls!
Can't wait to play it! ;)
Love Factory Balls from Number 1! But yes, now it's almost like it's too easy. It would be nice to have an 'infinite' version, where it makes a random combination and you try to recreate it. Though that would be very drastic on my work ethic...
awesome! :D
Level 17 I reversed the red and orange and it still worked.
When I click on the 1 for level one, all I get is a blue background. I don't think that's supposed to happen.....
Thanks! Love this game!
Lvl 17 has an error, reversing the colours after completing the ball correctly. It still drops into the box.
Thank you Bart - waiting for the next one now ;-)
enjoyed very much
Awesome!!!!! This is just awesome
Wow...I just realized you only need to click the paint cans and items. All this time I was dragging stuff around. Were all the Factory Balls like this?
I love these games!
Glitch: I have 27 correct, but the ball won't fall in the box.. :/ I'll try once more.
Nope, not letting me finish 27. *sighhh*
Love it! No glitches, played right through. Challenging but not paralyzing.
@anonymous 1:56
Are you sure that you have it right? Maybe it's backwards.
Yay! Factory Balls 4 is finally here! Thanks, Bart!
Funny, I found this one much easier than the previous ones. Principally the ones where you had to grow/paint the grass ><
And I don't know if it was on purpose, but in the end, when we can create our own ball, we can color much more than just the ball. You can literally draw all over the screen, like paint ô_Ô
Anyway, it was still good playing it, I always enjoy playing Factory Balls, it's a good logic exercise.
I agree with vitormnt, this one was a lot easier than the others. I liked the idea of the paint, (I drew Queen F-B!!) but an eraser wouldv'e been infinitley helpful; I kept having to restart!
Excelente como siempre, es cierto que este es mucho mas fácil que los anteriores, especialmente con el césped y la regadera. Gracias Bart!
Hi! How about a color blind version (there a lot of players with this problem). You could use little dots,lines,... to mark the colors.
Excellent, Bart! Much joy to my evening!
I agree with Tea, you can never have too many Factory Balls. This one was easy, though.
I totally dig clicking the tools. Very nice for folks with trackpads.
Still, I could do these forever!
I agree it was too easy. You should reinstitute the notion where if you mess up you need to start over, like if you need white and you don't get a scraper/white vat. Speaking of which, what's the difference between those? :P
Nice game!!
Yahoo! Factory Balls 4! Let's play it!
Oh, wait... I finished it just a minute ago! D'OH! XD
However... GREEEEAAT GAME, Bart!! I love this series!!
Thanks Bart! Think this one is my favourite so far. Love your brilliant work. :)
Like, like, like it a lot!! Awesome game!
Helll Yeaaaaah!!! xD
it was so good! i had trouble getting through a couple levels, but it was challenging enough to keep my attention but easy enough to get through after a couple tries! WONDERFUL job Bart!!!
Thx dude.
Easier ? ... or am I getting better ?
Fun puzzle, but I was hoping for something a little more challenging. At least the last few could have been rather harder...
Thanks Bart. My family have all had a go at your game and we all love it. I guess I'll have to play agian because I didn't read the blurb saying just clicking is required. YIPPEE!
Woo! Great game Bart! Keep making these wonderful games! :)
Excellent game Bart!!
I'm stuck on level 11! HELP!!!!
Great game by the way, Bart. :-)
Error on L15 too?.. Have it right but won't drop in box..
Anon @ 19:38, that's the same problem I had with 27...
@ LIZ, yes, I'm SURE I got it right... :/ I did it three times, double, triple, and quadruple checked the pattern.. But it didn't work. ;-;
YES! It finally went! Now for the last three levels...
Your games are always fun, Bart. Thank you!
Best Factoryballs yet! :D
This games rocks!
Arf! I wanna draw a pokeball but it's too difficult to do it!!! lol xD
right now, scraper is just an alternate white paint.
devious modification: scraper removes ONE LEVEL of color
Thank you Bart!Had a nice time with your new game!Excellent idea to be able to click on the tools directly!We are all well trained now on factory balls, so give us a hard time...on No5!
it took me 20 levels into the fourth game to realize you don't have to drag the ball to the color or prop you can just press on it =]
For those having trouble with level 11... try doing the yellow and orange vertical stripes first.
If you're REALLY stuck on level 11...
Click yellow paint tin
Top half of the prongs
Orange paint tin
Bottom half of the prongs
Purple paint tin
Green paint tin
Remove all
Great game but really straight forward when you have abilities with space and 3D vision. Thanks Bart very challenging and my 6 years old daughter liked looking at me getting the right colors and shapes on the ball.
Great!!! Thanks for this new Factory Balls!! It's one of my favorites!!! I agree it was easy (well, level 11 took a bit longer, without help), but enjoyable anyway! More Factory Balls, please!! Maybe one of the next installments could be a special edition of levels made by players with a level editor...? ;-) I'd also like a new installment of... well, I like all your games, but for example... Full Moon... ;;;-)
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
This is not just a game. It's an institution. It's a phenomenon.
My nine-year-old son (who has played the other Balls games) was riveted to it from start to finish. He solved them all, without help, but that's because he has sharpened his wits by playing the previous versions.
Thanks, Bart!
Duckie said...
Love Factory Balls from Number 1! But yes, now it's almost like it's too easy. It would be nice to have an 'infinite' version, where it makes a random combination and you try to recreate it. Though that would be very drastic on my work ethic...
Yeah, that would be awesome!!
Honestly, the design of the ball really doesn't have to 'make sense' or be nice/pretty/whatever. As long as there's a challenge in recreating it, the game is great.
As vitormnt mentions, the grass and flowers were really great (because they were difficult).
Well, I often replay all of the Factory Balls. I simply just love the idea/concept.
I'm looking forward to Factory Balls 5 (or perhaps a Factory Balls Christmas 2 ;)).
a little bit too easy, but great^^
That looks great!
brilliant game finished in mins this one but like the new tools
@Bart hey you should do a free-run level (all colors & props) get people artistic sense on =]
could anybody give me a hand with how to do 27?? thanks
Finished. nice bonus. thx.
got it on my own. nice end!
the really epic intro music... am i the only one getting this every time i open it?
Yay I finished! I really liked this one. I love the factory balls series.
The easiest of the four, but still exttremely entertaining... Keep it up, Bart! :-)
thanks for again a great, no classic game.. keep up the great work!!
Oh such a great game! Can anybody tell me the name of the EPIC music? The music while playing!
I think that the level where you can get the colours the wrong way round isn't a glitch, it's just a recognition that you got the right idea but made a slip. Why make you do it all again with two colours reversed? It's like a couple of points in Portal 2 where you're allowed to fire the wrong colour portal and it still works.
The level(s) with the glitch where it *won't* accept the right pattern: is that one with thin vertical stripes? If so, you don't just need the right patten, but also the correct rotation, so try doing it the other way round. I do think that this is a bit of a glitch.
Really great game! It is in fact more simple to solve than the other ones but it's not disturbing the fun of playing it. And, this Factory Balls series is an educational project in itself. I'm playing all of these games again and again. THX
Love it as always...
Make more pleeeeease...
I love that I can just click the colors and the tools. It's so much easier than the drag-and-drop method. Keep up the good work Bart! I can't wait for the next your game!
I enjoy a lot all your games
Hooray another factory balls!! Easier, but that's goodish. And, I'm glad you didn't put in the growing stuff. Thanks Bart!
WOO! 100th comment! :)
I must say that level 11 was really hard for some reason, the rest were a piece of cake. There's always ONE level in game packs that's always harder than it should be. Lol good job, bart! Thanks!
Love Factory Balls, but just wasn't challenging.
Need Challenge!
By the way; I liked the clicking instead of dragging.
Please incorporate that in future Factory Balls. :)
Aweseome game!
And also a damn good backgrund-music ;) Does anybody know the name of it?
Factory Balls ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Bart!
I love your Factory Balls games, as always, but this one I found really easy - not sure if it's because it was easier than the other 3 or if I just got used to the puzzling style for this game-series.
Either way, I loved the game! Thanks for making it!
For anyone who can't beat Level 11:
Green Paint: 11
Orange Paint: 1
Yellow Paint: 3
Pink Paint: 5
Blender thing: 4 6 10 12
UD(Upside Down)Blender thing: 2 7 9 13
Belt: 8
Hope I helped!
Had a problem in level11 but finally got.I enjoyed the game it was a bit wookie.
I really enjoyed the game good job bart. But I liked how in previous games you could turn the balls into glass and put water/lights into them. I would like to see a future game that brings back these features.
I LOVE FACTORY BALLS!! Thanks so much for the great games! Keep up the good work! :)
The concept is really cool, but as a R/G colorblind individual, this got unnecessarily difficult really fast.
this is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice game Bart. I've finished the game!
I really know 6 years that I've went through from when I was 1.
There's a glitch in the game when you pass level 17. When you finish it with orange with red, then it switches off to red then orange.
Let's make a solution for the levels "11" and "27".
Level 11- yellow paint, top prong, orange paint, bottom prong, purple paint, horizontal belt, green paint, remove all.
Level 27- red paint top prong, blue paint, bottom prong, black paint, remove top prong, cap, white paint, remove cap, top prong, white paint, remove top prong, cap, black paint, remove all.
Who cares AJ. You don't seem to know that level 17 has an error, reversing the ball but it still falls into the box. It's weird, right?
This is Factory Balls, right? Well, aren't you supposed to figure out what's behind the ball, or just the front?
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