Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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October 09, 2011
hoshi saga dokuringo

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Oh and by the way: first! ;p
Thanks, Bart! Like these games!
stuck with the flowers,and clock the others were easy
passed the flowers...now with the clock .
can't figure out 9984
9984: "Think like a man"
9984 its easy..open the zipper then move the blue underwear
still need help with the clock. what numbers i need in the back?
Thanks !
figure 9984 finally
still stuck with the clock.. please help
should i point at 子?
Yay Bart! oh and by the way I love it that you said first thls time!! :)
Hi all, any hints on the clock and level 9986?
I don't get 9986?
if i don't pass the clock i will not get the rest.. did anyone else did it?
stuck on 9982 please help
9986: push it on the side not above it; so it drops
I'm currently stuck on 9983 (and 9991, of course!)
9982: at the left bottem -the second one has a green stuff on.click on the green
press the top blue bottton
and right green button
then click the ball twice
I allready figured that the clock is match to my windows clock on the computer...but i don't know what to do with it
has anyone already finished 9997 ?
anyone konws 9989?
(still stuck on the clock)
On the bottom left of the clock there's a white button that if you press it you can go behind the clock and change the time but even aligning it and clicking on the minute hand to drop the pointer doesn't work. that's all the progress I got
the clock:
it always faces 子 or 午
@liron: you can also change the time at the back, clicking "i"
9989:open the pot
9997: where its sais stage-click on the leeters;also at the bottom its sais Return click at the R
i know about the back of the clock- i said its match to the computer clock..what do i do with it?how can i get the star complete?
same as liron
9997: and then ? How to go on ?
when I click on "R" the rainbow is coloured but then ? Afterwards I mean ?
spell "star"
9997: S T A R (S T A fron the wors stage, the R from Return)
ah i finally got it thanks :)
Walkthrough PLease!!!!
and you can find the star
10000 clicks,omg.
okay, 9986 anyone??
Thanks JMan, finally got the clock.
sorry, i meant 9988..
Yep, spoiler tags work.
9988: The pale domino is very slippery...
Stage 9995: More arrows show up on the top to help you out as you keep clicking. It's a matter of herding your arrows into and out of the pentagon as you get close to your number.
please help me with 9988!!!
I still dont get the clock
embarrassing, can't get past first puzzle :o( hoping it's an error and not me ;oD
doh, it was me :oD
Help! Stuck at level 9979.
Here the solution for 9991
@vitule: Hint
the clock:
And btw is there any simplification for 9996 or do I really need to stop at exactly 10 seconds?
stage 10000 is crazy.
umm.. How do u solve 9986? :3 I still can't seem to figure out where to place the block..
Give up on 10000. At a certain point I don't seem able to do more damage to the boss.
Difficult puzzles this time, once again wasted an hour of my life :)
You mentioned an interview with Minoto, but since you said that we haven't seen any Minoto games or the interview?
Could you enlighten us please?
On 9986 the box wont fall or open or do what it is supposed to do, can that be a bug or do i place it wrong?
I'm having the same problem with 9986. Using Chrome,
I did every level without problems except for 10000 with Chrome, but to be honest I didn't really tried to beat 10000 ;)
who's going to keep pressing that
pantagon 12345 times? that's nuts!
the title of the game "hoshi saga dokuringo" means hoshi saga poison apple:D
just saying.
Did anyone else notice these are all variations on old Hoshi Saga levels or am I missing something?
need help at 9982 !!
was really excited for this game but level 10000 was too difficult and the fun was sucked out of it
Can't even get past the first level! Help!
Dear Anonymous: "who's going to keep pressing that pantagon 12345 times?"
It is not so hard if you use all of the mouse cursors. Take them with you in the pentagon. But don't forget to take them out when you get close to 12345.
Drag the wall with the japanese lettering on it to the right, then click the box.
Drag the third diamond from the left up into the ceiling.
Click on the front and back walls, then click at the back until a man falls down
Click on the woman's navel to reveal a... remote? Yeah, that's a remote. Click all five buttons to reveal the star.
Click the screen rapidly until the mountain reaches at least a little above the moon.(keep clicking to see the yukai zone)
Drag the screen in the way you want it to move, the star is above the treetops, straight up from where you started
Click the bottom right corner until it is at the lowest place possible, then click the one above it until you see a green square on the bottom of it. Click the green square to reveal the star.
Drag the zipper down, then drag the undershirt up, then drag the underwear down.
Drag the cube until its side can land to finish the star.
Clicking causes three blocks to fall. Finish the picture, then drag down the wave
The oddly colored domino has the power to slide, so put the last two towards the end, and then the slider will do the rest.
Just keep rubbing, it'll pop up eventually.
Turn the box so that it's arrow faces downward, the star'll come out eventually.
Click the little 'I' in the corner, and while it's flipping, click the background image and drag it up.
Click the small circle in the upper right corner.
Just click very rapidly.(any fan of ginormo sword should have no problem with this)
Click and move your cursor over her right breast.
Click the four corners to remove the screws. Click the pentagon in the center and more cursors will appear in the top row, these work like a cursor trail(i.e. they follow your cursors movements). If there are more cursors on the pentagon, their clicks count as well.I is the ones place, II is the tens place, III is the hundreds place, IV is the thousands place, V is the ten thousands place. The total amount of clicks you need is 12345.
Go to another tab after clicking start, when you feel it's been ten seconds, go to the game. The reason this is the solution is because it still makes the star, but if you aren't looking at the game, the star doesn't become invisible.
Click the "S" in stage(upper left corner), then the "T", then the "A", then the "R" in Return(bottom right corner).
Grab the knot of the bow, then pull down.
Click the screws in the bottom right and upper left corners, then click the ball.
Sorry, but you're just gonna have to follow the star with your eyes.
Drag the screen to the right(as in, move to the left), and click on the candle.
What's the sudden obsession with naked women on this game?
In 9979 I'm clicking the daylights out of the womans navel but can't seem to find the "remote"......
how do i stop the multiple arrows in #9995 ?
i stil can't get 9986. please can someone help??
here's a hint, click "below" ...
never mind, got it...
never mind... im in the final levl!! did YOU pass the boss?
All the other games before this were great, but this one had to many naked women
ARGH! I still can't get 9986 and 9993. Help please.
Level 1000 is infuriating. Can get past the first 2 firings from the boss, but those dang circles shots!!
Finally got 9986.
Drag the cube onto the LIGHT blue square in the upper left corner.
(The side of the cube will fall onto the DARK blue square, thus completing the star...)
If you mouse over the 10 star rating of the last level, the arrow mouse turns into one of those pointer fingers that means you can click on it. what does that mean? I left clicked, said download video as an option.
Yes!! Finally defeated stage 10000 lol.. made me insane..
u can choose to play with 10 or 5 stars at stage 10(use alternative links)
If u want to reduce the health as quick as u can, u need to shoot as close as u can, so timing is everything.. also the tip of the blue ship(the one we control) can touch the boss ship ;)
I didn't use my mouse though, i used my laptop cursor pad and tablet pen..
Why did Silenium post another walkthrough? There was already one posted prior to.
Probably because the one before was in separate comments/posts? :)
You guys should check the walkthrough at Jayisgames, I followed the tricks they used to defeat stage 10000 :)
Level 9996 is way to hard. I've been stuck on that one for 15 minutes.
URGH! I can't get 9993 or 9996. The walkthroughs were helpful for most of the levels. I'm just stuck on those. Can anybody offer anymore help with those?
Anon 22:18....9993 click as fast as you can and a star will form from the bottom up...9996 click the arrow (play button) count ten seconds on the nose and click the square (stop button) or use a timer or whatever you have clock etc.
But... but I thought that Hoshi Saga Ringohime was the last one...?
Anyways, great game!
Ooohh gosh, I didn't think that it would be this hard. I'm stuck on virtually ALL of them. XD
NNNNNYYYYEEEERRRGGGGHH!!!!!!! I QUIT!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! D: (something else I'd like to bring up, has anyone else noticed that many of the levels are similar to past levels?)
Really enjoyed this (apart from 9995 and 10000, the latter of which I didn't finish – I like puzzle games for a reason, lol)! @Queen Fume-Boo: Yes, the level illustrations are all taken from previous leves ;)
Given up on the last level; it's driving me nuts that I keep getting kicked out :-(
I'm sorry. 9995 was ridiculous. No fun at all. Hey Bart, please tell Hoshi to leave the naked women out and don't be stupid with over 1000 clicks just to solve one puzzle. Very disappointed!
hover here for the spoiler
WOO! I finally got 9996! I had to count to 11 to get it to work though. Now I just need to get 9993 so I can get all of the extra levels. I just hope that I can click fast enough. :)
I'll have to come back to that last level. I couldn't take the aggravation. I also think my mouse is broken now after all that clicking. (Just kidding). But wow, this was kind of an annoying game. I still liked it. Just too much clicking. ugh.
And, still can't get the hovering thing to work.
I enjoyed this until the final level. Not fond of games that make it nearly impossible to win (and/or increase the difficulty the better you do initially). Thanks though :)
What is with this guy and women!??!!?!
We have some crazy people in this world, don't we?
oh and by the way
Last puzzle. I managed the shots, the lasers out of the stars' corners, the rings, the one-time laser shots into my direction and am now stuck on the laser rain. Any ideas how to beat this level??
Yeah, just beat stage 10000 (the 5 stars version)
......and the 10 stars version with an more sexist ending ;)
Yes, pretty good. Couple of hard ones and some that took far too many clicks (9993 and 9995 would be so much easier if you had one of those auto-repeat gaming mouses). Offset by some far too easy.
On balance, pretty good. Except the last level. If I wanted space invaders I know where to find it.
Boouh!! I wanted to be the one hundredth comment x(
And this hoshisaga dokuringo is funny because it's a pervert one!! hahaha
But it's a special boy version! Where is the one for the girls? xD
Stage 10000 is very difficult
but great game
I'm disappointed how there are naked women in this game. I usually like hoshi saga games, but this time I will pass. Hopefully his next games will not be so insulting to women.
Hoshi did some levels similar to older challenges but with a twist so it makes it even harder
URGH! I can't click fast enough to get past level 9993!
I just found a video walkthrough for this game. I don't think that I have the skills to finish this one.
i dont know if anyone said it yet, but on level 10000, you can leave the screen one side and reappear on the other. also, after you fail a couple of times, eventually a speech bubble will appear on on the level menu. click it. then youll have a blue bar at the bottom. thats your sheild. click to use it. cant shoot with a shield.
EXTRA Levels?!
You've gotta be kidding me.
THANK YOU ANON: 10/10/11 20:21
^ ^
Oh wow, that was too much clicking for my poor netbook. I consoled myself by watching the youtube walkthrough vid.
I don't mind playing click games, but I like the ones where there's a minimum to shoot for better.
Then I don't break my computer.
Boy was that last stage a challenge!
I survive the laser rain by doing this. I can make little to no offensive progress during this stage, but I can survive it to get to the next.
What kept getting me was the endgame. The first several times, it came so quick that I always had my cursor ship in the wrong place and died instantly. Once I learned to anticipate that, it was a challenge to survive until the ship started to explode, then downright impossible--so I started doing this .
Hey Jenn, thanks for the tips. I will try that. I hadn't even used the shield yet (didn't know how - duh @ me). Maybe I should watch the youtube vid as well to see what's coming up. Good luck for finishing it!
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